Progressive Change Campaign Committee

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Progressive Change Campaign Committee
PCCC logo.jpg
Basic facts
Location:Washington, D.C.
Founder(s):Adam Green and Stephanie Taylor
Year founded:2009
Website:Official website

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is a Washington, D.C.-based organization that, according to its website, "is a million-member grassroots organization building power at the local, state, and federal levels."[1] The group makes endorsements and supports its candidates with resources.


In July 2018, the organization had the following mission statement:[1]

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC, is a million-member grassroots organization building power at the local, state, and federal levels. It engages in electoral work and issue advocacy work on democracy issues and for economic populist priorities. The PCCC has raised over $26 million online in grassroots donations for its electoral and advocacy work, and directly for progressive candidates and committees.[2]

Political activity


Endorsed candidates

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee endorsed the following candidates during the 2018 election cycle:[3]

Other involvement

The group opposed candidates endorsed by the New Democratic Coalition (NDC).

In California’s 45th District, the PCCC ran digital ads against NDC-endorsed Dave Min. The ads called Min a “bad Dem” because he opposed universal health care. PCCC co-founder Adam Green said the ads were part of a "larger campaign to make the New Dem brand radioactive and make sure politicians don’t unwittingly sign up to be a tool of big insurance and Wall Street banks.”

Noteworthy events

DCCC blacklist

On March 22, 2019, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) announced that it would no longer do business with firms who also worked with primary challengers to Democratic U.S. House members and encouraged House members' campaigns to do the same.[4]

In an interview with National Journal, Rep. James Clyburn (D) praised the policy change. He argued that the existing policy had been unfair because it meant that the DCCC was providing funds to firms who were working to oppose the re-election of dues-paying House Democrats. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) criticized the policy on Twitter, calling it "extremely divisive & harmful to the party". She urged supporters to halt donations to the DCCC and give directly to candidates instead.[5]

Following the announcement, influencer groups opposed to the decision, including Justice Democrats, Democracy for America, and Our Revolution, launched DCCC Blacklist. The website's purpose is "to fight back and provide potential primary challengers with a database of go-to vendors, organizations, and consultants who will continue to support efforts to usher in a new generation of leaders into the Democratic Party."[6]

On March 9, 2021, the chairman of the DCCC, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D), reversed the policy. "This policy change means that the only criteria for a vendor to be listed in the directory are our standards for fair business practices," said Chris Taylor, a spokesman for Maloney.[7]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Progressive Change Campaign Committee. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

External links
