Oregon Voter Approval for New Tolls Initiative (2026)

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Oregon Require Voter Approval for Highway Fees or Tolls Amendment
Flag of Oregon.png
Election date
November 3, 2026
Transportation and Direct democracy measures
Cleared for signature gathering
Constitutional amendment

The Oregon Voter Approval for New Tolls Initiative may appear on the ballot in Oregon as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 3, 2026.

The initiative would require voter approval of new highway fees or tolls by each county with a border within a 15-mile radius of the highway.[1][2]

Text of measure

Full text

  • The full text of the measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing the initiative process in Oregon

The state process

In Oregon, the number of signatures required to qualify an initiated constitutional amendment for the ballot is equal to 8 percent of the votes cast for governor in the most recent gubernatorial election. Signatures for Oregon initiatives must be submitted four months prior to the next regular general election. State law also requires paid signature gatherers to submit any signatures they gather every month.

Moreover, Oregon is one of several states that require a certain number of signatures to accompany an initiative petition application. The signatures of at least 1,000 electors are required to trigger a review by state officials, a period of public commentary, and the drafting of a ballot title. Prior to gathering these initial 1,000 signatures, petitioners must submit the text of the measure, a form disclosing their planned use of paid circulators, and a form designating up to three chief petitioners.

The requirements to get an initiated constitutional amendment certified for the 2026 ballot:

In Oregon, signatures are verified using a random sample method. If a first round of signatures is submitted at least 165 days before an election and contains raw, unverified signatures at least equal to the minimum requirement, but verification shows that not enough of the submitted signatures are valid, additional signatures can be submitted prior to the final deadline.

Details about this initiative

  • The initiative was filed on April 16, 2024.[2]
  • The initiative was approved to circulate on August 22, 2024.[2]

See also

  • Ballot measure lawsuits
  • Ballot measure readability
  • Ballot measure polls
  • Ballot measure signature costs

External links
