November 5, 2019 ballot measures in New Mexico

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Ballotpedia covered 16 measures on the ballot for Albuquerque voters in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on November 5, 2019. Voters approved 15 ballot measures and rejected one ballot measure.

  • Proposition 2 would have made Albuquerque the second jurisdiction in the U.S. (after Seattle) to adopt government-disbursed vouchers, known as democracy dollars, that voters could contribute to candidates. Proposition 2 was defeated.
  • In 2019, Ballotpedia covered local measures that appear on the ballot for voters within the top 100 largest cities in the U.S. Ballotpedia also covered all local measures in North Carolina, all local measures in California, and all statewide ballot measures. Ballotpedia's 2019 local ballot measure coverage includes Albuquerque, New Mexico.


    See also: Bernalillo County, New Mexico ballot measures

    Proposition 1: Albuquerque Changes to Candidate Public Financing Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of making changes to the city's public financing program for candidates, including:
    • increasing the amount of seed money that a candidate can get from one person from $100 to $250;
    • increasing the amount of seed money that a candidate can give himself or herself from $500 to $2,500;
    • increasing the public funds for participating mayoral candidates from $1.00 to $1.75 per registered city voter; and
    • increasing the public funds for participating mayoral candidates in run-off elections from $0.33 to $0.60 per registered city voter.
    A no vote was a vote against this measure, thereby keeping the existing public financing laws.

    Proposition 2: Albuquerque Democracy Dollars Program Defeatedd

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of creating a program called Democracy Dollars that would provide eligible city residents with $25 vouchers that they can give to a participating candidate.
    A no vote was a vote against creating a program called Democracy Dollars.

    Albuquerque Municipal School District Continuation of Property Tax Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of continuing the property tax of $2.00 per each $1,000.00 of net taxable value of property for school facilities and education technology improvements.
    A no vote was a vote against this measure, thereby discontinuing the property tax.

    Albuquerque Municipal School District School Facilities and Equipment Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $100 million in general obligation bonds for school buildings, school grounds, computer software and hardware, and to providing matching funds for capital outlay projects.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $100 million in general obligation bonds for school buildings, school grounds, computer software and hardware, and to providing matching funds for capital outlay projects.

    Albuquerque Affordable Housing Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $5.05 million in general obligation bonds for the construction and rehabilitation of low- and medium-income affordable housing.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $5.05 million in general obligation bonds for the construction and rehabilitation of low- and medium-income affordable housing.

    Albuquerque Community Centers and Projects Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $21.705 million in general obligation bonds for city-owned community centers and projects.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $21.705 million in general obligation bonds for city-owned community centers and projects.

    Albuquerque Continuation of Gross Receipts Tax for Transportation Infrastructure Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of renewing a 0.25 percent gross receipts tax that is dedicated to road infrastructure, transit, and trails.
    A no vote was a vote against this measure, thereby ending the gross receipts tax for road infrastructure, transit, and trails.

    Albuquerque Metropolitan Redevelopment Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $8.08 million in general obligation bonds for Metropolitan Redevelopment Projects.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $8.08 million in general obligation bonds for Metropolitan Redevelopment Projects.

    Albuquerque Museums and Cultural Facilities Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $1.79 million in general obligation bonds for improvements to city-owned museums and cultural facilities.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $1.79 million in general obligation bonds for improvements to city-owned museums and cultural facilities.

    Albuquerque Parks and Recreational Facilities Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $16.83 million in general obligation bonds for parks and recreational facilities.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $16.83 million in general obligation bonds for parks and recreational facilities.

    Albuquerque Police and Fire Department Facilities Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $8.59 million in general obligation bonds for police and fire department facilities.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $8.59 million in general obligation bonds for police and fire department facilities.

    Albuquerque Public Facilities and Systems Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $10.42 million in general obligation bonds for projects related to modernizing public facilities, buildings, and systems.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $10.42 million in general obligation bonds for projects related to modernizing public facilities, buildings, and systems.

    Albuquerque Public Libraries Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $8.765 million in general obligation bonds for constructing, renovating, and modernizing public libraries.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $8.765 million in general obligation bonds for constructing, renovating, and modernizing public libraries.

    Albuquerque Sewer System Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $11.21 million in general obligation bonds for improvements to the storm sewer system.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $11.21 million in general obligation bonds for improvements to the storm sewer system.

    Albuquerque Transportation Infrastructure Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $32.93 million in general obligation bonds for municipal streets and roads, interstate roadways and interchanges, medians, trails, bikeways, walkways, sidewalks, railroad crossings, and bridges.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $32.93 million in general obligation bonds for municipal streets and roads, interstate roadways and interchanges, medians, trails, bikeways, walkways, sidewalks, railroad crossings, and bridges.

    Central New Mexico Community College Buildings and Equipment Bond Measure Approveda

    A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing $84 million in general obligation bonds for buildings and utility facilities, computer hardware and software, and other real property improvements.
    A no vote was a vote against authorizing $84 million in general obligation bonds for buildings and utility facilities, computer hardware and software, and other real property improvements.

    Other races on the ballot

    The city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, held general elections for city council districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 on November 5, 2019.

    Click here to learn more about the city's elections in 2019.

    See also