1992 ballot measures
1992 State Ballot Measures | |
1993 »
« 1991
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Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
187 ballot questions were on statewide ballots in 1992.
By state
See also: Alabama 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Forests & Parks | Concering the acquisition and preservation of "unique land and water areas" | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Education | Concerning the Pell City Board of Education |
See also: Alaska 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ConCon | Convention Question Question | Con Con | Calls for a constitutional convention |
See also: Arizona 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 100 | Executive officials; Electoral systems; Elections | Repeal run-off requirement for state executive elections |
927,913 (67%) |
455,712 (33%) |
Proposition 101 | Executive officials; Term limits | Increase the term length for the person elected State Mine Inspector from two years to four years |
745,091 (55%) |
615,306 (45%) |
Proposition 102 | Natural resources; Property | Provide for the authorization of the state to exchange state trust land for public or private land of equal or greater value |
631,737 (47%) |
720,650 (53%) |
Proposition 103 | Death penalty | Require defendants sentenced to death be executed by lethal injection and allow those sentenced prior to choose between lethal gas or lethal injection |
1,040,535 (77%) |
314,919 (23%) |
Proposition 104 | Local government; Budgets; Elections | Allow local governments to seek voter approval of the jurisdiction's base spending limit at regular general elections and municipal elections every two years |
732,030 (55%) |
601,700 (45%) |
Proposition 105 | Local government | Provide for the authorization of counties with a population of more than 500,000 people to vote to establish a charter form of self-government |
701,063 (54%) |
590,818 (46%) |
Proposition 106 | Education; Budgets | Allow school districts to increase their debt limits, with voter approval, from 15% to 20% of the district's taxable property value |
481,854 (36%) |
874,163 (64%) |
Proposition 107 | Legislature; Federal issues; Executive officials; Term limits | Adopt term limits for U.S. senators and representatives, state executive officials, and state legislators |
1,026,830 (74%) |
356,799 (26%) |
Proposition 108 | Legislature; Taxes; Supermajority | Require a two-thirds vote of the legislation to pass legislation that increases state revenue through taxes |
975,191 (72%) |
381,777 (28%) |
Proposition 109 | Judiciary | Provide for the increase of public participation in the process for appointing supreme court justices |
738,655 (58%) |
537,475 (42%) |
Proposition 110 | Abortion | Prohibit state funds being used for abortion and prohibit abortion except in cases of rape or incest, or to save the life of the pregnant woman |
447,654 (31%) |
975,251 (69%) |
Proposition 200 | Animals | Provide for the ban of the use of certain traps, devices, poisons, and other substances for taking wildlife on public lands |
545,977 (38%) |
889,722 (62%) |
Proposition 300 | Administration; Culture | Establish Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Day as a state holiday |
880,488 (61%) |
555,189 (39%) |
Proposition 301 | Administration; Salaries | Provide for the increase in legislative salaries from $15,000 per year to $19,748 per year |
488,271 (35%) |
911,025 (65%) |
See also: Arkansas 1992 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 1 | Gov't Finances | Abolishes public relations funds | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 2 | Taxes | Exempts various household belongings from property taxation | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 3 | Admin of gov't | Relates to city and county libraries | |
CICA | Proposed Amendment 4 | Term limits | Relates to term limits of Arkansas politicians |
See also: California 1992 ballot propositions
June 2, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 152 | Education; Bonds | Allow the state legislature to issue $1.9 billion in bonds to fund the construction or improvement of California's public schools. |
3,119,441 (53%) |
2,774,699 (47%) |
Proposition 153 | Education; Bonds | Allow $900 million in bonds to fund the construction or improvement of California's public college and university facilities. |
2,967,657 (51%) |
2,869,403 (49%) |
Proposition 154 | Taxes | Allow renters defined as low-income who purchased a home that he or she occupied as a renter to postpone payment of increased property taxes due to reappraisal |
2,291,637 (40%) |
3,465,378 (60%) |
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 155 | Education; Bonds | Allow for bonds up to $900,000,000 for school construction and improvement and establish the terms of such bonds. |
5,440,084 (52%) |
5,061,978 (48%) |
Proposition 156 | Transportation; Bonds | Allow for the issuance of bonds up to $1,000,000,000 for transportation improvements and establish the terms of such bonds. |
4,910,982 (48%) |
5,296,753 (52%) |
Proposition 157 | Transportation | Ban the collection of tolls on roads owned by the state and leased to a private entity after tolls had been collected for 35 years or upon expiration of the lease. |
2,850,426 (28%) |
7,272,907 (72%) |
Proposition 158 | Executive officials | Amend the constitution to create the Office of California Analyst to replace the Legislative Analyst. |
3,901,046 (40%) |
5,882,438 (60%) |
Proposition 159 | Executive officials | Establish the Auditor General is a constitutional office and establish procedures for the hiring and duties of the Auditor General. |
3,970,906 (41%) |
5,705,058 (59%) |
Proposition 160 | Taxes; Veterans | Allow the California State Legislature to expand the state's disabled veterans' property tax exemption. |
5,288,765 (53%) |
4,692,732 (47%) |
Proposition 161 | Assisted death | Allow mentally competent adults to instruct their physicians in writing to provide aid-in-dying. |
4,863,478 (46%) |
5,739,918 (54%) |
Proposition 162 | Pension | Give the board of a public employee retirement system the sole ability to make decisions over the system and prohibit making changes to the board without voter approval. |
5,066,530 (51%) |
4,867,681 (49%) |
Proposition 163 | Taxes; Food and agriculture | Establish that certain foods are not to be taxed. |
6,967,009 (67%) |
3,491,372 (33%) |
Proposition 164 | Term limits | Establish term limits for members of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate based on years of service. |
6,578,637 (64%) |
3,769,511 (36%) |
Proposition 165 | Budgets; Welfare | Allow the governor to declare a "fiscal emergency", make changes to the automatic cost of living adjustments for certain welfare programs, and allow counties to set general welfare assistance. |
4,869,305 (47%) |
5,577,061 (53%) |
Proposition 166 | Healthcare; Business | Require employers to provide health insurance to employees |
3,255,302 (31%) |
7,310,637 (69%) |
Proposition 167 | Taxes | Increase the tax for certain taxpayers, corporations, insurers, banks, and corporations and impose a new oil severance tax. |
4,293,460 (41%) |
6,136,895 (59%) |
See also: Colorado 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 10 | Prohibit the use of dogs or bait to hunt black bears and prohibit black bear hunting between March 1 and September 1. |
1,054,032 (70%) |
458,260 (30%) |
Amendment 1 | Require government approval for tax increases and debt increases. |
812,308 (54%) |
700,906 (46%) |
Amendment 2 | Provide that laws or regulations giving protected status to "homosexual, lesbian or bisexual orientation, conduct, practices or relationships" are unenforceable and unconstitutional |
813,966 (53%) |
710,151 (47%) |
Amendment 3 | Allow limited gambling in certain western and southern cities and counties if approved by voters and establish provisions for such gambling. |
448,779 (30%) |
1,060,168 (70%) |
Amendment 4 | Allow limited gambling in certain eastern and southern cities and counties if approved by voters and establish provisions for such gambling. |
414,699 (28%) |
1,087,136 (72%) |
Amendment 5 | Permit limited gambling in Parachute and establish the terms for such. |
414,489 (28%) |
1,087,713 (72%) |
Amendment 6 | Establish procedures for maintaining educational standards, require periodic administrative audits, increase the sales and use tax with revenue from the increase dedicated to public schools, and recreate the Colorado Achievement "COACH" Commission. |
693,231 (46%) |
826,787 (54%) |
Amendment 7 | Establish a state-funded voucher program, providing vouchers to parents of students aged 5 to 21 for public, private, or home schooling |
503,162 (33%) |
1,011,901 (67%) |
Amendment 8 | Dedicate a portion of funds from all state-supervised lotteries to establish that a program and trust fund be used to manage wildlife and natural areas. |
876,424 (58%) |
629,490 (42%) |
Amendment 9 | Authorize limited gambling in certain portions of Denver and prohibit the expansion of limited gambling in other areas. |
292,961 (20%) |
1,200,336 (80%) |
Referendum A | Establish that victims of crimes shall have the right to be informed and present at all critical stages of the justice process. |
1,139,427 (80%) |
281,731 (20%) |
Referendum B | Repeal obsolete constitutional provisions. |
1,081,463 (78%) |
304,718 (22%) |
Referendum C | Require voter approval for limited gambling in a political subdivision and require four years before another vote if the initial vote does not pass. |
1,075,649 (76%) |
339,521 (24%) |
See also: Connecticut 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Elections and Campaigns | Procedures for Absentee Admission | |
LRCA | Question 2 | State Spending | A Limit on State Expenditures |
See also: Florida 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 10 | Limit homestead property valuations for ad valorem tax purposes increases to a maximum of 3% per year |
2,493,761 (54%) |
2,154,752 (46%) |
Amendment 1 | Allow for the suspension or delay of an election if there is a state of emergency or impending state of emergency |
3,369,434 (72%) |
1,337,289 (28%) |
Amendment 2 | Allow public access to records and meetings of government entities, with certain exceptions prescribed by the legislature |
3,883,637 (83%) |
793,232 (17%) |
Amendment 3 | Allow counties and municipalities to issue ad valorem tax exemptions on historic properties |
2,908,745 (62%) |
1,752,490 (38%) |
Amendment 4 | Change the state budget and planning processes |
3,815,563 (83%) |
796,463 (17%) |
Amendment 5 | Require that the Legislature establish a Taxpayers' Bill of Rights that establishes taxpayers' rights and responsibilities and government's responsibilities to deal fairly with taxpayers |
4,258,446 (90%) |
472,325 (10%) |
Amendment 6 | Allow counties and municipalities to levy a one-cent sales tax, if approved by local voters, for local government services |
1,886,498 (40%) |
2,824,460 (60%) |
Amendment 8 | Continue indefinitely the use of gross receipts taxes for constructing educational facilities of the state public education system, continue indefinitely to use some motor vehicle license taxes for constructing public schools and community colleges, and remove certain restrictions on education bond refunding |
3,089,058 (68%) |
1,461,435 (32%) |
Amendment 9 | Establish that those who have held the same elective office for the preceding eight years may not appear on the ballot for re-election to that office and apply the limitation to the offices of Florida Representative and Senator, Lieutenant Governor, Florida Cabinet, and U. S. Senator and Representative |
3,625,517 (77%) |
1,097,133 (23%) |
See also: Georgia 1992 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Lottery | Provides for the operation and regulation of a state lottery | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Elections | Provides that local boards of education be elected and local school superintendents be appointed | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Gov't Finances | Provides for the dedication of funds from specified sources into the Indigent Care Trust Fund | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Local Gov't | Provides for state loans for regional solid waste and solid waste recycling facilities | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Gov't Finances | Creates a Transportation Trust Fund | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Business Reg | Authorizes the general assembly to regulate heavy equipment and motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors and dealers | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Taxes | Provides that heavy equipment owned and operated by nonresidents be classified as a separate class of property | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Elections | Provides that constitutional amendments concerning only a specific county or municipality be eligible for repeal |
See also: Hawaii 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Redistricting | Redistricting commission must be constituted on or before May 1 | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Admin of gov't | Oath of office | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Admin of gov't | Elimination of holdover senators | |
LRCA | Question 4 | Redistricting | Establishing a base for reapportionment |
See also: Idaho 1992 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | HJR 4 | Gambling | Clarifies Idaho's policy on casino gambling | |
CISS | INIT 1 | Taxes | Limits property tax rate to 1% of assessed value of the taxable property |
See also: Illinois 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Law enforcement | Grants various rights to crime victims | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Education | Mandates "equality of educational opportunity" |
See also: Iowa 1992 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Constitutional Rights | Provides for equal rights to men and women under the law | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Dueling | Makes it possible for persons who had participated in a duel to be eligible for elected office |
See also: Kentucky 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gambling | Allow charities to run lotteries | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Governor | Allow the Governor of Kentucky and other state officers to serve two consecutive terms | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of gov't | Have the Commissioner of Agriculture, State Treasurer, and Secretary of State be appointed rather than elected |
See also: Louisiana 1992 ballot measures
October 3, 1992 Primary Election
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Concerning property tax exemptions | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Concerning a tax exemption on mobile homes | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Education | Concerning the Board of Regents | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Admin of Gov't | Concerning the effective date of laws | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Property | Concerning land ownership in Terrebonne Parish |
November 3, 1992 General Election
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Finances | Concerning investment of education funds | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Gov't Finances | Concerning investment of public funds | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Con Convention | Concerning the authority to call a constitutional convention | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Gov't Finances | Concerning the use of lottery funds | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Education | Concerning the makeup of the board of education | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Judiciary | Concerning the jurisdiction of family courts |
See also: Maine 1992 ballot measures
June 9
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 Part A | Development | Issues $37 million bond for municipal infrastructure job projects | |
BI | Question 1 Part B | Bond issues | Issues $42 million bond for capital improvement of transportation facilities |
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Environment | Issues $10 million in bonds to purchasing recycling equipment and facilities and to close municipal solid waste landfills | |
BI | Question 2 | Transportation | Issues $6 million in bonds to help municipalities pay for the repair and improvement of port facilities | |
BI | Question 3 | Labor | Issues $8 million in bonds for state facilities to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards | |
BI | Question 4 | Water | Issues $12 million in bonds for the construction of water pollution control facilities | |
BI | Question 5 | Education | Issues $9,984,000 in bonds to pay for the tuition of 3,000 unemployed Maine citizens enrolled as full-time students at technical colleges | |
BI | Question 6 | Transportation | Issues $3 million in bonds for the acquisition of certain rail lines to continue of rail services in Piscataquis, Penobscot and Waldo counties | |
LRCA | Question 7 | Legislature | Allows for deputies to temprorily fill vacancies in offices of state treasurer and secretary of state | |
LRCA | Question 8 | Gov't Finances | Prohibits diversion of revenues from the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife | |
LRCA | Question 9 | Gov't Finances | Requires state to fund any mandates it imposed upon municipalities |
See also: Maryland 1992 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Trials | Provides that civil trials are entitled to a jury of at least six jurors | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Trials | Provides that civil trials are entitled to a jury of at least six jurors | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Trials | Provides that the right to a jury trial in civil cases apply only when the amount in controversy exceeds $5,000 | |
LRCA | Question 4 | Trials | Provides that the right to a jury trial in civil cases apply only when the amount in controversy exceeds $5,000 | |
LRCA | Question 5 | Local gov't | Increases the amount of time a charter board has to prepare a charter | |
VR | Question 6 | Abortion | Revises Maryland's abortion laws to prohibit state interference with a woman's decision before fetus is viable |
See also: Massachusetts 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Provide for a new excise tax on cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to fund health programs relating to tobacco use |
1,429,642 (54%) |
1,200,438 (46%) |
Question 2 | Provide for the disclosure of information pertaining to certain corporate taxes and state tax expenditures |
1,372,192 (56%) |
1,099,585 (44%) |
Question 3 | Establish requirements for the recyclability of packaging |
1,071,219 (41%) |
1,556,298 (59%) |
Question 4 | Establish an excise tax on oil, toxic chemicals, and other hazardous substances and use the funds to assess and clean up contaminated sites |
1,051,046 (41%) |
1,485,451 (59%) |
See also: Michigan 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Ballot Proposal A | Limit increases to homestead property tax assessments and establish tax limitations for different property classifications |
1,433,354 (38%) |
2,384,777 (62%) |
Ballot Proposal B | Establish term limits for certain offices |
2,295,904 (59%) |
1,613,404 (41%) |
Ballot Proposal C | Exempt portions of school property from taxation and limit increases on property tax assessments |
1,552,119 (41%) |
2,276,360 (59%) |
Ballot Proposal D | Amend auto insurance laws |
1,482,577 (37%) |
2,480,032 (63%) |
See also: Mississippi 1992 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Lottery | Proposes repeal the ban on lotteries | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Judiciary | Proposes to remove the requirement that there be 20 circuit and 20 chancery districts | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | State Exec Gov't Salaries | Proposes that anyone filling in for the governor shall be paid the same as the governor | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Property | Proposes to repeal the restrictions on devising property to nonprofits | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Statehood | Proposes to allow access to natural resources found on sixteenth section lands | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Term Limits | Proposes that the lieutenant governor shall not serve more than two consecutive terms | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes to revise the grounds on which an elected official may be dismissed | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Direct democracy | Proposes that amendments to the constitution may be proposed by voters |
See also: Missouri 1992 ballot measures
August 4, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 11 | Education; Lottery | Require that all net state lottery and gaming proceeds be used exclusively for public education, exclude them from total state revenues under Article 10, and require a change in procedure for ticket sales to be changed by law |
818,879 (78%) |
233,408 (22%) |
Amendment 5 | Bonds | Permit local governments and school districts, with voter approval, to increase bonded indebtedness by 5% of taxable property value for earthquake-resistant public building upgrades |
454,832 (43%) |
597,647 (57%) |
Amendment 7 | Taxes | Increase the maximum property tax rate school districts can adopt without a vote and increase the maximum property tax rate with a simple majority approval; and, raise the authorized rate from $1.25 to $2.00 per $100 assessed valuation |
345,315 (33%) |
712,838 (67%) |
Amendment 8 | Taxes; Transportation | Reallocate 5% of new motor fuel tax revenues from state road projects to counties and the City of St. Louis |
532,472 (51%) |
506,998 (49%) |
Amendment 9 | Business; Taxes | Limit commercial property surcharge levies to 1992 levels with inflation and construction adjustments |
453,771 (46%) |
522,541 (54%) |
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 10 | Local government; Bonds | Require a four-sevenths majority for all bond issue elections in St. Louis |
786,231 (39%) |
1,207,497 (61%) |
Amendment 12 | Legislature; Term limits | Limit individuals to eight years in either the Missouri House or Senate, or a total of sixteen years in both, excluding service prior to the amendment's effective date |
1,610,311 (75%) |
535,562 (25%) |
Amendment 13 | Term limits | Limit Missouri’s U.S. senators to two terms and representatives to four terms, effective only if half of the states enact similar limits, with an expectation of voluntary compliance if found invalid |
1,590,552 (74%) |
558,299 (26%) |
Amendment 1 | Legislature; Taxes | Require a four sevenths majority vote to approve certain tax increases at four sevenths in municipal, county, and school district general or primary elections |
915,082 (43%) |
1,228,518 (57%) |
Amendment 2 | Transportation | Authorize the construction of toll roads and bridges, and allow toll authorities to issue bonds for design and construction of toll roads, which will not constitute a debt or liability to the state |
906,887 (42%) |
1,233,662 (58%) |
Amendment 3 | Gambling | Allow off-track wagering through simulcasting by licensed horse track operators |
1,082,086 (50%) |
1,085,336 (50%) |
Amendment 4 | Law enforcement | Establish criminal victims' rights to be informed of and be present at criminal proceedings, right to restitution, right to protection from defendant, and right to be informed of escape or release of defendant |
1,859,878 (85%) |
315,702 (15%) |
Amendment 6 | Budgets | Create a Budget Stabilization Fund to address funding shortfalls, contingent on approval by a four-sevenths approval of both legislative houses |
889,077 (44%) |
1,148,531 (56%) |
Proposition A | Gambling | Authorize riverboat gambling on the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, with regulation by the State Tourism Commission, and limit a $500 maximum loss limit per person per excursion |
1,397,750 (62%) |
839,568 (38%) |
Proposition C | Administration | Assign additional duties to the Lieutenant Governor, including serving on Tourism, Economic Development, Fund Commissioners, and Educational Programs Boards, and establish office of advocacy and assistance for elderly |
1,427,801 (67%) |
693,411 (33%) |
See also: Montana 1992 ballot measures
June 2
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRSS | LR-109 | Taxes | Imposes a two mill levy to fund vocational and technical education. | |
LRSS | LR-110 | Gov't finance | Creates a 20-year fund from within the Coal Severance Tax Trust Fund to help finance local infrastructure projects. |
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | C-22 | Judiciary | Changes how Montana's state judges and justices are selected or elected | |
LRCA | C-23 | Property | Allows transfer of public lands at less than full market value | |
LRCA | C-24 | Admin of gov't | Provides that at least one member of Board of Regents must be Native American | |
CICA | CI-63 | Gov't finance | Uses the Coal Severance Tax Trust Fund Principal for local gov't facilities | |
CICA | CI-64 | Term limits | Provides term limits for elected officials |
See also: Nebraska 1992 ballot measures
May 12
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Separates tangible property from the uniform and proportionate provision applicable to real property for tax purposes |
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1a | Lottery | Establishes a state lottery | |
LRCA | Amendment 1b | Lottery | Provides that lottery proceeds compensate depositors of industrial loan and investment companies for losses | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Alcohol | Authorizes governing bodies of municipalities and counties to control club liquor licenses | |
CICA | Amendment 3 | Term limits | Sets limits on terms of certain elected state and U.S. congressional officials |
See also: Nevada 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Judiciary | Elect the Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court by a majority vote of justices. |
175,300 (37%) |
297,362 (63%) |
Question 2 | Judiciary | Allow District Courts to issue habeas corpus and prohibition writs for certain convicted individuals. |
279,273 (60%) |
182,854 (40%) |
Question 3 | Constitutional rights | Repeal a constitutional provision that prohibits denying voting and officeholding rights based on race or previous servitude. |
270,184 (58%) |
195,673 (42%) |
Question 4 | Administration; Legislature | Remove limits on legislator expense reimbursements and eliminate extra pay for legislative leaders. |
96,472 (20%) |
374,922 (80%) |
Question 5 | Administration; Budgets | Expand state authority to lend, offer credit, and invest in businesses while banning donations to private companies. |
109,739 (24%) |
357,190 (76%) |
Question 6 | Judiciary | Establish a Court of Appeals to hear certain appeals from District Court decisions, with judges initially appointed and later elected. |
213,407 (46%) |
252,950 (54%) |
New Hampshire
See also: New Hampshire 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ABR | Question 1 | New Hampshire Constitution | Shall New Hampshire hold a constitutional convention? | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Trials | Shall 12-person juries be required for capital cases? | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Admin of Gov't | Shall regulatory authority be delegated to the executive branch? | |
LRCA | Question 4 | State Exec | Shall elected officials be permitted to serve in the National Guard or Military Reserve? |
New Jersey
See also: New Jersey 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bond issues | Allows for $345 million in bonds for farmland and historic preservation. | |
LRCA | Question 2 | State judiciary | Requires the state to assume judicial costs held by counties. | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Death penalty | States that the death penalty is not cruel and unusual punishment. | |
LRCA | Question 4 | State legislatures | Allows the state legislature to review administrative rules and regulations. |
New Mexico
See also: New Mexico 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Finances | Restrictions on county indebtedness | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Law Enforcement | Rights of crime victims | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Term Limits | Length of terms of elected county officials | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Gov't Salaries | Salaries of state legislators |
New York
See also: New York 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Proposal 1 | Bond issues | Proposes the issuing of a $800,000,000 bond for promoting the creation of jobs |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1992 ballot measures
March 19
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Bond Issues | Allows issuance of bonds to pay for veterans' compensation from Persian Gulf | |
VR | Measure 2 | Sunday | Allows businesses to be open after noon on Sunday | |
VR | Measure 3 | Labor | Allows school boards and teachers' representatives to request final offer resolution |
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Legislatures | Makes August 1 effective date for all legislation, except appropriation and tax measures | |
LRCA | Measure 2 | Resources | Allows exchanges of land and mineral rights between Board of University and School Lands and private owners | |
LRCA | Measure 3 | Gov't Finances | Creates a bicentennial trust fund | |
CISS | Measure 4 | Water | Imposes a one-half of one percent sales and use tax for water development | |
CISS | Measure 5 | Term Limits | Creates term limits for congressional seats | |
CISS | Measure 6 | Law Enforcement | Prohibits the stopping and searching of vehicles and occupants at random | |
CISS | Measure 7 | Environment | Establishes an environmental protection and recycling fund |
See also: Ohio 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Congressional Successive Term Limits Initiative | Limit U.S. Senators from Ohio to two consecutive six-year terms and U.S. Representatives to four consecutive two-year terms |
2,897,123 (66%) |
1,476,461 (34%) |
Constitutional Convention Question | Hold a constitutional convention |
1,672,373 (39%) |
2,660,270 (61%) |
State Executive Officials Successive Term Limits Initiative | Establish two successive terms of four years for certain executive officers |
3,028,288 (69%) |
1,349,244 (31%) |
State Legislative Successive Term Limits Initiative | Establish successive term limits for state legislative officials |
2,982,285 (68%) |
1,378,009 (32%) |
Toxic Chemicals Warning Initiative | Require businesses to label or warn about chemicals linked to cancer, among other changes |
1,007,882 (22%) |
3,587,734 (78%) |
See also: Oklahoma 1992 ballot measures
March 10, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 640 | Taxes; Direct democracy | Require voter approval for revenue-raising bills unless a 75% majority in each legislative chamber and the governor's signature. |
373,143 (56%) |
290,978 (44%) |
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 643 | Constitutional language; Transportation | Repeal the requirement for railroads within four miles of a county seat to pass through it and maintain a depot. |
822,199 (64%) |
465,412 (36%) |
State Question 645 | Administration; Pension | Require public retirement system assets to be held in trust for benefits, refunds, investments, and expenses. |
857,767 (67%) |
427,049 (33%) |
State Question 646 | Taxes; Local government | Allow counties to levy an annual property tax, with voter approval, to fund a local cooperative extension office. |
515,893 (40%) |
763,552 (60%) |
State Question 647 | Healthcare; Taxes; Budgets | Create a nursing home grant program, mandate health care reforms, and form a task force for recommendations. |
514,381 (39%) |
806,126 (61%) |
State Question 648 | Taxes; Local government | Allow counties to exempt household goods and livestock from property taxes with voter approval and revenue adjustments. |
648,988 (51%) |
629,706 (49%) |
State Question 649 | Bonds | Issue $350,000,000 in bonds for state projects, repaid in 30 years with cigarette taxes or general revenue. |
723,414 (55%) |
602,086 (45%) |
State Question 650 | Gambling | Regulate charity games through the Oklahoma Tax Commission, including licensing, taxes, fees, and penalties, and repeal bingo laws. |
826,552 (62%) |
499,635 (38%) |
See also: Oregon 1992 ballot measures
May 19, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Law enforcement; Taxes; Transportation | Allow future fuel tax and registration fee revenues for the policing of public highways and roadside rest areas. |
244,173 (35%) |
451,715 (65%) |
November 6, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Forests and parks; Bonds | Authorize the issuance and sale of up to $250 million in general obligation bonds for state parks and recreation facilities. |
653,062 (45%) |
786,017 (55%) |
Measure 2 | Forests and parks; Taxes | Allow biennial motor fuel tax increases up to 2 cents per gallon for state park and recreation sites. |
399,259 (28%) |
1,039,322 (72%) |
Measure 3 | Legislature; Term limits | Set term limits for House representatives, Senators, statewide elected roles, U.S. Congress House Representatives and Senators. |
1,003,706 (70%) |
439,694 (30%) |
Measure 4 | Transportation | Prohibit permits for triple truck-trailer combinations on state highways. |
567,467 (39%) |
896,778 (61%) |
Measure 5 | Nuclear issues | Close the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant until a permanent federal waste site is licensed and earthquakes and health hazards conditions are met. |
585,051 (40%) |
874,636 (60%) |
Measure 6 | Nuclear issues | Prohibit Trojan Nuclear Power Plant operation unless earthquake standards are met and a permanent waste storage site is available. |
619,329 (43%) |
830,850 (57%) |
Measure 7 | Taxes; Property | Raise property tax rate limits, differentiate rates for school funding in two property categories, and extend equivalent relief to residential renters. |
362,621 (25%) |
1,077,206 (75%) |
Measure 8 | Business; Hunting and fishing | Restrict lower Columbia River fishing to the most selective means possible and allow the release of non-targeted fish unharmed. |
576,633 (41%) |
828,096 (59%) |
Measure 9 | LGBTQ | Require all state and local governments to discourage, not facilitate, and not recognize homosexuality and other listed “behaviors." |
638,527 (44%) |
828,290 (56%) |
See also: Pennsylvania 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Stormwater, Water Quality, and Sewage Bond Measure | Bonds | Issues $350 million in bonds to provide loans for stormwater, water quality, and sewage projects |
Rhode Island
See also: Rhode Island 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposal 1 | Recall | Provisions to recall statewide elected officials. | |
LRCA | Proposal 2 | Gov't spending | Limits state revenue appropriations and establishes a budget reserve account. | |
LRCA | Proposal 3 | State executive officials | Permits the Governor of Rhode Island to serve while physically absent from the state. | |
LBM | Proposal 4 | Bond issues | Issues $12 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 5 | Bond issues | Issues $2.5 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 6 | Bond issues | Issues $9.5 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 7 | Bond issues | Issues $4.5 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 8 | Bond issues | Issues $10 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 9 | Bond issues | Issues $15 million in general obligation bonds. |
South Dakota
See also: South Dakota 1992 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CICA | Amendment A | Term limits | Sets term limits for elected officials | |
VR | Referendum 1 | Utilities | Approves siting, construction and operation of Lonetree solid waste disposal facility | |
CISS | Initiative 2 | Natural resources | Provides an acreage regulation, reclamation incentive for large-scale gold or silver surface mining. | |
CISS | Initiative 3 | Taxes | Reduces property taxes and repeals sales tax on groceries, clothing and utilities | |
CISS | Initiative 4 | Lottery | Repeals all statutory provisions authorizing video lottery games. |
See also: Utah 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative A | Gambling | Permit individual counties to determine if they will permit horse racing |
297,542 (40%) |
451,517 (60%) |
Proposition 1 | Legislature; Constitutional language | Amend the Legislative Article |
497,134 (73%) |
185,447 (27%) |
Proposition 2 | Constitutional language; Business | Revise portions of the Corporations Article |
482,619 (71%) |
199,716 (29%) |
Proposition 3 | Judiciary; Constitutional language; Executive officials | Revise the Executive Article of the constitution |
390,095 (58%) |
287,571 (42%) |
See also: Virginia 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Allow for the issuance of up to $95,365,000 in bonds for parks and recreational facility capital projects |
1,466,686 (67%) |
722,840 (33%) |
Question 2 | Allow for the issuance of up to $45,173,000 in bonds for mental health facility capital projects |
1,414,728 (68%) |
677,720 (32%) |
Question 3 | Allow for the issuance of up to $472,406,000 in bonds for educational institution capital projects |
1,560,499 (74%) |
555,624 (26%) |
Revenue Stabilization Fund Amendment | Create a Revenue Stabilization Fund to accumulate money from years with above-average revenue and to be used when revenues are below-average |
1,568,958 (73%) |
591,385 (27%) |
See also: Washington 1992 ballot measures
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative 134 | Campaign finance | Limit campaign contributions and prohibit public funding of state and local campaigns. |
1,549,297 (73%) |
576,161 (27%) |
Initiative 573 | Legislature; Federal issues; Executive officials; Term limits | Establish term limits for certain offices |
1,119,985 (52%) |
1,018,260 (48%) |
See also: Wisconsin 1992 ballot measures
April 7, 1992
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Allow the state to fund railroad improvements using state money and bonds |
640,592 (58%) |
457,690 (42%) |
Question 2 | Require any legislative pay raises to take effect at the start of a new term after a general election and to apply to all members of the legislature |
736,832 (68%) |
348,645 (32%) |
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Lower residential and agricultural property taxes by issuing income tax credits |
675,876 (31%) |
1,536,975 (69%) |
See also: Wyoming 1992 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | State and local government budgets | Permits the Legislature to invest in shares of capital stock of major corporations. | |
CISS | Ban Triple Trailers | Transportation | Ban triple trailers on the state's roads | |
CISS | Term Limits | Term limits | Term limits on state and federal politicians | |
CISS | Railroad Regulation | Business regulation | New railway safety procedures |
If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email editor@ballotpedia.org.