1987 ballot measures
1987 State Ballot Measures | |
1988 »
« 1986
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Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
By state
See also: Louisiana 1987 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Judiciary | Concerning the appointment of temporary judges | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Gov't Finances | Concerning the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation Fund | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Gov't Finances | Concerning the funding of state retirement systems | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Education | Concerning the funding of education | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Civil Service | Concerning the New Orleans civil service commission |
See also: Maine 1987 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
IndISS | Question 1 | Nuclear | Allows the continuation of high-waste nuclear plants in the state | |
BI | Question 2 | Environment | Issues $8 million in bonds to clean up and close solid waste landfills | |
BI | Question 3 | Utilities | Issues $8.3 million in bonds for the construction of sewage treatment facilities | |
BI | Question 4 | Development | Issues $6 million in bonds to and creates Maine Job Development Fund | |
BI | Question 5 | Education | Issues $3.1 million in bonds for pier reconstruction at the Maine Maritime Academy | |
BI | Question 6 | Environment | Issues $3 million in bonds for the removal of oil storage tanks and the related ground water restoration | |
BI | Question 7 | Bonds | Issues $8 million in bonds for capital repairs, improvements to state facilities and asbestos from state facilities | |
BI | Question 8 | Education | Issues $5 million in bonds for the acquisition of buses for public schools | |
BI | Question 9 | Transportation | Issues $26.5 million in bonds for highway, bridge and airport improvements and to reduce ground water pollution | |
BI | Question 10 | Forests & Parks | Issues $35 million in bonds over four years for the purchase of public land access | |
BI | Question 11 | Bonds | Issues $6 million in bonds for the detection and removal of asbestos hazards in state facilities and public schools | |
LRCA | Question 12 | Firearms | Clarifies the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms | |
LRCA | Question 13 | Legislatures | Requires candidates for the state legislature to reside in the district for which they are campaigning |
See also: Mississippi 1987 ballot measures
November 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Property | Proposes to increase the period of time for the validity of a last will and testament | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Education | Proposes to repeal the right of the legislature to abolish free public schools | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Marriage & Family Constitutional Rights | Proposes to repeal the ban on mixed marriages | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Education | Proposes that the legislature appoint a trustee to the La Bauve Fund from the board of trustees of the state institutions of higher learning | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Campaigns Redistricting | Proposes that a candidate must live in the district in which they are running | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Trials | Proposes to allow judges to deny bail for certain crimes punishable by imprisonment for more than 20 years | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Bonds | Proposes to prohibit transport companies from issuing bonds without a return | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Business Reg | Proposes to remove the limit of 99 years for corporate charters for tax purposes | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Business Reg | Proposes to repeal the provision requiring that a stockholder's vote is equal to the number of shares they hold | |
LRCA | Amendment 10 | Business Reg | Proposes to repeal the provision requiring county record of a business |
See also: Missouri 1987 ballot measures
April 7, 1987
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition A | Taxes; Transportation | Fund road and bridge repairs through increased truck fees, administrative cost limits, and a $0.04 fuel tax increase |
459,760 (56%) |
359,215 (44%) |
New Jersey
See also: New Jersey 1987 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question No. 1 | Bond issues | Authorizes $198 million in bonds for correctional facilities. | |
BI | Question No. 2 | Bond issues | Authorizes $100 million in bonds for recreational and conservational land, cultural centers and historic preservation. | |
BI | Question No. 3 | Bond issues | Authorizes $185 million in bonds for a major league baseball stadium. | |
LRSS | Question No. 4 | Bond issues | Amends the Farmland Preservation Bond Act of 1981 to allow purchase of farmland for preservational purposes. | |
BI | Question No. 5 | Bond issues | Authorizes $10 million in bonds for facilities for the mentally ill. | |
LRCA | Question No. 6 | Law enforcement | Extends the terms of sheriffs elected in or after the 1988 general election from three years to five. |
New York
See also: New York 1987 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposal 1 | Veterans | Grants civil service credits to aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States who served in the U.S. military during a time of war | |
LRCA | Proposal 2 | Ski trails | Increases the number of miles of ski trails on three mountains |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1987 ballot measures
March 18
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Taxes | Makes July 1 effective date for appropriation measures and tax measures | |
VR | Measure 2 | Taxes | Increases individual income tax rate; Requires withholding of state income taxes from employee's wages |
See also: Ohio 1987 ballot measures
November 3, 1987
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Issue 2 | Allow the state to issue up to $1.2 billion in general obligation bonds to assist local governments in funding public infrastructure projects |
1,674,913 (71%) |
689,383 (29%) |
Selection of Supreme and Appellate Court Judges Initiative | Change the system of selecting state Supreme Court and Appeals Court judges from a direct election system to an appointment system. |
878,683 (35%) |
1,600,588 (65%) |
State Lottery Funds for Education Amendment | Require all net proceeds from the state lottery to be used for education. |
1,984,905 (78%) |
564,421 (22%) |
See also: Oregon 1987 ballot measures
May 19, 1987
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Federal issues; Nuclear issues | Direct state officials and agencies to continue challenging the federal selection process for high-level nuclear waste repositories |
299,581 (75%) |
100,854 (25%) |
Measure 2 | Education; Taxes; Property | Authorize school districts to levy property taxes up to the last voter-approved amount and require them to adjust budgets if funds are insufficient. |
223,417 (56%) |
178,839 (44%) |
See also: Pennsylvania 1987 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Food and agriculture | Issue $100,000,000 for the purchase of agricultural conservation easements |
See also: Texas 1987 ballot measures
November 3, 1987
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 10 | Taxes | Provide ad valorem tax exemptions for property temporarily located in Texas. |
993,889 (49%) |
1,043,986 (51%) |
Proposition 11 | Taxes | Exempt non-income-producing personal property from ad valorem taxes. |
1,066,476 (51%) |
1,014,318 (49%) |
Proposition 12 | Property | Allow spouses to hold community property with right of survivorship. |
1,823,183 (85%) |
328,391 (15%) |
Proposition 13 | Administration | Allow the creation of emergency services districts and a voter-approved supporting property tax. |
1,339,654 (64%) |
743,806 (36%) |
Proposition 14 | Trials | Provide the state a limited right to appeal in criminal cases. |
1,417,545 (68%) |
668,786 (32%) |
Proposition 15 | Local government | Remove the office of county treasurer in Gregg, Fayette, and Nueces counties. |
1,324,009 (69%) |
582,472 (31%) |
Proposition 16 | Judiciary | Allow certain justice of the peace precincts to contain more than one justice of the peace court. |
1,366,576 (66%) |
693,717 (34%) |
Proposition 17 | Local government | Authorize the legislature to define the governmental and proprietary functions of a municipality. |
1,083,139 (54%) |
904,989 (46%) |
Proposition 18 | Administration; Prisons | Provide for the creation, operation, and financing of jail districts. |
1,134,209 (56%) |
903,072 (44%) |
Proposition 19 | Bonds | Authorize bonds to fund a superconducting super collider research facility. |
1,347,362 (64%) |
754,445 (36%) |
Proposition 1 | Food and agriculture | Create a five million dollar grain warehouse fund to protect farmers and depositors of grain in public warehouse facilities. |
1,162,195 (55%) |
948,051 (45%) |
Proposition 20 | Taxes | Provide ad valorem tax relief for certain inactive offshore drilling equipment. |
1,032,013 (50%) |
1,026,768 (50%) |
Proposition 21 | Administration; Legislature | Allow the speaker of the house of representatives or the speaker's appointee to serve in an executive agency or committee. |
857,837 (43%) |
1,140,646 (57%) |
Proposition 22 | Executive officials | Limit the authority of an outgoing governor to fill vacancies in state and district offices. |
1,287,090 (61%) |
806,419 (39%) |
Proposition 23 | Water; Bonds | Authorize an additional $400 million of Texas Water Development Bonds for water supply, water quality, and flood control purposes. |
1,348,332 (64%) |
755,791 (36%) |
Proposition 24 | Administration | Permit counties to perform work, without compensation, for another governmental entity. |
1,005,039 (49%) |
1,036,342 (51%) |
Proposition 25 | Healthcare; Local government | Allow Amarillo Hospital District to serve Randall County residents, with financial support from Randall County, and allow hospital districts to alter jurisdiction with voter approval. |
1,358,338 (72%) |
541,344 (28%) |
Proposition 2 | Taxes; Local government | Increase the maximum allowed tax rate from $0.03 to $0.06 per $100 valuation for rural fire protection districts. |
1,010,704 (48%) |
1,098,623 (52%) |
Proposition 3 | Taxes | Limit school tax increases for surviving spouses aged 55 years or older. |
1,858,769 (85%) |
338,387 (15%) |
Proposition 4 | Economic development | Authorize the legislature to create economic development programs and to make loans and grants for such programs. |
1,089,136 (52%) |
1,019,428 (48%) |
Proposition 5 | Transportation; Bonds | Aid turnpikes, toll roads, and toll bridges by guaranteeing bonds issued by the Texas Turnpike Authority. |
951,130 (46%) |
1,111,903 (54%) |
Proposition 6 | Budgets | Authorize the legislature to provide state financing for the development and production of Texas products and businesses. |
986,500 (47%) |
1,121,792 (53%) |
Proposition 7 | Bonds | Authorize bonds to finance certain local public facilities. |
827,235 (40%) |
1,251,876 (60%) |
Proposition 8 | Bonds | Authorize up to $500 million in bonds for correctional or mental health facilities. |
1,389,479 (66%) |
725,482 (34%) |
Proposition 9 | Administration; Legislature | Prevent legislators serving in another state office from receiving salary increases for that office during their legislative term. |
977,464 (47%) |
1,112,888 (53%) |
See also: Virginia 1987 ballot measures
November 3, 1987
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Lottery Measure | Establish a state-operated lottery |
791,518 (57%) |
607,884 (43%) |
See also: Washington 1987 ballot measures
November 3, 1987
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
HJR 4212 | Legislature; Term limits | Provide for an increase of legislative representatives' terms to four years and senators' terms to six years. |
283,742 (33%) |
567,782 (67%) |
HJR 4220 | Education; Taxes | Provide authorization to implement a 15-year state property tax for the construction of schools. |
283,118 (33%) |
568,196 (67%) |
Initiative 92 | Healthcare; Business | Prohibit physicians from charging patients on Medicare more than Medicare's reasonable charges |
315,792 (36%) |
572,813 (64%) |
Referendum 41 | Federal issues | Require the legislature to seek U.S. Supreme Court review of a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Federal Reserve System’s authority |
282,613 (34%) |
541,387 (66%) |
SJR 8207 | Judiciary | Authorize retired superior court judges to continue to oversee pending cases they made discretionary rulings for prior to retirement. |
495,273 (59%) |
346,428 (41%) |
SJR 8212 | Budgets | Remove state constitutional restrictions that prevented investment of some permanent public land funds in stocks and private lending. |
260,620 (32%) |
551,408 (68%) |
See also: Wisconsin 1987 ballot measures
April 7, 1987
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Permit pari-mutuel on-track betting but prohibit the state from owning, operating, or leasing land for any such enterprise or location |
580,089 (52%) |
529,729 (48%) |
Question 2 | Permit the creation of a state lottery |
739,181 (65%) |
391,942 (35%) |
If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email editor@ballotpedia.org.