1966 ballot measures
1966 State Ballot Measures | |
1967 »
« 1965
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
By state
See also: Alaska 1966 ballot measures
August 23:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | SJR 1 | Elections | Empowers the legislature to shorten length of required residency for voting in Alaska's presidential election |
November 8:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Proposition 1 | Bonds | Issues $900,000 in bonds for outdoor recreation | |
BI | Proposition 2 | Bonds | Issues $2.285 million in bonds for school construction | |
BI | Proposition 3 | Bonds | Issues $15.5 million in bonds for ferries | |
BI | Proposition 4 | Bonds | Issues $16.9 million in bonds for university | |
BI | Proposition 5 | Bonds | Issues $10.5 million in bonds for highway | |
BI | Proposition 6 | Bonds | Issues $11.5 million in bonds for airport | |
BI | Proposition 7 | Bonds | Issues $5 million in bonds for regional high school |
See also: Arizona 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 100 | Taxes | Provide for an exemption of non-commercial watercraft from ad valorem property taxes and the implementation of a license tax |
118,044 (61%) |
75,978 (39%) |
See also: Arkansas 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CISS | Initiated Act 1 | Education | Relates to school district reorganization |
See also: California 1966 ballot propositions
June 7, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Allow for the issuance of bonds up to $275,000,000 for capital outlay for public school buildings and establish the terms of such bonds. |
2,531,222 (61%) |
1,642,422 (39%) |
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 10 | Allow the legislature to issue loans with interest limitations for the repair, restoration, or replacement of private property damaged in disaster. |
2,119,354 (40%) |
3,180,672 (60%) |
Proposition 11 | Allow the legislature to amend, revise, or supplement the boxing and wrestling initiative act of November 4, 1924. |
3,831,330 (74%) |
1,371,411 (26%) |
Proposition 12 | Allow counties to create assessment appeals boards to act as the board of equalization in a county. |
3,728,490 (73%) |
1,354,450 (27%) |
Proposition 13 | Remove the requirement from the Constitution that requires taxpayers to file an annual property statement. |
3,733,524 (71%) |
1,513,176 (29%) |
Proposition 14 | Allow the state legislature to collect personal income taxes by using the amount calculated for federal income taxes. |
2,536,770 (48%) |
2,709,071 (52%) |
Proposition 15 | Establish that those who have lived in the United State for 20 years and were at least 50 years are exempt from the education requirement to vote. |
2,334,084 (44%) |
2,986,829 (56%) |
Proposition 16 | Establish a prohibition on obscene materials, redefine 'obscene' and 'knowingly', and establish procedures for violating such prohibition. |
2,533,921 (44%) |
3,271,308 (56%) |
Proposition 1A | Amend the California Constitution regarding separation of powers, the legislature, and the initiative and referendum process |
4,156,416 (73%) |
1,499,675 (27%) |
Proposition 1 | Allow the legislature to authorize the investment of up to 25% of state pension and retirement funds and establish regulations for the investments. |
3,279,258 (60%) |
2,219,383 (40%) |
Proposition 2 | Allow for the issuance of bonds up to $230,000,000 for state college and university facilities and establish the terms of such bonds. |
3,072,488 (56%) |
2,402,964 (44%) |
Proposition 3 | Allow the legislature to define "open space lands" and establish usage restrictions for such lands. |
2,974,135 (56%) |
2,381,937 (44%) |
Proposition 4 | Set the requirement for approval of bond measures about public schools and libraries at 60% of the voters. |
2,462,715 (47%) |
2,789,653 (53%) |
Proposition 5 | Allow the legislature to authorize the assessment of property damaged by a disaster in an area declared a disaster area by the governor. |
2,808,524 (51%) |
2,708,461 (49%) |
Proposition 6 | Establish that measures approved during regular sessions of the legislature shall go into effect 60 days after the legislature adjourns and 90 days after for other sessions. |
3,078,871 (61%) |
1,950,098 (39%) |
Proposition 7 | Allow boards of supervisors to set their salary, subject to referendum, as well as the salaries of district attorneys and auditors. |
1,492,669 (28%) |
3,783,954 (72%) |
Proposition 8 | Limit the amount of property taxes on the principal office of insurance companies that can be deducted from the insurance tax. |
2,881,388 (57%) |
2,195,027 (43%) |
Proposition 9 | Establish a property tax exemption of up to $5,000 for veterans who were blinded during service. |
5,034,365 (89%) |
605,007 (11%) |
See also: Colorado 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment No. 1 | Reorganize executive and administrative offices so that there are no more than 20 departments. |
369,366 (70%) |
162,038 (30%) |
Amendment No. 2 | Make all mobile homes and mobile and self-propelled construction equipment subject to an ownership tax as opposed to a property tax. |
318,102 (60%) |
211,177 (40%) |
Amendment No. 3 | Amend the method for appointing judges and provide a new system for the removal and retirement of judges. |
293,771 (53%) |
261,558 (47%) |
Amendment No. 4 | Establish the size of membership to the Senate and House of Representatives and establish provisions for creating House districts. |
374,884 (70%) |
158,067 (30%) |
Amendment No. 5 | Limit local property taxes, phase out property taxation on certain property, and allow the General Assembly to exempt all property from taxation. |
178,245 (32%) |
386,650 (68%) |
Referred Law No. 1 | Advance the time in Colorado one hour at 1:00 am on the last Sunday in April and go back one hour at 2:00 am on the last Sunday in October. |
346,274 (57%) |
258,490 (43%) |
Referred Law No. 2 | Abolish the death penalty and allow courts to sentence those convicted of first-degree murder to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. |
193,245 (33%) |
389,707 (67%) |
See also: Florida 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 10 | Allow the board of county commissioners for Orange County to revise justice of the peace district boundaries in Orange County |
435,162 (72%) |
167,149 (28%) |
Amendment 11 | Establish that each condemnation of property jury shall be composed of twelve jurors |
527,821 (80%) |
128,345 (20%) |
Amendment 12 | Provide for a special legislative session solely for the purpose of organization after November general elections |
496,919 (77%) |
148,939 (23%) |
Amendment 13 | Exempt stock in trade, inventory, and livestock from ad valorem taxation |
481,420 (67%) |
239,508 (33%) |
Amendment 1 | Establish that constitutional revisions adopted by convention be submitted to the electors at the next general election |
626,806 (83%) |
129,545 (17%) |
Amendment 2 | Provide for the terms of employment of appointive county superintendents of public instruction |
499,991 (68%) |
237,069 (32%) |
Amendment 3 | Provide presidential voting rights for residents not yet meeting state qualifications |
515,212 (69%) |
231,088 (31%) |
Amendment 4 | Establish regulations on the appearance of the state flag |
549,678 (80%) |
139,792 (20%) |
Amendment 5 | Give the electorate power to provide for consolidation of municipal and county governments of Hillsborough County |
451,458 (72%) |
175,464 (28%) |
Amendment 6 | Authorize the Legislature to require county judges to be members of the Florida bar |
506,088 (73%) |
184,646 (27%) |
Amendment 7 | Establish that the legislature shall determine the number of county judges in each county and their monetary jurisdiction |
452,974 (69%) |
203,708 (31%) |
Amendment 8 | Establish requirements for state judges, provide a procedure for the selection, discipline, retirement and removal of judges, and establish the Judicial Qualifications Commission |
533,513 (79%) |
142,863 (21%) |
Amendment 9 | Create separate offices for the 13th Judicial Circuit State Attorney and Hillsborough County Prosecuting Attorney Criminal Court of Record |
431,291 (71%) |
179,952 (29%) |
See also: Georgia 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Education | Establishes area schools, including vocational trade schools | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Development | Creates public corporations with the power to issue revenue obligations to develop industrial facilities | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Eminent Domain | Provides for payment upon the taking or damaging of private property | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Gov't Finances | Appropriates funds to any state department to obtain funds for education scholarships and loans | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Elections | Requires notices of candidacy for write-in candidates | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Taxes | Provides a method to change the manner in which members of county boards of education and school superintendents are elected | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Taxes | Provides tax exemptions for facilities installed to reduce air or water pollution | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Elections | Sets different residence requirements for voting eligibility in state and national elections | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Local Gov't | Provides home rule for counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 11 | Development | Authorizes the Department of Industry and Trade to participate in the promotion of tourism | |
LRCA | Amendment 12 | Law Enforcement | Provides for the indemnification of Georgia citizens who are injured or suffer property damage during the prevention of a crime | |
LRCA | Amendment 13 | Gov't Finances | Authorizes the State Board of Vocational Education to accept and dispense federal funds | |
LRCA | Amendment 14 | Taxes | Makes the public transportation of passengers an essential government function | |
LRCA | Amendment 15 | Education | Provides that service at Gracewood State School or Hospital be eligible for repayment of medical school loans | |
LRCA | Amendment 16 | Local Gov't | Changes provisions relating to the powers of county governments | |
LRCA | Amendment 17 | Local Gov't | Changes provisions relating to the powers of county governments | |
LRCA | Amendment 18 | Elections | Provides that superior court judges be elected only by the electors residing in their circuit of service | |
LRCA | Amendment 19 | Elections | Provides that solicitors general be elected only by the electors residing in their circuit of service | |
LRCA | Amendment 20 | Agri | Provides for the regulation of the handling, production and sale of agricultural products |
See also: Idaho 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | HJR 9 | Business | Limits the right to vote on corporation directors to stockholders | |
LRCA | HJR 10 | Business | Provides that stock can only be increased with a majority consent | |
LRCA | SJR 6 | Trials | Removes six man juries in civil actions of less than $500.00 | |
LRCA | SJR 7 | Judiciary | Allows retired justices to act on the request of the Governor or Supreme Court | |
LRCA | SJR 11 | Bonds | Expands the list of projects which may be financed by revenue bonds | |
LRCA | SJR 7 | Constitutions | Allows the Constitution to be amended with amendments which contain more than one subject | |
VR | REFER 1 | Taxes | Approves a 3% statewide sales tax |
See also: Illinois 1966 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRSS | Banking Law Amendment | Banking | Shall the banking law be modified? |
See also: Iowa 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of Gov't | Relates to the effective date of laws passed by the legislature |
See also: Maine 1966 ballot measures
February 21
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
VR | Referendum Question | Alcohol | Allows certain sales of alcohol on Sundays |
June 20
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Referendum Question No. 1 | Bonds | Issues $2.5 million for the construction of an office building for State Highway Commission | |
BI | Referendum Question No. 2 | Transportation | Issues $2.95 million in bonds for the construction and improvement of airports |
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Referendum Question No. 1 | Culture | Issues $4.8 million in bonds for the construction of a state cultural building | |
BI | Referendum Question No. 2 | Environment | Issues $1.5 million in bonds to develop the Allagash Waterway | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment | Legislature | Repeals and replaces language outlining the election, powers and apportionment of the Maine State Senate |
See also: Maryland 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Finances | Permits a deputy treasurer to sign bonds, certificates and other evidences of the debt of the state | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Local gov't | Provides and optional system of home rule powers for certain counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Gov't salaries | Increases the annual salary of the governor | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Gov't Finances | Relates to the procedure to be followed to create debt in Baltimore | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Judiciary | Creates a Commission on Judicial Disabilities | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Eminent domain | Provides an optional procedure for the acquisition of land in Prince George's County | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Judiciary | Allows the general assembly to create intermediate courts of appeal | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Legislature | Makes a provision for filling vacancies in the office of state senator | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Labor | Establishes a Workmen's Compensation Commission | |
LRCA | Amendment 10 | Judiciary | Exempts Washington County from the provision concerning the removal of deputy clerks | |
LRCA | Amendment 11 | Eminent domain | Authorizes municipal corporations in Cecil County to take land for roads and sewage facilities | |
LRCA | Amendment 12 | Judiciary | Increases the number of judges residing in Cecil County | |
LRCA | Amendment 13 | Legislature | Changes the time of consideration of supplemental appropriation bills by the general assembly | |
LRCA | Amendment 14 | Gov't salaries | Provides that the salary of the State Treasurer be fixed by the general assembly | |
LRCA | Amendment 15 | Legislature | Empowers the general assembly to set its own compensation | |
LRCA | Amendment 16 | Admin of gov't | Abolishes the office of the Commissioner of the Land | |
VR | Amendment 17 | Transportation | Authorizes the construction of a toll bridge across the Chesapeake Bay |
See also: Massachusetts 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Provide that gubernatorial candidates are to run alongside their choice for lieutenant governor |
1,133,796 (73%) |
415,378 (27%) |
Question 2 | Establish procedures for the governor to reorganize the executive department |
1,160,773 (77%) |
353,274 (23%) |
Question 3 | Provide that the commonwealth and municipalities may provide for industrial development |
1,104,862 (74%) |
380,222 (26%) |
Question 4 | Expand the authority of municipalities to conduct municipal governance |
1,186,608 (81%) |
270,087 (19%) |
Question 5 | Impose a temporary retail sales and excise tax to establish the Local Aid Fund |
1,391,100 (79%) |
358,879 (21%) |
Question 6 | Impose a temporary retail sales and excise tax to establish the Local Aid Fund |
1,070,599 (71%) |
446,460 (29%) |
See also: Michigan 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposal No. 1 | Lower the minimum voting age to 18 years |
703,076 (36%) |
1,267,872 (64%) |
See also: Minnesota 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Legislature | Provides a resignation procedure for legislators |
See also: Missouri 1966 ballot measures
January 14, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Pension | Authorize first class counties to provide death benefits, pensions, and retirement plans for salaried employees and their families, and allow the legislature to permit any local government or entity to establish similar retirement programs |
217,116 (63%) |
127,461 (37%) |
Amendment 2 | Education; Taxes | Authorize school districts to levy a property tax at a rate limited to $1.25 per $100 valuation |
195,798 (57%) |
148,519 (43%) |
Amendment 3 | Legislature; Redistricting | Establish the number of state representatives at 163 and authorize bipartisan commissions to create legislative districts, with the Missouri Supreme Court stepping in if the commissions fail |
178,924 (52%) |
165,395 (48%) |
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Local government | Allow St. Louis County and St. Louis City to adopt a plan for partial or complete government unification and establish a process for selecting a board of freeholders |
360,877 (50%) |
357,128 (50%) |
See also: Montana 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of gov't | Allows legislature to disregard certain provisions during enemy attack | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Legislature | Provides for apportionment of the legislature | |
LRSS | LR-64 | Taxes | Continues the current cigarette tax |
See also: Nebraska 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | State exec | Eliminates the ineligibility of elective officers to seek other state offices | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Legislature | Relates to travel expenses for state legislators | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Education | Allows the government to contract with private vocational schools | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Admin of gov't | Increases the membership of the board of education | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Taxes | Provides for the valuation of agricultural land for tax purposes | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Education | Provides transportation services for students of private or parochial schools | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Judiciary | Relates to the removal or retirement of judges | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Taxes | Bases the state income tax law on federal laws | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Term limits | Limits the governor to two consecutive terms | |
LRCA | Amendment 10 | Taxes | Provides for the payment or cancellation of state real estate taxes | |
LRCA | Amendment 11 | Property | Relates to the administration of unsold school lands | |
LRCA | Amendment 12a | Gov't Finances | Relates to the investment of educational funds | |
LRCA | Amendment 12b | Gov't Finances | Relates to the investment of funds by the legislature | |
LRCA | Amendment 13a | Redistricting | Changes the method of legislative apportionment | |
LRCA | Amendment 13b | Redistricting | Specifies legislative representation in districts changed by reapportionment | |
LRCA | Amendment 14 | Taxes | Restricts the state property tax | |
LRCA | Amendment 15 | Taxes | Exempts certain intangible property from taxes | |
CICA | Amendment 16 | Taxes | Eliminates the state property tax | |
VR | Referendum 1 | Taxes | Approves the income tax law |
See also: Nevada 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Elections | Repeal poll taxes. |
90,241 (87%) |
13,614 (13%) |
New Hampshire
See also: New Hampshire 1966 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CCR | Question 1 | Judiciary | Shall the state supreme and superior courts be established as constitutional courts? | |
CCR | Question 2 | Legislature | Shall roll call in the legislature be limited to duly seconded motions? | |
CCR | Question 3 | Admin of Gov't | Shall towns and cities have authority over their charters and forms of government? | |
CCR | Question 4 | Legislature | Shall the residency requirement for senator be reduced? | |
CCR | Question 5 | State Exec | Shall the governor's executive power be reinforced? | |
CCR | Question 6 | Constitutional Rights | Shall the state provide free legal representation to those in need? | |
CCR | Question 7 | State Exec | Shall the governor and council have the power to remove commissioned oficers? | |
CCR | Question 8 | Legislature | Shall the legislature meet in two annual 90 day sessions? |
New Jersey
See also: New Jersey 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | State legislatures | Adopts the recommendations of the 1966 constitutional convention relating to state legislative reapportionment. | |
LRSS | Question 2 | Gambling | Legalizes horse racing at night. |
New York
See also: New York 1966 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Proposition 1 | Forests & Parks | Authorizes the creation of a state debt of $200 million for lands for outdoor recreation | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 1 | Bonds | Increases the bond that the state may be liable for by public corporations | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 2 | Legislature | Relates to the Legislature's power to loan state money for employment opportunities | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 3 | Housing | Relates to the power of cities, towns and villages to contract indebtedness for low rent housing | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 4 | Legislature | Empowers the legislature to provide for the education and the support of the mentally ill | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 5 | Pension | Increase in pensions for widows of retired members of a teachers retirement systems | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 6 | Direct Democracy | Requires three month residence of voters in state, county, city or village elections | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 7 | Lottery | Authorizes state lotteries for the support of education | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 8 | Direct Democracy | Authorizes absentee registration for voters | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 9 | Gov't Finances | Relates to the power of the Buffalo city school district to contract indebtedness for taxes of real estate | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 10 | Judiciary | Relates to the continued service of retired judges on the Court of Appeals | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 11 | Judiciary | Relates to the continued service of retired appellate division justices |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1966 ballot measures
September 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Number 1 | Taxes | Regards levying taxes and the adoption of related federal definitions | |
LRCA | Number 2 | Education | Relates to whether or not a County Superintendent of Schools may serve two or more counties |
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Number 1 | Local Gov't | Provides for home rule of villages and cities | |
VR | Number 2 | Suffrage | Relates to voting rights for recent residents of the state for presidential elections | |
LRCA | Number 3 | Judiciary | Changes process for selecting judges | |
LRCA | Number 4 | Constitutions | Revises constitutional sections regarding the declarations of rights and the executive, legislative and judicial branches | |
CISS | Number 5 | Gov't Acc | Requires publication of school board proceedings in newspaper |
See also: Oklahoma 1966 ballot measures
May 3, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 428 | Education; Race and ethnicity | Repeal Section 3 of Article XIII that required the Legislature to establish separate schools for white and people of color students. |
327,927 (66%) |
166,941 (34%) |
State Question 429 | Administration | Establish impeachment procedures for officials convicted of a felony, with automatic suspension without pay and reinstatement if reversed. |
395,295 (81%) |
90,253 (19%) |
State Question 431 | Judiciary | Establish a Court on the Judiciary with authority to remove or retire judges, selected by the Supreme Court, Governor, Attorney General, or House. |
328,012 (72%) |
128,207 (28%) |
State Question 432 | Voting policy; Elections | Allow U.S. citizens who recently moved to Oklahoma to vote for President and Vice President, but not other offices, if they’ve been residents for less than six months. |
347,440 (74%) |
120,455 (26%) |
State Question 436 | Executive officials; Term limits | Prohibit the Governor from serving more than two consecutive terms, but allow the Secretary of State, State Auditor, and State Treasurer to succeed themselves. |
300,954 (62%) |
183,850 (38%) |
May 24, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 434 | Education; Taxes | Authorize the State Board to create vocational education districts, levy additional taxes with voter approval, and incur debt for improvements. |
214,698 (51%) |
206,458 (49%) |
State Question 435 | Legislature | Provide for annual regular legislative sessions with a limit of ninety legislative days for each session. |
208,894 (51%) |
199,240 (49%) |
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 437 | Legislature; Redistricting | Establish new boundaries for Oklahoma's congressional district. |
162,446 (30%) |
386,269 (70%) |
See also: Oregon 1966 ballot measures
May 24, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Taxes; Tobacco | Levy a 4 cents per package tax on cigarettes, allocating half of the revenue for property tax relief and the other half divided equally among cities and counties. |
310,743 (63%) |
181,957 (37%) |
Measure 2 | Education | Permit the legislature to determine the selection method for the Superintendent of Public Instruction, repealing the constitutional requirement for their election. |
197,096 (42%) |
267,319 (58%) |
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Labor | Require public transportation agencies to “make fair and equitable arrangements to protect the interests” of employees and retired employees. |
468,103 (79%) |
123,964 (21%) |
Measure 2 | Education; Bonds | Authorize bonds to construct self-supporting community college facilities and permit the use of state education facilities’ revenues to finance projects. |
237,282 (42%) |
332,983 (58%) |
See also: Pennsylvania 1966 ballot measures
May 17, 1966:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | State government finance | Increases local government debt limit | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Constitutional language | Consolidates constitutional provisions regarding public officials |
November 8, 1966:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Constitutional language | Moves Article XVI of the state constitution to another article of the state constitution concerning private corporations | |
LRCA | Question 2 | State judiciary | Allows the state legislature to require completion of a training and education course for justices of the peace and aldermen who are not licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania |
Rhode Island
See also: Rhode Island 1966 ballot measures
November 6:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LBM | Proposal 1 | Bond issues | Issues general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 2 | Bond issues | Issues general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 3 | Bond issues | Issues general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 4 | Bond issues | Issues general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 5 | Bond issues | Issues general obligation bonds. |
South Dakota
See also: South Dakota 1966 ballot measures
November 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Reclassifying Farm Property | Property | Reclassifies farm property | |
LRCA | Eliminate County Superintendent | Local gov't | Allows counties to eliminate county superintendents | |
LRCA | County Court System | Judiciary | Changes county court systems |
See also: Texas 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 10 | Taxes; Bonds | Provide that school taxes remain valid after boundary changes in independent school districts, allowing tax levy continuation without new elections |
668,714 (65%) |
355,875 (35%) |
Proposition 11 | Water; Bonds | Authorize the issuance of $200,000,000 in water development bonds and the further investment in water facilities |
673,688 (64%) |
375,801 (36%) |
Proposition 12 | Administration | Provide a method and manner for hospital districts to be dissolved |
651,821 (64%) |
361,094 (36%) |
Proposition 13 | Local government | Provide for the consolidation of functions of government by contract between political subdivisions |
565,174 (56%) |
447,578 (44%) |
Proposition 14 | Suffrage; Elections | Omit the requirement that members of the armed services vote only in the county that they resided in at the time of entering the service |
893,798 (82%) |
197,901 (18%) |
Proposition 15 | Welfare | Authorize assistance from private and federal funds for nonsectarian organizations to support employment and care for the disabled. |
779,957 (74%) |
277,092 (26%) |
Proposition 16 | Legislature | Set the date on which newly elected legislators take office |
787,823 (77%) |
232,212 (23%) |
Proposition 1 | Taxes; Food and agriculture | Require assessment of land designated for agricultural use owned by individuals based on relevant agricultural factors for tax purposes |
587,504 (53%) |
510,769 (47%) |
Proposition 2 | Administration; Taxes | Allow the creation, establishment, maintenance, and operation of airport authorities composed of one or more counties |
593,986 (55%) |
476,345 (45%) |
Proposition 3 | Education | Withdraw Arlington State College from participation in the Permanant University Fund |
574,960 (56%) |
455,580 (44%) |
Proposition 4 | Term limits | Change the maximum terms of directors of conservation and reclamation districts from 2 to 6 years |
503,885 (49%) |
534,248 (51%) |
Proposition 5 | Administration; Pension | Authorize the legislature to create statewide retirement, disability, and death compensation benefits for county and other political subdivision employees |
562,168 (53%) |
502,867 (47%) |
Proposition 6 | Law enforcement | Provide assistance to the surviving spouse and children of law enforcement officers or firemen killed in the line of duty |
780,570 (72%) |
303,073 (28%) |
Proposition 7 | Taxes; Elections | Repeal the Texas poll tax |
659,604 (59%) |
466,119 (41%) |
Proposition 8 | Elections | Permit qualified voters, regardless of residency, to vote in presidential, state-wide, and ballot question elections, including recent US citizens in presidential polls |
701,349 (67%) |
347,337 (33%) |
Proposition 9 | Judiciary | Provide for a court of criminal appeals |
674,985 (66%) |
348,858 (34%) |
See also: Virginia 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Renaming the Department, Commissioner, and Board of Agriculture and Immigration Amendment | Change the name of the Department of Agriculture and Immigration, Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration, and Board of Agriculture and Immigration to the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Commissioner of Agriculture, and Commerce and Board of Agriculture and Commerce; and require that at least five practical farmers serve on the Board |
388,009 (77%) |
118,484 (23%) |
See also: Washington 1966 ballot measures
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
HJR 39 | Government accountability | Require state debt measures to be published at least four times within the four weeks prior to the election in all legal newspapers. |
569,889 (75%) |
193,299 (25%) |
HJR 4 | Suffrage; Elections | Allow national citizens to vote in a presidential election if they intend to permanently reside in the state and have resided in the state at least sixty days prior. |
645,966 (81%) |
155,808 (19%) |
HJR 7 | Taxes; Property | Authorize the legislature to exempt occupied residential property from property taxes for retired individuals. |
661,497 (76%) |
210,553 (24%) |
Initiative 226 | Taxes | Require one-tenth of revenues from state sales and use taxes to be distributed to cities on a per capita basis. |
403,700 (44%) |
514,281 (56%) |
Initiative 229 | Sunday | Repeal existing restrictions on Sundays prohibiting noisy activities, trade operations, personal property sales, and drinking saloons. |
604,096 (64%) |
333,972 (36%) |
Initiative 233 | Labor; Transportation | Repeal statute limiting the size of freight train crews. |
591,051 (63%) |
339,978 (37%) |
Referendum 14 | Education; Bonds | Authorize $16,500,000 in state general obligation bonds for constructing public schools. |
583,705 (67%) |
288,357 (33%) |
Referendum 15 | Bonds | Authorize $40,575,000 in state general obligation bonds for improving public institutions and agencies. |
597,715 (69%) |
263,902 (31%) |
Referendum 16 | Redistricting | Redistrict the boundaries of the Washington's first, second, third, fourth, sixth, and seventh congressional districts. |
416,630 (52%) |
384,466 (48%) |
SJR 20 | Property | Repeal constitutional language that prohibited noncitizen residents from purchasing and owning land |
430,984 (51%) |
415,082 (49%) |
SJR 22 Part 1 | Budgets | Establish a common school construction fund derived from crop proceeds, land, and interests. |
602,360 (73%) |
220,395 (27%) |
SJR 22 Part 2 | Budgets | Permit the permanent school fund to be invested in bonds as determined by the legislature. |
581,245 (72%) |
222,401 (28%) |
SJR 25 | Budgets | Consider public funds for port districts as public funds for a public interest. |
415,064 (54%) |
359,714 (46%) |
SJR 6 | Judiciary; Elections | Remove elections for Superior Court judges if only one candidate qualifies for the ballot. |
635,318 (80%) |
158,291 (20%) |
See also: Wisconsin 1966 ballot measures
April 5, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Allow legislators to retain office while on short-term active duty in the reserves or during an emergency declared by the Governor |
362,935 (66%) |
189,641 (34%) |
Question 2 | Abolish the position of Justice of Peace and authorize the establishment of inferior courts |
321,434 (60%) |
216,341 (40%) |
Question 3 | Create an exemption for special district public utilities from local government debt limits |
307,502 (61%) |
199,919 (39%) |
November 8, 1966
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Allow new state residents to vote six months after being in the state |
582,389 (69%) |
256,246 (31%) |
If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email editor@ballotpedia.org.