1940 ballot measures
1940 State Ballot Measures | |
1941 »
« 1939
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
By state
See also: Arizona 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure Nos. 100-101 | Taxes; Property | Provide for the tax exemption of a person's bona fide home for a value of up to $5,000 |
51,739 (46%) |
60,668 (54%) |
Measure Nos. 102-103 | Property | Provide for the establishment of rules governing the sale and leasing of state lands |
45,228 (54%) |
39,068 (46%) |
Measure Nos. 104-105 | Business | Provide for defining the requirements for firms to be classified as public service corporations |
20,981 (26%) |
60,531 (74%) |
Measure Nos. 106-107 | Taxes; Property | Provide for the limitation of taxes on real and tangible personal property |
46,696 (52%) |
42,748 (48%) |
Measure Nos. 108-109 | Taxes | Provide for the definition of the statuses, rights, privileges, benefits, immunities, and exemptions of tax levying public improvement districts |
61,795 (65%) |
32,646 (35%) |
Measure Nos. 110-111 | Taxes; Transportation | Provide for a method of assessing and levying taxes and the imposition of a license tax on registered vehicles in lieu of ad valorem property taxes |
53,124 (58%) |
37,856 (42%) |
Measure Nos. 300-301 | Healthcare; Business | Provide for the regulation of the advertisement of dentistry |
33,516 (33%) |
67,404 (67%) |
Measure Nos. 302-303 | Gambling | Provide for the legalization of gambling and gambling devices |
43,502 (38%) |
70,154 (62%) |
Measure Nos. 304-305 | Budgets; Transportation | Allocate a certain percentage of gasoline tax revenue to cities |
37,203 (41%) |
53,251 (59%) |
Measure Nos. 306-307 | Education | Provide for the equalization of educational opportunities of the children of the state |
58,149 (59%) |
41,215 (41%) |
See also: Arkansas 1940 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 30 | Elections | Repeals the double primary | |
LRCA | Amendment 31 | Gov't Finances | Pledges that the state will not reduce revenues from motor vehicle registrations in order to pay refunding bonds | |
LRCA | Amendment 32 | Taxes | Allows certain personal property tax exemptions | |
CICA | Amendment 33 | Local Gov't | Proposes an amendment for city libraries | |
CICA | Amendment 34 | Pension | Proposes an amendment for police and fireman pensions | |
CICA | Amendment 35 | Hunting & fishing | Establishes a Game and Fish Commission | |
CICA | Amendment 36 | Pension | Proposes an amendment for old age pension plans | |
LRSS | Act 4 | Bonds | Authorizes issuance of general refunding bonds | |
LRSS | Act 314 | State judiciary | Requires that court actions must be brought in the county it occurs | |
LRSS | Act 319 | Labor and unions | Proposes an initiative for workmen's compensation | |
CISS | Act 1 | Labor | Provides payment for employers for compensation of injured employees |
See also: California 1940 ballot propositions
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 10 | Require that public improvements that are paid partially or fully special assessment taxes be subject to a variety of provisions. |
1,138,237 (63%) |
680,353 (37%) |
Proposition 11 | Allow the state to have stocks in mutual water companies when such ownership is required to secure a water supply. |
1,151,911 (59%) |
810,549 (41%) |
Proposition 12 | Allow either house of the legislature to create a committee to research facts and make recommendations. |
929,527 (52%) |
855,845 (48%) |
Proposition 13 | Allow the legislature to execute leases and sales of state park lands that contain oil or gas and require funds generated go to a general fund. |
315,408 (15%) |
1,776,128 (85%) |
Proposition 14 | Allow the legislature to apportion to political subdivisions from money derived from Chapter 362 and Chapter 330 Statutes. |
759,683 (41%) |
1,110,087 (59%) |
Proposition 15 | Limit the money the city treasurer is able to transfer to meet obligations of city or city and county, |
709,385 (38%) |
1,153,446 (62%) |
Proposition 16 | Provide for annual 60 day sessions of the legislature, require the budget be prepared annually, and limit the increase of general fund appropriations. |
556,469 (30%) |
1,268,684 (70%) |
Proposition 17 | Allow the legislature to authorize the political subdivisions to purchase personal liability insurance against all officers, agents, and employees. |
807,199 (41%) |
1,138,039 (59%) |
Proposition 1 | Release all liens, mortgages, and other encumbrances taken by counties as security for aid granted to aged persons. |
1,508,547 (62%) |
922,109 (38%) |
Proposition 2 | Release all liens, mortgages, and other encumbrances of those covered under the Old Age Security Act or Old Age Security. |
1,519,963 (64%) |
853,243 (36%) |
Proposition 3 | Declare that the legislature shall provide for the establishment, governance, and superintendence of institutions for all felons |
994,101 (50%) |
991,722 (50%) |
Proposition 4 | Allow the legislature to regulate the manner of election results for governor and lieutenant governor |
1,198,015 (64%) |
673,794 (36%) |
Proposition 5 | Start Daylight Saving Time on the last Sunday in April and end it on the last Sunday in September. |
785,634 (30%) |
1,834,564 (70%) |
Proposition 6 | Allow the legislature to create ways for the superior court to review decisions made by administrative officers, boards, and commissions. |
907,761 (50%) |
921,832 (50%) |
Proposition 7 | Make adjustments and reforms to the jurisdiction of courts. |
723,330 (40%) |
1,082,647 (60%) |
Proposition 8 | Create the Fish and Game Commission |
1,287,473 (64%) |
735,589 (36%) |
Proposition 9 | Exempt all vessels from local taxes except yachts of more than 50 tons until January 1955. |
530,673 (26%) |
1,480,475 (74%) |
See also: Colorado 1940 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CICA | Issue 1 | Taxes | Imposes an ad valorem tax on all intangible property in the state | |
CISS | Issue 2 | Gambling | Establishes a racing commission, legalized horse and dog racing and allocates revenues from such races to the counties | |
CICA | Issue 3 | Environment | Establishes a Game and Fish Commission and limits game and fish revenues to the conservation of the state’s wildlife resources | |
CICA | Issue 4 | Taxes | Levies an income tax and requires that revenue derived from the income tax replace property taxes | |
CICA | Issue 5 | Pension | Provides for a pension of $30 per month to residents of the state over 65 years old |
See also: Florida 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
County Commissioner's Districts Amendment | Allow for the creation of County Commissioner’s districts in each county |
79,334 (46%) |
92,818 (54%) |
Parole Commission Amendment | Allow for the creation of a Parole Commission |
97,696 (57%) |
72,364 (43%) |
State Ad Valorem Property Taxes Amendment | Prohibit state ad valorem taxes on real or personal property, except intangible personal property |
106,622 (58%) |
76,050 (42%) |
State Supreme Court Amendment | Establish a seventh Supreme Court Justice, allow the court to act in divisions, and designate the Chief Justice as chief administrative officer |
93,340 (54%) |
78,071 (46%) |
Use of Parimutuel Tax Funds Amendment | Allow for the equal allocation and distribution of taxes collected on parimutuel gambling |
103,177 (60%) |
67,528 (40%) |
Widow Tax Exemption Amendment | Give all widows a $500 taxation exemption |
161,606 (79%) |
42,451 (21%) |
See also: Idaho 1940 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | HJR 3 | Taxes | Restricts use of revenues from gas tax and motor vehicle registration fees | |
LRCA | SJR 5 | Gov't Finances | Restricts the use of endowment funds | |
LRCA | SJR 7 | Admin of Gov't | Gives the legislature the power to prescribe methods of disbursement of moneys | |
CISS | INIT 1 | Alcohol | Gives counties the option to decide whether or not liquor can be sold | |
CISS | INIT 2 | Alcohol | Limits liquor advertising, sets minimum purchase amounts, and prohibits sale of liquor at bars |
See also: Illinois 1940 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRSS | Banking Law Amendment | Banking | Shall the banking law be amended? |
See also: Maine 1940 ballot measures
September 9
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
VR | Question No. 5 | Elections | Changes nominating process in the city of Biddeford's elections | |
VR | Question No. 6 | Law Enforcement | Creates Biddeford Police Commission |
See also: Maryland 1940 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Judiciary | Provides for the appointment of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Judiciary | Establishes Peoples Courts | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Taxes | Removes the exemption of salaries of judges and other public officers from income tax | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Judiciary | Sets residential qualifications for Associate Judges of the Third Judicial Circuit | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | State exec | Prohibits the governor from succeeding himself for a term directly following the term for which he was elected | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Judiciary | Adds a judge to the seventh judicial circuit | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Legislature | Limits session of the General Assembly to 90 days | |
VR | Amendment 8 | Agriculture | Provides for the creation of the Commission of Fisheries | |
VR | Amendment 9 | Labor | Provides for appointment of members and terms of office for the State Industrial Accident Commission |
See also: Michigan 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposal No. 1 | Allow school districts to exceed the 15 mill limitation for building purposes |
602,952 (42%) |
843,159 (58%) |
Proposal No. 2 | Establish a new state system of civil service |
766,764 (52%) |
709,894 (48%) |
Proposal No. 3 | Require any common or contract motor carrier on public highways to obtain a certificate or permit to do so, with certain exceptions |
640,051 (41%) |
930,227 (59%) |
Proposal No. 4 | Establish regulations on dentistry |
735,053 (59%) |
516,597 (41%) |
See also: Minnesota 1940 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Acc | Changes requirements for publishing charter amendments |
See also: Missouri 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Salaries | Authorize the compensation of General Assembly members to $125 per month |
418,119 (42%) |
574,478 (58%) |
Amendment 2 | Legislature | Repeal Section 41, and enact a new section to establish a revision of statutes every 10 years starting in 1949 |
445,104 (47%) |
506,568 (53%) |
Amendment 3 | Judiciary | Establish a non-partisan system for the nomination, appointment, and election of judges |
535,642 (55%) |
445,194 (45%) |
Amendment 4 | Direct democracy | Establish the required votes in initiative and referendum petitions be based on the total signatures for Governor |
456,546 (48%) |
492,564 (52%) |
Amendment 5 | Environment; Hunting and fishing | Repeal the Wildlife and Forestry Code and all regulations established by Conservation Commission, and instead enact the Fish and Game Laws of the State of Missouri from June 30, 1939 |
359,628 (34%) |
709,421 (66%) |
Amendment 6 | Local vehicle registration tax; Transportation | Establish permanent motor vehicle license fees at the current rate to fund road maintenance |
258,660 (26%) |
737,932 (74%) |
Amendment 7 | Taxes; Transportation | Reduce motor vehicle license fees, which fund rural road maintenance, and abolish municipal gasoline taxes |
416,322 (40%) |
636,928 (60%) |
See also: Montana 1940 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRSS | R-42 | Education | Enacts a mill levy for the University of Montana | |
LRSS | R-43 | Bonds | Issues a bond for the state hospital for the insane | |
CISS | I-44 | Bond issues | Issues bonds for state colleges |
See also: Nebraska 1940 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of gov't | Provides that the superintendent of public instruction be a member of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Local gov't | Provides for an optional form of county government |
See also: Nevada 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Budgets | Require all motor vehicle fees and fuel taxes be used exclusively for highway construction, maintenance, and administration. |
28,679 (81%) |
6,831 (19%) |
Question 2 | Elections | Require the legislature to canvass election returns and declare election results in accordance with federal law. |
24,026 (80%) |
5,882 (20%) |
Question 3 | Local government | Prohibit the legislature from abolishing a county without approval by both the county's voters and a majority of state voters. |
22,424 (72%) |
8,683 (28%) |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1940 ballot measures
June 25
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | County Government Referendum | Local Gov't | Changes state legislature power in organization and administration of counties and county governments | |
LRCA | Direct Democracy Referendum | Direct Democracy | Requires 15,000 signatures for both initiated and referred measures | |
LRCA | Recall Referendum | Recall | Changes recall petitioning and ballot procedures | |
CICA | Public Service Commission Initiative | Admin of Gov't | Changes the name of state Board of Railroad Commissioners to Public Service Commission | |
CICA | Highway Tax Initiative | Taxes | Allocates highway user taxes to defray cost of construction and maintenance of highways | |
CISS | Educational Funding Initiative | Education | Reduces the state's per people payment to schools and increases the emergency funds for schools in distress | |
CISS | School Funding Initiative 2 | Education | Reduces the state's per people payment to schools regardless of need and increasing the emergency funds for schools in distress | |
CISS | Sales Tax for Schools Initiative | Taxes | Earmarking sales tax revenues--7/12ths for the school equalization fund and 5/12ths for the state welfare fund | |
CISS | School Funding Initiative | Education | Increasing the funds for financially distressed schools | |
CISS | Board of Finance Initiative | Admin of Gov't | Creates a state Board of Finance and Administration to handle all trust funds |
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CISS | Property Tax Classifications Initiative | Taxes | Creates three classes of property for tax purposes | |
CISS | Tax Abatement Initiative | Taxes | Allows the abatement of past, present and future taxes based on excessive valuation | |
CICA | Graduated Land Tax Initiative | Taxes | Creates a graduated land tax with a homestead exception of $5,000 for legal owner-resident farmers |
See also: Oklahoma 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 215 | Taxes; Welfare | Authorize a graduated tax on land over 640 acres for old age security, with exemptions, refunds, and enforcement provisions. |
408,559 (68%) |
196,711 (32%) |
State Question 241 | Administration; Healthcare | Abolish alternate members of the State Board of Medical Examiners, ensure no medical school majority, require hearings for license revocation, and allow physicians to employ agents without suspension risk. |
294,346 (58%) |
212,701 (42%) |
State Question 253 | Taxes; Transportation | Reallocate motor vehicle and fuel tax revenues to increase funding for local governments and reduce State Highway Fund allocations. |
355,431 (64%) |
198,109 (36%) |
State Question 281 | Executive officials | Require candidates for specific statewide offices to be U.S. citizens, at least 31 years old, and qualified Oklahoma electors for the 10 years before their election. |
354,433 (68%) |
169,926 (32%) |
State Question 282 | Business | Require Corporation Commission approval for public service corporations to consolidate or control competing corporations, excluding railroads, bus, and truck lines. |
256,466 (55%) |
210,890 (45%) |
State Question 289 | Alcohol | Regulate alcohol importation, manufacture, and sale, require licenses and taxes, establish an enforcement department, authorize local fees and county options, and set penalties and employment restrictions. |
290,752 (44%) |
374,911 (56%) |
See also: Oregon 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure Nos. 300-301 | Executive officials; Term limits | Remove term limits for the Secretary of State and Treasurer. |
163,942 (43%) |
213,797 (57%) |
Measure Nos. 302-303 | Taxes | Institutionalize a given tax levy after voters approved such a levy for three successive years prior. |
129,699 (41%) |
183,488 (59%) |
Measure Nos. 304-305 | Banking | Repeal constitutional provisions regarding the double liability of of stockholders of state banks to the depositors of said banks. |
157,891 (45%) |
191,290 (55%) |
Measure Nos. 306-307 | Salaries | Set legislators' daily session pay at $8, refund them 10 cents every mile traveled to and from the capital, and give presiding offers an additional one-half daily pay. |
186,830 (50%) |
188,031 (50%) |
Measure Nos. 308-309 | Elections | Move the primary nominating elections from May to the first Wednesday after the first Monday of September. |
156,421 (41%) |
221,203 (59%) |
Measure Nos. 310-311 | Alcohol; Business | Require licenses to sell alcohol to consumers. |
158,004 (40%) |
235,128 (60%) |
Measure Nos. 312-313 | Alcohol; Business | Repeal law allowing only the liquor control commission to sell alcohol, allowing private entities to manufacture and sell alcohol. |
90,681 (23%) |
309,183 (77%) |
Measure Nos. 314-315 | Gambling | Legalize games of skill, provide licensing of such games and disburse license revenues to public fairs, expositions, and old-age public assistance. |
150,157 (37%) |
258,010 (63%) |
Measure Nos. 316-317 | Food and agriculture | Repeal the Oregon Milk Control Law, which provided supervision and regulation of the milk industry. |
201,983 (49%) |
213,838 (51%) |
South Dakota
See also: South Dakota 1940 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Taxes for Highways | Taxes | Provides that motor vehicle and gasoline taxes go to highways | |
LRCA | Legislative Vacancies | Legislature | Allows governor to fill legislative vacancies | |
LRCA | Investment of Permanent School Funds | Gov't Finances | Reduces the interest required for investment of permanent school funds | |
VR | Unemployment Compensation Commission | Admin of gov't | Abolishes the Unemployment Compensation Commission |
See also: Texas 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Legislature; Judiciary | Authorize the legislature to provide for appeals directly to the supreme court in instances involving the constitutionality of laws |
268,645 (70%) |
114,343 (30%) |
Proposition 2 | Executive officials | Appoint notaries public by the secretary of state, not the governor, with qualifications defined by law |
318,061 (67%) |
155,964 (33%) |
Proposition 3 | Civil service; Term limits | Prohibit the two-year term limit set forth in Article 16, section 30 of the constitution from applying to appointive civil service offices |
222,559 (60%) |
147,919 (40%) |
Proposition 4 | County tax; County bonds | Allow county commissioners to levy taxes and issue bonds to refund the indebtedness of the general fund of Red River County |
167,204 (45%) |
207,053 (55%) |
See also: Washington 1940 ballot measures
November 5, 1940
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
HJR 13 | Salaries; Elections | Allow voters or legislature to set constitutional officers' salaries, limit legislators' salaries to $50 monthly, and repeal constitutional salary limits. |
183,478 (41%) |
259,842 (59%) |
Initiative 139 | Budgets | Require voter approval for the issuance of bonds, securities, or other financial obligations to public utility districts. |
253,318 (41%) |
362,508 (59%) |
Initiative 141 | Welfare | Provide a $40 monthly grant to senior citizens over 65 years of age and eligibility guidelines and repeal acts in conflict with this measure. |
358,009 (58%) |
258,819 (42%) |
Referendum 5 | Taxes; Property | Limit the aggregate annual rate of property levy to forty mills and a two mills limit on tax levy for public universities. |
390,639 (72%) |
149,843 (28%) |
SJR 1 | Local government; Term limits | Repeal limits on the number of terms county officers may serve. |
208,407 (44%) |
267,938 (56%) |
SJR 8 | Business | Authorize the legislature to grant stockholders of Washington-organized banks the same personal liability relief as stockholders of national banks. |
255,047 (57%) |
188,929 (43%) |
See also: Wisconsin 1940 ballot measures
April 2, 1940
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Repeal a statue known as the teacher tenure law |
403,782 (52%) |
372,524 (48%) |
Question 2 | Allow cities, villages, and towns to collect and return property tax with methods like installment payments |
330,971 (71%) |
134,808 (29%) |
If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email editor@ballotpedia.org.