Michael Rivera (Virginia)

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Michael Rivera
Image of Michael Rivera
Elections and appointments
Last election

November 7, 2023



Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1988


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1999

New York
Public servant

Michael Rivera ran for election for an at-large seat of the Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia. He lost in the general election on November 7, 2023.


Michael Rivera was born in New York. Rivera earned a bachelor's degree and a graduate degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1988 and 1999, respectively. His career experience includes working as a public servant.[1]



See also: Loudoun County Public Schools, Virginia, elections (2023)

General election

General election for Loudoun County Public Schools, At-large

Anne Pogue Donohue defeated Michael Rivera in the general election for Loudoun County Public Schools, At-large on November 7, 2023.

Image of Anne Pogue Donohue
Anne Pogue Donohue (Nonpartisan) Candidate Connection
Image of Michael Rivera
Michael Rivera (Nonpartisan)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 134,245
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates


Rivera received the following endorsements.

  • Loudoun Co. Sch. Brd. Memb. Tiffany Polifko (Nonpartisan)
  • Henry Eickelberg - Loudoun Cnty. Treasurer cand.
  • Loudoun County, Va., Republican Party
  • Loudoun County Republican Women's Club
  • Virginia Citizens Defense League
  • Virginia Muslim Business Chamber
  • Virginians for Common Sense


Rivera received ratings or grades from the following organizations.

  • iVoterGuide
  • Virginia Citizens Defense League


See also: Loudoun County Public Schools, Virginia, elections (2022)

General election

Special general election for Loudoun County Public Schools, Leesburg District

Erika Ogedegbe defeated Michael Rivera and Lauren Shernoff in the special general election for Loudoun County Public Schools, Leesburg District on November 8, 2022.

Erika Ogedegbe (Nonpartisan)
Image of Michael Rivera
Michael Rivera (Nonpartisan) Candidate Connection
Lauren Shernoff (Nonpartisan)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 15,706
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Campaign themes


Michael Rivera did not complete Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey.

Other survey responses

Ballotpedia identified the following surveys, interviews, and questionnaires Rivera completed for other organizations. If you are aware of a link that should be added, email us.


Candidate Connection

Michael Rivera completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Rivera's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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My name is Michael Rivera and I am running for the Loudoun County School Board in the Leesburg District. I have over 15 years IT experience, 8 years commercial construction project management experience, and 8 years as a public servant. I am a parent of two wonderful children and husband to my wife of 16 years. I decided to run for the board because I am witnessing the decline of an education system that has let the public down and is doing a disservice to all children.
  • Protect and preserve parent rights
  • Focus public school back to academic instruction away from identity politics
  • Stop the over sexualization of children in k-12
I am an ardent supporter of parent's rights and limiting the power/authority of school boards to exclude parents in the education of their children. Curriculum should be developed to focus on academic instruction and away from politic ideologies and personal agendas.
I look up to individuals that have achieved inner peace and are able to deal with challenging issues with wisdom and logic. It is not easy to maintain calm in tough life situations but I admire people that can. My brother in law possesses those qualities.
Elected officials need to stay true to the constitution in that they exist only to serve the people and they gain all of their authority from the people. Politicians must remain humble and remember their oaths of office.
I would like to people to see me as an individual that was always willing to listen and to compromise for fair solutions.
911 Terrorist Bombing - I recall exactly where I was when America was attacked and I am proud of how the entire country came together to combat a common enemy.
To make sure that the resources within the school system are laser focused on educating k-12 children and to make sure that parents are an integral part of the education of their children.
The children, parents, and taxpayers of Loudoun County
With a focus on education, the school board should work to remove barriers to education and to make sure ALL students are afforded adequate resources and facilities to thrive. I believe that although communities may be separated by race or ethnicity that ALL people need to be treated equally and that ALL children in public school deserve a high quality education regardless of socio-economic status.
I think that communities that are not english speakers, families with non-citizens (parents and children), and economically disadvantaged communities are sometimes not given the attention and resources they need to thrive. It is critical that financial resources are allocated across these groups to make sure that students in the entire county are treated equally.
I think it is critical to recruit QUALIFIED faculty, staff, and admin as opposed to seeking to add people just because of skin color or ethnicity.
Identity politics, personal agendas, racist dogma, and ideologies have corrupted the public school system and are the main obstacle to educating children. These items have no place in public education and they need to be removed from the public education system.
Good teaching should be measured by outcomes of student competency, standardized tests, college admissions, and employment statistics. Public schools need to understand and appreciate that there are a multitude of learning styles and that all kids are not destined for higher degrees and that vocational education is a critical part of overall public education.
I believe that the vocational and technology options need to be expanded for students to allow for employment options post graduation. I think that given the opportunity, retired trades people and others would be willing to come to schools to teach students valuable life skills and trades.
Each and every dollar of the school budget needs to be justified in terms of direct impact to educating children to resist temptation to create bloated administration while sacrificing teachers, tutors, and classroom aides.
Children should be safe in schools, laws should be enforced, the juvenile justice system should be allowed to deal with juvenile criminal issues, and school officials should not have the discretion to determine if they believe acts are criminal or not.
Licensed mental health resources should be available for children to be utilized only after consultation with and getting permission of parents.
In the previous pandemic school systems were being driven by teacher unions and politicians to close schools and violate rights of students and parents. Schools need to actually follow real science and keep politics outside of the classrooms and administration.
Parents need transparent communication and the ability to provide feedback to the board. Town hall meetings, social media, and personal interaction are critical to building those relationships to establish and maintain trust.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia.org. Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on September 14, 2022