Matias "Matt" Temperley
Matt Temperley was a 2012 Republican candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 8th Congressional District of Massachusetts.
Temperley was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He earned his bachelor's degree from Tarleton State University and a graduate certificate in Advanced International Affairs from Texas A&M University. He is finishing his Master of Liberal Arts from the Harvard University Extension School. Upon graduating from Basic Training in July 2004, he was assigned to a cavalry division at Fort Hood, Texas. He has been deployed to Iraq twice.[1]
Campaign themes
On his campaign website, Temperley listed five issues. They were:[2]
- Economy
- On his website, Temperley said, "In order to get our economy back on track we need to keep taxes low for private businesses, so they can hire more people and reduce unemployment. In addition, we need to lower the fixed costs (such as commercial property taxes) for small companies so they do not go out of business and increase unemployment even more. Lowering fixed costs for small business will not only allow them to expand their current operations, but it will also allow new entrepreneurs to start new businesses."
- National Debt
- On his website, Temperley said, "Our national debt has increased steadily for the last 10 years with no signs of retraction. Just to give an example, the debt at the end of 2007 was $8,5 trillion and now is over $15.7 trillion. As a result, world investors have become worried about our alarming Debt Ratio/GDP (debt/income). That is one of the two reasons given by Standard & Poor’s to justify the downgrade of our credit rating (the other one was political instability). Therefore, a strong deficit reduction plan will allow investors to regain trust in our country, and allow our businesses to attract more money to invest and hire more people."
- Energy
- On his website, Temperley said, "About 50 per cent of our oil needs is imported from foreign countries, and more than 2/3 of our its consumption comes from transportation. This means that we would become energy independent if we switch from petroleum to another transportation fuel. Today that option is real with Hydrogen Fuel."
- Afghanistan
- On his website, Temperley said, "I would love to say that if we bring all the troops back from Afghanistan right now our country will still be safe. Unfortunately the Afghani Army is not strong enough yet to fight the Taliban on its own. If we pull our troops from Afghanistan right now, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda will rebuild their structure, and they will start launching spectacular attacks just as they did before 9/11. Therefore, it is imperative that we accomplish the mission there so we can deliver the final knock-out blow to Al-Qaeda and its allies."
- Veterans
- On his website, Temperley said, "I believe we need to honor our veterans by increasing their preference points for federal jobs, developing more aggressive programs to reinsert them back into the labor force, providing them with first class medical care, ensuring the families of those killed in action receive the benefits they deserve, and safeguarding all other veteran entitlements."[2]
Temperley ran in the 2012 election for the U.S. House to represent Massachusetts' 8th District. Temperley was defeated by Joe Selvaggi in the September 6, 2012 Republican primary.[3]
External links