Montigue Magruder

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Montigue Magruder
Image of Montigue Magruder


High school

Armstrong High School

Mechanic and cook

Montigue Magruder was a 2017 Green Party candidate for District 69 of the Virginia House of Delegates.


Magruder was born in Charlottesville, Virginia. He attended Armstrong High School. His professional experience includes working as a mechanic, a fry cook, and a general laborer. He has been a member of the Richmond Transit Riders Union, VA Organizing, RePHRAME, and the Industrial Workers of the World. In 2012, he was appointed to the GRTC & Transit Study Task Force. In 2016, he ran for Richmond City Council, finishing in third place with 13 percent of the vote.[1]

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia candidate survey

Magruder participated in a survey created by Ballotpedia. The survey was designed to let our readers know more about the candidates and feel confident that they are voting for the best person to represent them. The survey questions appear bolded, and Magruder's responses follow below.

Who are your constituents?
The district is 58% Black, 11% Latino, and 30% White as of the 2010 Census.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What is the primary job of a state legislator in your view?
The primary job is to seek state redress of their constituent's grievances.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
How will you build relationships with members of the broader community? Which groups, organizations, stakeholders will you specifically target?
I'll continue to build my relationship with the community by remaing engaged in local civic associations and grassroots political groups.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
As a publicly elected leader, who would you emulate? Who do you look up to? Why? What characteristics/values are most important for a legislator?
I seek to emulate no one. The values of a legislator should always promote a dignified life for their constituents.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What is one book you would suggest for someone who wants to understand your political philosophy?
The Communist Manifesto[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What is your general philosophy when it comes to economics, jobs, and growth? Do you have any more specific ideas related to these concepts?
Corporate welfare (e.g. special tax incentives/waivers) should not be used as a basis for economic growth.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What kind of legacy would you like to leave?
A legacy that sets the standard of representation reflective of the people they represent.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What should the legislature's relationship with the governor be, and how would you personally work towards actualizing that?
The legislature should always ensure that the Governor acts within his authority.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
Ideally, what should the government’s role in a state’s healthcare system be? Are there any healthcare policies, actual or hypothetical, that you have an opinion on?
The state should institute a Universal (Medicare for All) system using already existing funds for healthcare programs.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
How should the state manage its relations with military veterans?
First, I'll applaud Gov. McAuliffe for his efforts to end veteran homelessness.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
In regard to economic and business regulations such as the minimum wage and professional licensing, what role do you think the state should play?
The Business and Professional Occupation License should only apply to large corporations. Small businesses should be exempt from BPOL fees. Any business in operation should pay their workers living wages. If they depend on paying their workers less than living wages, they have no right to exist in this country.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What do you think about the relationship between religion and laws that regulate discrimination in employment or public accommodations?
Businesses should not be allowed to discriminate against anyone.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What is your opinion on the roles of police officers and protesters, respectively, in the public space? Are there any specific events that have influenced your thinking?
Police officers should only act to keep the peace between opposing sides. They should not act on stand-down orders or act to protect the most violent persons (e.g. the Alt-Right in Charlottesville).[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What should the state’s role be in regard to early childhood care? What do you envision this relationship looking like as a child grows older?
Paid family leave should be provided for new parents. Up to 120 days at 75% of their income.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
How should the state legislature view areas with natural resources (such as coastlines) when developing economic policy?
Any company seeking to develop an area should agree to protect/reclaim existing natural resources. A Community Benefits Agreement will aid the protection of those resources.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What would your approach be to issues related to crime and incarceration?
Most crimes were put in the code to criminalize the activities of poor people and racial/ethnic minorities. They should be eliminated. For-profit prisons should be abolished.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What news sources do you follow? What factors do you consider when selecting a news source? How do you think the public views the media?
Democracy Now, RT, Al Jazzera, Truthout, The Intercept[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
How do you think of policies that are targeted at a specific gender? What do you think the state legislature should do in regard to these policies?
The state should enact policies that alleviate the burdens of any gender. Policies like paid family leave help alleviate such burdens.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
How do you think about immigration policy? Are there policies in Virginia or other states that you have opinions on? What about at the national level?
Virginia should be established as a Sanctuary State to protect immigrants and refugees from ICE raids.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
How do you view innovative technologies such as smartphones or self-driving cars? How should the state approach innovation from a technological point of view? What about a business or economic point of view?
Smartphones have enabled us to be more productive. I have mixed views about self-driving cars, but I believe that automation will allow humans to focus on more intellectual pursuits. The more jobs become automated, the less humans have to engage in physically-exhaustive labour tasks.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
Do you have an opinion on the role of campaign finance in legislative politics?
Donations from corporations and special interest PACs should be banned. All campaigns should be publicly financed.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What one reform or policy change is most important to you?
Abolition of Lifetime Felon Disenfranchisement from the Virginia Constitution.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
How do you view the current state of transportation and infrastructure in Virginia? What role, if any, should the state have in those two areas?
Expansion of mass transit will alleviate the strain on infrastructure.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
How do you view the current state of prescription opioid use in America?
Expansion of harm reduction efforts must be expanded. This includes the establishment of "safe use" sites and improved access to drug rehabilitation programs. Direction of economic resources to the hardest hit areas will aid in reversing the opiod epidemic.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What are your views on abortion? How would these views affect you in your position as state legislator?
Everyone has the right to maintain bodily integrity as they see fit. Abortion is the exercise of maintaining bodily integrity. I support the practice and will do my part to protect abortion services.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
Describe how you envision the ideal relationship between the state of Virginia and the District of Columbia.
It should be one that proactively challenges the actions of the Federal Government when it missteps its bounds.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
Which areas of spending will you prioritize for funding and support?
Expansion of mass transit and public education.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What are your thoughts on higher education? What should the state do, if anything, to increase accessibility?
The state should provide the funding necessary to iprovide 2 years of free vocational or collegiate courses.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
In recent months, monuments in public spaces and what to do with them have been thrust into the news cycle. What is your opinion about what government should do with existing monuments in public spaces?
Public spaces should not be used to glorify persons who committed acts of violence or upheld White Supremacy. The statues should be removed.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
Should Virginia have a law that requires people to use the bathroom corresponding with the gender on their birth certificate? Are there any policies related to this issue that you have an opinion on?
—Montigue T. Magruder
What is your opinion on Virginia’s K-12 education system? What issues are important and how can the state legislature address them?
Teachers aren't able to teach children to the best of their ability because of SOL Testing mandates. The SOL Tests should be abolished.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What are your views on proposed oil pipelines that would cross Virginia? In general, how should the state legislature address issues related to environmental regulation?
The pipelines should not be constructed. Clean air, land, water, and solar access should be established as basic human rights in the Virginia Constitution.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What do you think Virginia’s economy will look like in 10 years? 20 years? What should the state legislature be doing, if anything, to prepare for the future?
The state should promote investment in "Green" technologies, such as electricity produced by solar and wind.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What are your views on how Virginia draws lines for congressional and state legislative districts? If you could make changes to the system, what would they be?
Enter Virginia into the Potomac Fair Representation Compact to take the business of drawing districts out of legislator's hands.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What are your feelings on Virginia’s current firearms policies?
I believe that there isn't enough emphasis on non-violent conflict resolution training. All registered gun owners should be required to complete two sessions of non-violent conflict resolution training per year.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What are the major public safety issues that Virginia faces? How can the state address them?
Most public safety issues are caused by the lack of economic resources to certain communities. Expanding public transit, increasing the minimum wage, instituting cost controls (e.g rent control), and objective criminal justice reforms will help address the very issues that lead to better public safety.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
Is Virginia prepared for a natural disaster such as a hurricane or an earthquake? What should the state legislature do, if anything, in anticipation of these events?
I'll say no. We currently have nuclear power plants located near fault lines in Virginia. In order to mitigate the risks of nuclear contamination, the power plants should be decomissioned and shut down.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What are your opinions on Virginia’s current taxation policies, for individuals or corporations? Is there anything that you would change?
The tax rate on the wealthiest Virginians should be increased by 7%. Corporations should be required to use the "Combined Reporting" standard when filing taxes.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What is your opinion on income disparities in Virginia?
The income disparities have been exacerbated by the Great Recession.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What economic and social differences are there between rural and urban Virginia? How should government policies address different regions, if at all?
Urban Virginia consists of large corporate interests, rural Virginia has a more agricultural economy.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What is the ideal relationship between Virginia’s local governments and the state government? What should the state legislature do to promote this ideal relationship?
The state should set base guidelines while allowing localities to set their own ordinances as appropriate. I support Home Rule.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What is the state of race relations in Virginia and the United States at large? How do you think about the government’s role in race relations, particularly the state legislature?
Race relations have strained since the election of Trump. A Truth and Reconciliation Commission is needed to help heal the racial divides that inhibit humanity's progress.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
What should the state’s relationship be with immigrants who are living in Virginia without legal permission?
The state should not allow police departments to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
Who do you think the key stakeholders are in Virginia politics? Do you have opinions on any of these stakeholders or ways in which you would approach them as a state legislator?
The people are the true stakeholders in Virginian politics. Corporations are not people.[2]
—Montigue T. Magruder
Candidate website

Magruder’s campaign website highlighted the following issues:[3]


As your delegate, Montigue T. Magruder will fight:

  • To end gerrymandering and guarantee fair electoral districts.
  • To enact proportional representation for all federal, state, and local elections, so that every Virginian can be represented at all levels of government.
  • To require paper ballots in all elections, and require the ballots to be counted by hand on live video.
  • To enable voters to recall their elected representatives.
  • To establish a public financing system for campaigns that bans corporate donations.
  • To assist every locality to enact participatory budgeting, giving people the power to develop their own local budgets, within the next five years.
  • To guarantee the right to vote for all Virginians in the Constitution of Virginia. He will fight to eliminate the constitutional provision that takes the vote away from felons. He will also seek the abolition of Voter I.D. which was based on the classic, unproven “Voter Fraud” argument.


As your delegate, Montigue Magruder will fight:

  • To expand state funding for public schools, and direct state funding to the public schools that need it most.
  • To abolish Standards of Learning testing so that teachers can focus on educating children instead of teaching to the test.
  • To provide free preschool to all children, and two free years of college, vocational training, or apprenticeships.
  • To provide free meals and free medical, dental, and vision services to all students.
  • To ensure all public school districts are in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
  • To prevent the privatization of public schools.
  • To create a non-Eurocentric school curricula that is inclusive of the histories and experiences of people of color.


As your delegate, Montigue T. Magruder will fight:

  • To shut down the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines, and require the safe disposal of toxic coal ash away from rivers and drinking water sources.
  • To restore the public accountability of Dominion Power through review of its revenues by the State Corporation Commission.
  • To give local governments the authority to take control of the electrical grid, and provide electricity and Internet access for residents as a public utility.
  • To lift the restrictions on private and community solar power generation.
  • To repeal legislation allowing Dominion to charge ratepayers for upgrades to their nuclear power plants.
  • To expand funding for public transportation and direct transit expansion to low-income communities. This will aid in reducing poverty, air pollution, dependence on fossil fuels, and damage to infrastructure.

Human Rights

As your delegate, Montigue T. Magruder will fight:

  • To make Virginia a sanctuary state, legally preventing state and local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration officials.
  • To protect and advance reproductive justice, through free access and full funding for reproductive health services.
  • To protect LGBTQ people from discrimination, by including sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in the Human Rights Act.
  • To guarantee every Virginian the right to clean air and water, food, health care, education, transportation, and safe and affordable housing. Such basic necessities would also be exempted from sales tax.
  • To exempt the families experiencing temporary hardships, such as the incarceration of the wage-earner, or major health problems from certain taxes.


As your delegate, Montigue T. Magruder will fight:

  • To end the School to Prison Pipeline by ending the referral of students to law enforcement.
  • To decriminalize marijuana, so that no one is arrested and imprisoned for the medical or recreational use of a harmless plant.
  • To decriminalize sex work, so that sex workers have access to the protection of the law.
  • To stop punishing the poor, by ending driver’s license suspension for offenses unrelated to driving, and eliminate defendant court costs.
  • To abolish civil asset forfeiture and end policing for profit.
  • To take state prisons back into public ownerships and end punishment for private profit.
  • To create elected community review boards for every police department, sheriff’s department, and juvenile correction facility in the Commonwealth, so that every community can hold their law enforcement accountable.
  • To demilitarize the police, by requiring law enforcement to return military equipment, and banning future acquisition of military and surveillance equipment.




See also: Virginia House of Delegates elections, 2017

General election

Elections for the Virginia House of Delegates took place in 2017. All 100 house seats were up for election. The general election took place on November 7, 2017. A primary election took place on June 13, 2017. The filing deadline for primary election candidates was March 30, 2017. The filing deadline for non-party candidates and candidates nominated by methods other than a primary was June 13, 2017.[4] Incumbent Betsy Carr (D) defeated Jake Crocker (Libertarian) and Montigue Magruder (Green) in the Virginia House of Delegates District 69 general election.[5]

Virginia House of Delegates, District 69 General Election, 2017
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic Green check mark transparent.png Betsy Carr Incumbent 86.85% 19,775
     Libertarian Jake Crocker 8.48% 1,931
     Green Montigue Magruder 4.66% 1,062
Total Votes 22,768
Source: Virginia Department of Elections

Democratic primary election

Incumbent Betsy Carr ran unopposed in the Virginia House of Delegates District 69 Democratic primary.[6]

Ballotpedia will publish vote totals here after they become available.
Virginia House of Delegates, District 69 Democratic Primary, 2017
Green check mark transparent.png Betsy Carr Incumbent

Republican primary election

No Republican candidate filed to run for this seat. [7]

Ballotpedia will publish vote totals here after they become available.
Virginia House of Delegates, District 69 Republican Primary, 2017

See also

External links


Current members of the Virginia House of Delegates
Speaker of the House:Don Scott
Majority Leader:Charniele Herring
Minority Leader:Todd Gilbert
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
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District 26
Jas Singh (D)
District 27
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District 30
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District 34
Tony Wilt (R)
District 35
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District 51
Eric Zehr (R)
District 52
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District 68
District 69
District 70
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Lee Ware (R)
District 73
District 74
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District 81
District 82
District 83
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District 87
District 88
Don Scott (D)
District 89
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District 95
District 96
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District 100
Democratic Party (51)
Republican Party (49)