Lake County, California ballot measures

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You can see whether Ballotpedia is covering this county's local ballot measures based on the list of counties overlapping with the largest cities, which is available here.

In 2025, Ballotpedia is covering local ballot measures that appear on the ballot for voters within the 100 largest cities in the U.S., within state capitals, and throughout California. You can review the coverage scope of the local ballot measures project here.

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See also: Local ballot measure elections in 2025


See also: California 2024 local ballot measures

November 5

Kelseyville Unified School District, California, Measure R, School Infrastructure Improvement Bond Measure (November 2024):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Kelseyville Unified School District to issue $36,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school infrastructure improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $56 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Kelseyville Unified School District to issue $36,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school infrastructure improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $56 per $100,000 in assessed value.

Konocti Unified School District, California, Measure S, School Facilities Improvement Bond Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Konocti Unified School District to issue $50,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school facility improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Konocti Unified School District to issue $50,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school facility improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value.

Lake County, California, Measure U, Kelseyville Name Change Advisory Measure (November 2024):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported the County of Lake Board of Supervisors recommending approval of the town name from Kelseyville to Konocti.

A "no" vote opposed the County of Lake Board of Supervisors recommending approval of the town name from Kelseyville to Konocti.

South Lake County Fire Protection District, California, Measure T, Appropriations Limit Approval Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the South Lake County Fire Protection District to approve an annual appropriations limit of $1,250,000 with no increase in the tax rate.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the South Lake County Fire Protection District to approve an annual appropriations limit of $1,250,000 with no increase in the tax rate.

March 5

Kelseyville Unified School District, California, Measure Q, Bond Measure (March 2024):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported this measure to issue $35.5 million in bonds for school facilities and enact a projected property tax of $60 per $100,000 of assessed value while bonds are outstanding.

A "no" vote opposed this measure to issue $35.5 million in bonds for school facilities and enact a projected property tax of $60 per $100,000 of assessed value while bonds are outstanding.


See also: California 2022 local ballot measures

November 8

Lakeport, California, Measure P, Annexation Measure (November 2022):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported Lakeport annexing 137 acres of unincorporated land south of the city. 

A "no" vote opposed Lakeport annexing 137 acres of unincorporated land south of the city.


See also: California 2021 local ballot measures

December 21

Kelseyville Fire Protection District, California, Measure A, Parcel Tax and Bond Issue (December 2021):  ✖

A “yes” vote supported authorizing the district to issue up to $4 million in bonds and authorizing an annual parcel tax of $121.75 per residential unit and other rates varying by property type.

A “no” vote opposed authorizing the district to issue up to $4 million in bonds and authorizing an annual parcel tax of $121.75 per residential unit and other rates varying by property type.


November 3

See also: November 3, 2020 ballot measures in California

South Lake County Fire Protection District, Measure O, Appropriations Limit (November 2020):  ✔

A “yes” vote supported authorizing an annual appropriations limit of $1,250,000 plus special tax levy amount previously approved over and above previously approved appropriations limit, for four years, without increasing the tax rate.

A “no” vote opposed authorizing an annual appropriations limit of $1,250,000 plus special tax levy amount previously approved over and above previously approved appropriations limit, for four years, without increasing the tax rate.

March 3

See also: March 3, 2020 ballot measures in California


November 5

See also: November 5, 2019 ballot measures in California

Measure N: Northshore Fire Protection District Special Tax to Fund Emergency Medical and Fire Services Defeatedd

May 7

See also: May 7, 2019 ballot measures in California

Measure M: Lakeport Fire Protection District Parcel Tax Approveda


November 6

See also: November 6, 2018 ballot measures in California

Measure H: Middletown Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure I: Upper Lake Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure J: Upper Lake Unified School District Facilities Improvement District 1 Bond Issue Approveda
Measure K: Lake County Marijuana Business Tax Approveda
Measure L: South Lake County Fire Protection District Special Tax and Gann Override Approveda

April 10

See also: April 10, 2018 ballot measures in California

Measure E: Northshore Fire Protection District Special Property Tax Defeatedd


March 7

See also: March 7, 2017 ballot measures in California

Measure D: Lake County Fire Protection District Parcel Tax Approveda


November 8

See also: November 8, 2016 ballot measures in California

Measure Q: Yuba Community College District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure V: Clearlake Sales Tax Approveda
Measure W: Clearlake Appointed City Clerk Approveda
Measure X: Clearlake Appointed City Treasurer Defeatedd
Measure Y: Konocti Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure Z: Lakeport Sales Tax Approveda
Measure A: Lucerne Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure B:South Lake County Fire Protection District Appropriations Limit Approveda
Measure C: Lake County Marijuana Tax Approveda

June 7

See also: June 7, 2016 ballot measures in California

Measure U: Kelseyville Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda


November 4

See also: November 4, 2014 ballot measures in California

Defeatedd Measure O: Lake County "Medical Marijuana Control Act" Initiative
Defeatedd Measure P: Lake County "Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act" Initiative
Defeatedd Measure R: City of Clearlake Sales Tax
Defeatedd Measure S: Lake County "Healthy Lake Tax" Sales Tax
Approveda Measure T: Lakeport Unified School District Bond Issue

June 3

See also: June 3, 2014 ballot measures in California

Defeatedd Measure L: Lake County "Healthy Lake Tax" Sales Tax
Approveda Measure N: Lake County Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance 2997 Referendum


November 6

See also: November 6, 2012 ballot measures in California

Defeatedd Measure E: Lake County Sales Tax to Support Clear Lake


November 3

November 3, 2009 ballot measures in California

Approveda Measure C: City of Lakeport Fireworks Initiative


June 3

See also: June 3, 2008 ballot measures in California

Approveda Measure A: Butler-Keys Community Services parcel tax

See also

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