Keith Allen (Texas)

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Keith Allen
Image of Keith Allen

Candidate, U.S. Senate Texas

Elections and appointments
Next election

November 3, 2026



Lee University, 2007

Detroit, Mich.
Retail management

Keith Allen (Republican Party) is running for election to the U.S. Senate to represent Texas. He declared candidacy for the 2026 election.[source]

Allen completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. Click here to read the survey answers.


Keith Allen was born in Detroit, Michigan. He earned his education from Lee University in 2007. His career experience includes working as a retail manager, ordained minister, and podcast host.[1]



See also: United States Senate election in Texas, 2026

Note: At this time, Ballotpedia is combining all declared candidates for this election into one list under a general election heading. As primary election dates are published, this information will be updated to separate general election candidates from primary candidates as appropriate.

General election

The general election will occur on November 3, 2026.

General election for U.S. Senate Texas

The following candidates are running in the general election for U.S. Senate Texas on November 3, 2026.

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Keith Allen completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Allen's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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Keith was born to a single mother living in the Herman Gardens housing projects in Detroit, Michigan on June 4th, 1963. He was the youngest of five siblings. On his 8th birthday, Keith lost his precious mother to suicide due to mental health issues. He was then raised by his grandparents Ruth and Arthur Mock on Detroit’s east side. His grandparents had very little means as Arthur was legally blind and worked for the League of the Handicapped making minimal wages. Keith learned the value of hard work and supporting himself at a young age.

Keith has been a successful Businessman in Leadership at many levels throughout his career. These roles have afforded him the ability to live in nine States across this great Country. In 2013 he relocated from Marysville, Ohio to San Antonio and Texas has been home for him ever since.

Keith has been married to his wife Judy for 35 years and they have 4 amazing children, Adam, Austin, Amanda, and Aspen. They recently became “empty nesters” and although they enjoy the new season, they remain a very close family. Keith and Judy are people of strong faith in Jesus Christ and do their best to live lives pleasing to God. Keith was ordained as a licensed Minister in the Church of God in 2007. He and Judy love the State of Texas and our Nation that has been so good to them. They have a strong desire to honor God through serving the great State of Texas and the United States of America.
  • I want voters to know that I love Jesus, and I am a man of faith. I love the great State of Texas, and I love the United States of America. My campaign slogan is "Committed to do what's right", and I do believe that we as a nation need to return to a place where our laws and our culture reflect the God who our country is founded upon.

    I am "Committed to do what's right" around our Nation's Security, (Law and Order/Immigration Reform & Border Security).

    I'm "Committed to do what's right" with the safety and security of our children, (HB3, elimination of DEI programs in our schools, and restrictions of all sexually explicit materials in public schools.
  • I am "Committed to do what's right" around our Nation's Security, (Law and Order/Immigration Reform & Border Security). Reformation of Immigration Law. Our system leaves so much room for subjectivity that entry into our Country has hardly any barriers. From Asylum, to DACA, to Diversity Visa, and even a “Lottery” where we are allowing more than 675k immigrants citizenship annually, the system needs an overhaul. Our Border security system is overwhelmed, and our Border Patrol are overworked. I support a physical wall as well as drone technology and increased security personnel. I support a “No Entry” policy into the United States until a person is vetted and asylum status is approved.
  • I am "Committed to do what's right" with our children and grandchildren. As a nation I believe we have gotten a bit "off track" in our culture. There are many that would like to call our current state as "progressive"; I, and many other Christians reject it and call it "regressive". We are in a place today where many cannot answer the simple question, "What is a woman?" I believe as a nation and society, we need to get back to common sense. We need to stand against any puberty blocking drugs/surgeries for any child under 18 years of age. We need to protect our youth and ensure parents and grandparents determine our culture not the public schools
Sanctity of Life- ALL life is precious to God and should be to us! That includes all people from the unborn in the womb to the centenarian. That includes all races, people of all religions, all sexual orientations. All are God's creation.

Fiscal Responsibility- Our nation's debt is out of control. Both sides are responsible. We must have a plan, and we need one now! Our children's future depends on it!
Energy dominance must be at this foundation, and we are rich with resources!

Law & Order- I support a federal law that would require mandatory prison sentences for crimes committed against any member of law enforcement. I am in support of our 2nd Amendment rights for legal citizens of the United States. NO compromising!
I look up to Jesus!
Also, I look up to men of God like John Hagee and his son Matthew as I believe they live transparent lives and do not compromise their values. I also look up to my spiritual mentors, Ron and Marilyn Monzo, who led me to the Lord many years ago.
Although I have been in business leadership for over 30 years and have read many leadership books, I have found that the best book to follow to be a good leader is the Bible. Jesus is the best teacher. He loved ALL people but he NEVER compromised his message.
1- Caring and Compassionate: A Leader must have a servant's heart and must love the people and the Country they serve. Elected officials have a lot of "personal power" so they must be driven by honoring God and the people in their decision-making and influences. They must be steadfast in their core beliefs and willing to fight for what is right. Sometimes compromise is necessary in government, but not if it involves core principles.

Inspiration and Influence: Leaders must have the ability to communicate with others in a way that inspires belief. There is a lot of "give and take" in government, (just as there is in business), however, when a leader truly loves and cares about others, he/she is able to connect others to their vision. Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump displayed these characteristics, and both have had an enormous impact on our nation.

Authentic: Leaders must be authentic, (even to a fault at times). The people that we are serving should know where we stand, and our message must be clear. In business leadership or as an elected official, our word MUST matter! When we say something or commit to something, the people must be able to trust that we will do what we say. As an elected official, our "Say/Do" ration needs to be 100%!
I have an unwavering faith in my God and Savior, Jesus Christ and am guided by His principles and standards. I have a passion and a love for the people in the State of Texas and for the United States of America. I have a history of business leadership success founded in my core leadership characteristics. I have a strong work ethic and uncompromising values. I have a willingness to listen to others but also the resolve to fight for righteousness.
I will represent the State of Texas in a way that honors the people of Texas and the people of the United States, and the God that I serve. I will do my best to make decisions and have influences over the things that are most important to the people of Texas and the United States of America. I will always seek good counsel from trusted men and women of God and will be in constant prayer for our State and Nation prior to bringing motions forth or voting for any bills/proposals. I believe I must always be the Salt and Light of the world. I believe that our Nation should be the one that others in the world look to for an example of good and righteousness. We must have a safe and secure nation that is fiscally responsible with what God has placed in our hands. I believe that we must always keep our children and grandchildren at the forefront when making decisions and laws in our nation. I believe that as a US Senator, I have a responsibility to carry myself in a way that is an example for future generations. I will always care about the rights and protection of our citizens. I belive that our US Constitution means what it says and as an elected leader in govrnment, I promise to uphold it as it was originally written.
I hope to leave the mark: "There was a man committed to do what was right" by God and man. He loved God and our Nation and stood for a fought for what was right!
When I was 12 years old, I worked at a carwash in Detroit, Michigan drying cars all winter!
I love the Bible- I have read it every day for many years! It helps me in leadership and keeps me humble.
Spiderman! He was committed to doing good for the people at the risk of personal loss. And I would love to shoot webs out of my wrists and wear such a cool costume! lol
"I exalt thee" sung by Kim Walker Smith"
Watch it on YouTube!
Because of my early life, I hurt for those that are hurting, homeless, or alone. There is a scripture that says, he is "A father to the fatherless...." Psalm 68:5, and he has been that for me. It is a struggle for me not to have the ability to help everyone in need. I belive we have opportunities in government to make a difference in people's lives.
Our Culture, Sanctity of life, DEI, LGBTQ, Law and Order

Our National Debt
Our Nation's Immigration and Border Security

Our National Security on the world stage
I believe that term limits for the presidency should remain. I am not fo term limits for members of the House and Senate. I believe that we have free and fair elections in our Country and the length of time a person serves should be determined by the voters.
Confirmations of the Presidents appointments- the Senate is the "guardian".

The Senate also consents and provides advice/guidance to ratify treaties.
As the Legislative branch of government, the Senate brings stability and deliberativeness to the process of governing.
The Senate provides "checks and balances" on the Executive and Judicial branches of our government.

With only 100 members versus the House of Representatives 435 members, each Senators vote and contributions are exacerbated and material. With that comes a high level of accountability and responsibility.
A person's character and history in leadership roles is most important. Although experience in government or politics can be beneficial, history has shown it to be a big negative at times. (see Joe Biden, 50 years).
In business we have a saying, "When selecting talent, a person's history of success and current performance are the best indicators of future success." I have successfully led teams for many years based on my key leadership characteristics.
I think it is necessary. Period.
I love Senator Kennedy out of Louisianna because he is pragmatic and he communicates in a way that inspires. I would not model myself after
Ok, so 3 smart democrats walked into a bar.......
I would consider three things:

1- History of success or failure in current past roles
2- Values: Do their values line up with the core values of our nation and do they line up with honoring God?

3- What does their vision for the future look like and do they have a plan to get there through influence.
I believe that all people are inherently good. I have a history of success in influencing others through building "thick-line" relationships. I believe that when we appreciate and love others, we can do great things. I can disagree with a person whole-heartedly and still love them. I am a good listener and can be influenced by colleagues, however, I will not compromise on my core principles.
Yes, but not if it means compromising on core principles. I believe that many Republicans compromised on their core principles in voting "yes" on the Omnibus bill and the multiple CR's over the past several years.
I would consider three things:

1- History of success or failure in current past roles
2- Values: Do their values line up with the core values of our nation and do they line up with honoring God?

3- What does their vision for the future look like and do they have a plan to get there through influence.

National Security

Foreign Policy
Financial Ethics Code for members of Congress. Over the last several years there have been calls to reform the ethics laws which would ban sitting members of the US Congress from trading stocks. Expectedly, there has not been much of an appetite for this reform for obvious reasons. Republicans and Democrats have both thwarted efforts for this reform. There are several public examples of Congressional members making millions of dollars on the stock market; Nancy Pelosi, D-California, and Tommy Tuberville, R-Alabama, to name just a couple of them. There are many more who fly “under the radar” but are doing the same thing. If any member of the public makes stock trades based on “insider information” or passed such information on to friends or family for financial gain, it would be a crime. I propose reform which includes laws barring members of Congress from publicly trading any stocks that they or any of their family members may have “insider information” of. In addition, I would support a third-party committee to investigate any violations by members of Congress as well as their immediate family members.
I believe elected members of government are public servants and therefore are subject to complete public scrutiny of their finances. I've long wondered how so many members of Congress become millionaires in such a short period of time. That may make some people upset on both sides, but I would just say that it's a "shoe fits, wear it" conversation. Just sayin'....

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Keith Allen campaign contribution history
2026* U.S. Senate TexasCandidacy Declared general$200 N/A**
Grand total$200 N/A**
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete
** Data on expenditures is not available for this election cycle
Note: Totals above reflect only available data.

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on September 4, 2024

District 1
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Al Green (D)
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Chip Roy (R)
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Republican Party (27)
Democratic Party (12)
Vacancies (1)