Kerry Loudenslager

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Kerry Loudenslager
Image of Kerry Loudenslager
Elections and appointments
Last election

June 7, 2022



Worthington Community College, 1980


University of South Dakota, Vermillion, 1984


Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1998


Service / branch

U.S. Army

Years of service

1977 - 2005

Sioux Falls, S.D.
Lutheran, Missouri Synod
Financial Services Professional, Senior Partner, and Registered Principal Partner for Fortune 100 Financial Firm

Kerry Loudenslager (Republican Party) ran for election to the South Dakota House of Representatives to represent District 12. He lost in the Republican primary on June 7, 2022.

Loudenslager completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. Click here to read the survey answers.


Kerry Loudenslager was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He served in the U.S. Army from 1977 to 2005. He earned an associate degree from Worthington Community College in 1980, a bachelor's degree from the University of South Dakota, Vermillion in 1984, and a graduate degree from Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri in 1998. His career experience includes working as a financial services professional, senior partner, and registered principal partner for a fortune 100 financial firm.

Loudenslager is affiliated with the following organizations:[1]

  • American Legion
  • Disabled American Veterans
  • National Rifle Association of America
  • Field Artillery Association
  • Central Church in Sioux Falls, SD
  • National Guard Association of the United States



See also: South Dakota House of Representatives elections, 2022

General election

General election for South Dakota House of Representatives District 12 (2 seats)

Incumbent Greg Jamison and Amber Arlint defeated Erin Royer and Kristin Hayward in the general election for South Dakota House of Representatives District 12 on November 8, 2022.

Image of Greg Jamison
Greg Jamison (R)
Image of Amber Arlint
Amber Arlint (R)
Image of Erin Royer
Erin Royer (D)
Kristin Hayward (D)

Total votes: 16,430
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Democratic primary election

The Democratic primary election was canceled. Kristin Hayward and Erin Royer advanced from the Democratic primary for South Dakota House of Representatives District 12.

Republican primary election

Republican primary for South Dakota House of Representatives District 12 (2 seats)

Incumbent Greg Jamison and Amber Arlint defeated Kerry Loudenslager, Cole Heisey, and Gary Schuster in the Republican primary for South Dakota House of Representatives District 12 on June 7, 2022.

Image of Greg Jamison
Greg Jamison
Image of Amber Arlint
Amber Arlint
Image of Kerry Loudenslager
Kerry Loudenslager Candidate Connection
Image of Cole Heisey
Cole Heisey
Image of Gary Schuster
Gary Schuster Candidate Connection

Total votes: 4,278
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Kerry Loudenslager completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Loudenslager's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I was born in Sioux Falls, SD and proud of it. At age 5 our family moved to Brewster, MN, a small farming community 1 hour east of Sioux Falls, where my father was a school teacher. After a busy childhood/adolescence with school, athletics, band and work, I was accepted into the University of South Dakota where I earned my B.S. degree… then ARMY.

While serving, I earned a Master of Arts Degree in Human Resources Development from Webster University, St. Louis, MO, graduated from the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, and selected for the U.S. Army War College.

Thanks to the grace of God, many great soldiers, and a lot of hard work, I had a long/successful career in the Army retiring as a Colonel. My family has a long military history - my grandfather, father, 4 siblings and 3 sons all served. Serving my country has been the greatest honor and privilege of my life.

After Army, I pursued a career in business and spent 15 years with a Fortune 100 company, retiring as an executive back in my favorite place, Sioux Falls.

My 5 siblings and I were taught that education was critical to our future success. My father George believed in teaching and not indoctrination. I was an athlete in high school/college thus a huge sports fan. I love to golf, fish, and travel with family and friends. I am married to the “love of my life,” the former Doreen Seydel of Okabena, MN and we celebrate 39 of marriage and have 3 grown sons/2 granddaughters.
  • Voters should choose Colonel (retired) Kerry Loudenslager for the following 5 reasons: 1. He's a proven, principled and respectful leader; 2. Kerry has no other business endeavors and will only be focused on fighting for his constituents; 3. He will be an advocate for veterans benefits; 4. Kerry spent 15 years in business and understands what local business owners are struggling with in this current economic and political environment; 5. Kerry understands what farmers and ranchers are struggling with and will be their advocate.
  • My entire campaign is centered around preserving our moral/conservative values and defending our Constitution and “God-Given unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Remember, we are all born with these Rights and do not get them from government. The Government’s role is simple - to secure these unalienable Rights. Every elected official swears upon an oath to uphold and defend the same. I will take my oath seriously, just as I did in the U.S. Army for more than 27 years.
  • As a Christian, I believe in God's Word (Holy Bible). As an American, I support and defend America's Founding Documents - Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. As amended over the years, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and starts with We the People, meaning All power comes from the people - and the powers government has comes from the People - and whenever Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right/Duty of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government. George Washington: "The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." Patrick Henry: "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death." Ronald Reagan: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."
The Constitution states that "all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." The Government's role is to "Secure" these unalienable Rights for "We the People."

Kerry's stance:

Life: I'm "Pro-Life." Our God-Given and most fundamental Right. We need law and order to protect the lives of our citizens. We need secure borders and must enforce immigration laws to preserve sovereignty and prevent loss of life resulting from criminals/drugs flowing into our country. We must fund law enforcement/border agents appropriately so they can do both. We must continue adequate health care to preserve life in our communities - and eliminate dishonest/corrupt actors in the system who's actions endanger lives.

Liberty: We must protect our Liberty, which is Freedom from oppressive government restrictions on our way of life, behavior, and political views. Therefore, we must protect our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights to protect all the rest.

Pursuit of Happiness: Implies the Right to live our lives the way we wish - as we think best, by our own lights - provided we respect the equal rights of others to do the same. We must preserve Capitalism and reject Socialism.

Education: We have so much at risk if we don't get this right. The future of our society/country depends on quality education for our children. Parents have a key role here.
My lifetime Hero is my father George L. Loudenslager. He was a principled, values-driven individual who dedicated his life to community service in the military and public education. He served in the South Dakota Army National Guard for 37 years and retired as a Colonel. He served in the public education system for nearly 40 years as a teacher and administrator. He was Superintendent for 23 years comprising 5 school districts at the same time, each having their own separate school board. He was able to masterfully orchestrate his administration to gain the respect of students, teachers, parents and the community at large. He was a father of 6 children and very proud that 5 of them served in the military and all 6 earned their college undergraduate or graduate level degrees. I miss him dearly!
This is a "loaded" question since elected officials are expected and entrusted to exemplify the highest standards of moral conduct while acting on behalf of their constituents. A simple answer is to do what I call "The Harder Right versus the Easy Wrong" in all their actions. Additionally, Elected officials must actually do what they say they will do. Anything different would be hypocritical.

I would start with the "Oath of Office" that every elected official must take when sworn into office - which focuses on supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States and the State of South Dakota against All Enemies, both foreign and domestic....This is the guiding light that some elected officials seem to forget.

Constituents must trust their elected officials. If trust is ever severed, then nothing else matters. I once learned from a previous mentor that "Trust is the Ethos of an Organization" and if you ever lose it, the organization will crumble.

My Mantra in both careers (Military and Civilian) has always been "Mission First, People Always, Follow the Golden Rule, Lead By Example, and do the Harder Right over the Easier Wrong." That has worked pretty well for me in the past and I believe it applies to elected office as well.

Elected officials must always stand on their principles, but must also remember who they represent - and then act accordingly.

1. I am a principled, proven. and respectful "Servant Leader" and I crave the opportunity to serve. My 27 year military career and 15 year civilian career in various leadership positions attest to that. I now want to serve in a different role within my community.

2. I am "challenge-driven" and a tireless worker. I thrive on establishing challenging goals and take great satisfaction in working hard to achieve them. Examples would include both successful careers; 4-sport athlete in high school - 3 in college; qualified for the Boston Marathon; 39 years of marriage; father of 3.

3. My core moral values/principles are firmly in tact. I will do the "harder right over the easier wrong."

4. I understand my role and my oath. I will faithfully support and defend our Constitution and will represent my constituents consistent with my moral values.

5. Having authored of a number of different articles and policy briefs, I consider myself a seasoned communicator, both orally and in writing. This will help facilitate my ability to establish and maintain productive relationships.

"Beyond Basketball" - Coach K's keywords for Success (Coach Mike Krzyzewski, legendary Coach of the Duke Blue Devils).
"Josey Wales" from the Clint Eastwood movie. I choose him because after his wife/child were murdered by the merciless, "Bushwacking Redlegs," Josey took it upon himself to seek justice, yet he had a good heart to help others along the way.
"Hotel California" by The Eagles. I'm a huge Eagles fan.
I absolutely believe it's beneficial to build relationships with other legislators. Obviously, in order to pass productive legislation, it requires the support from others. I believe it would be extremely difficult to gain that support without a trusting, amenable relationship. Although legislators may have different viewpoints on issues, I believe most of them have a common goal of doing what's best for their constituents and their communities - at least here in South Dakota. This also means building relationships across party lines. Of course, relationships are "2-way Streets," so to speak, and requires the genuine desire and effort by each individual to build and maintain the same.
There are a number of committees that I would want to serve on:

1. House Military and Veterans's Affairs Committee: With nearly 28 years of military service and serving both as an enlisted soldier and in the senior officer ranks, I can certainly add value to the many great Veterans across our state.

2. House Education Committee: With an undergraduate degree in Business Education/Coaching from the University of South Dakota, a graduate degree in Human Resources Development from Webster University in St. Louis, MO, along with being raised in an Education environment where my father was a teacher/Superintendent for nearly 40 years, I can add value in an area that is so crucial to the future of our children and society.

3. Commerce and Energy Committee: With over 15 years of experience in a Fortune 100 Financial Firm, and 9 years in Senior Management, working with a very diverse workforce, I can add value on this committee.

4. State Affairs Committee: I believe this committee needs those who possess a very diverse background in many areas. I have served in a plethora of leadership positions at the highest levels in both the military and civilian arenas and I believe I will add tremendous value here.

5. Retirement Laws Committee: This committee focuses on bills relating to pensions, annuities, employee benefits and other matters regarding retirement. This is right down my ally with my experience as a Registered Principal/Managing Partner in a large Financial Firm.
Ole and Lena have always talked about living their lives together in eternity. One day, Ole died and met St. Peter at the Pearly Gates of Heaven and Ole says, "St. Peter, it is so good to see you. I wasn't sure if I'd make it here." St. Peter responded "Hold on Ole, you're not in first have to spell the word GOD!" So Ole spelled capital "G, O, D - God." St. Peter said "Congratulations! You're in the Kingdom of Heaven." Ole was absolutely ecstatic and entered into Heaven.

A few weeks passed and St. Peter needed a break from his responsibilities at the gate so he asked Ole to watch the gate and make sure nobody entered unless they couldn't spell the word GOD correctly... Ole agreed.

A few days later while Ole was watching the gate, he saw Lena from a distance...they locked eyes and Lena screamed in excitement "Ole, Ole, Ole...We always talked about spending our lives together in eternity and here we are at the Pearly Gates, I love you so much!" Ole responded by saying, "Lena, hold on, you have to first spell a word to get into Heaven."

Lena asked "What's the Word, Ole - What's the Word?" Ole replied "Arachnophobia!"

It depends on what type of compromise we are referring to. I will not compromise my governing values/principles in policy-making. For example, I will not support policy that is immoral or contrary to my personal beliefs/virtues or contrary to the principles of the campaign I run on. These, I stand on!

However, I do believe compromise is necessary to obtain consensus on other important matters, provided they don't violate these principles. Like most things in life, we don't always get everything we want. Organizations are stronger and provide better outcomes with contributions from all team members. I would frequently say in board meetings/staff meetings that "We will have a good meeting today, but it will be better if we have some disagreement." We all have our blind spots and that's why we must rely on one another to point them out. That's where compromise plays a huge role and is indeed necessary and desirable.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on April 26, 2022

Speaker of the House:Jon Hansen
Majority Leader:Scott Odenbach
Minority Leader:Erin Healy
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
Kent Roe (R)
District 5
Matt Roby (R)
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
District 13
District 14
District 15
District 16
District 17
District 18
District 19
District 20
District 21
District 22
District 23
District 24
District 25
District 26A
District 26B
District 27
District 28A
Jana Hunt (R)
District 28B
District 29
District 30
District 31
District 32
District 33
District 34
District 35
Republican Party (64)
Democratic Party (6)