Jill Stein presidential campaign, 2016/Military and veterans

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Jill Stein announced her presidential run on June 22, 2015.[1]


Jill Stein
Green presidential nominee
Running mate: Ajamu Baraka

Green Party National ConventionPollsDebates Presidential election by stateBallot access

On the issues
Domestic affairsEconomic affairs and government regulationsForeign affairs and national security

Other candidates
Hillary Clinton (D) • Donald Trump (R) • Gary Johnson (L) • Vice presidential candidates

Ballotpedia's presidential election coverage

The overview of the issue below was current as of the 2016 election.
Defense spending was a frequent topic on the 2016 presidential campaign trail. In 2015, the U.S. military budget dipped from $610 billion to $601 billion. Despite the drop, the 2015 military budget was nearly six times larger than the education budget and more than seven times the budget for federal transportation. In 2015, 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending was allocated to the military.[2] On the world stage, the U.S. in 2016 spent more on military and defense than the next six highest spending countries combined.[3]

In polls conducted in February 2016, 35 percent of Americans said the U.S. should increase spending on defense and 40 percent said the U.S. was spending "about the right amount" on defense. Less than 25 percent of Americans said defense spending should be cut. Nearly two-thirds of Republicans said the U.S. spends too little on defense compared to 20 percent of Democrats. From 2013 to 2016, the number of Republicans favoring increased defense spending increased by 24 percent.[4]

Read what Jill Stein and the 2016 Green Platform said about the military and veterans.

Green Party Stein on the military and veterans

  • On her 2016 presidential campaign website, Jill Stein proposed working for peace and human rights: "Establish a foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights. End the wars and drone attacks, cut military spending by at least 50% and close the 700+ foreign military bases that are turning our republic into a bankrupt empire. Stop U.S. support and arms sales to human rights abusers, and lead on global nuclear disarmament."[5]
  • On her 2012 presidential campaign website, Jill Stein recommended cutting the Pentagon budget by 50 percent, banning the use of drones, closing nearly 140 military bases abroad and signing the Ottawa Treaty, which prohibits the use of anti-personnel land mines.[6]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Jill Stein military veterans. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also
