Jeff Criswell

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Jeff Criswell
Image of Jeff Criswell

Candidate, U.S. House Georgia District 14

Elections and appointments
Next election

November 3, 2026



University of Virginia, 2001

Charlotte, N.C.
Christ Follower

Jeff Criswell (Republican Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Georgia's 14th Congressional District. He declared candidacy for the 2026 election.[source]


Jeff Criswell was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. He attended Northern Virginia Community College, Radford University, and earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia in 2001. He is the founder of A.D.STARR, a baseball brand, and his career experience includes working in communications.[1]



See also: Georgia's 14th Congressional District election, 2026

Note: At this time, Ballotpedia is combining all declared candidates for this election into one list under a general election heading. As primary election dates are published, this information will be updated to separate general election candidates from primary candidates as appropriate.

General election

The general election will occur on November 3, 2026.

General election for U.S. House Georgia District 14

Incumbent Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jeff Criswell are running in the general election for U.S. House Georgia District 14 on November 3, 2026.

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See also: Georgia's 6th Congressional District election, 2024

Georgia's 6th Congressional District election, 2024 (May 21 Democratic primary)

Georgia's 6th Congressional District election, 2024 (May 21 Republican primary)

General election

General election for U.S. House Georgia District 6

Incumbent Lucy McBath defeated Jeff Criswell and Elfreda Desvignes in the general election for U.S. House Georgia District 6 on November 5, 2024.

Image of Lucy McBath
Lucy McBath (D)
Image of Jeff Criswell
Jeff Criswell (R) Candidate Connection
Image of Elfreda Desvignes
Elfreda Desvignes (D) (Write-in)

Total votes: 370,981
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for U.S. House Georgia District 6

Incumbent Lucy McBath defeated Jerica Richardson and Mandisha A. Thomas in the Democratic primary for U.S. House Georgia District 6 on May 21, 2024.

Image of Lucy McBath
Lucy McBath
Image of Jerica Richardson
Jerica Richardson
Image of Mandisha A. Thomas
Mandisha A. Thomas Candidate Connection

Total votes: 71,783
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House Georgia District 6

Jeff Criswell advanced from the Republican primary for U.S. House Georgia District 6 on May 21, 2024.

Image of Jeff Criswell
Jeff Criswell Candidate Connection

Total votes: 11,983
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Ballotpedia did not identify endorsements for Criswell in this election.

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

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Candidate Connection

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Candidate Connection

Jeff Criswell completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Criswell's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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Hello, I'm Jeff Criswell and I'm running as a Republican for the US House Seat from Georgia's 6th District. I'm BRAND NEW to politics, never having been involved before. In fact, I grew up in the DC area where I learned to despise politics. The vibe in Washington was just so off-putting. Also, as a Christian, I thought that "the world" was / is hopelessly lost, so why bother trying to improve it? I never even voted in a presidential election until I voted for Baby Bush in 2000. It's only been in the last 3-4 years, while I've been (even) more vigorous about my relationship with God, that He asked me to shoulder this burden.
  • GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP - Look, I've been all over the spectrum when it comes to Trump. A couple of years ago I went to great lengths to make fun of him and suggest, like so many others, that we needed a more "sanitary" version of Trump to take over leadership of the Republican Party. As a Christian, I am not comfortable with some of his antics, that's for sure. But you know what? God is sovereign, and if Trump is in office, or if Trump is the nominee and headed back to the White House, God let it happen and there is a reason for it. Let's not put God in a box. Besides, plenty of voters don't about his personal issues, and enjoy his authoritarian, "ass-kicker" persona. So be it.
  • SEAL THE ****** BORDER. What Biden / McBath have done to the US since they took office in 2021 is inexcusable. The images of foreigners, who parade into our country without any real justification, unvetted, and without bothering to learn English, makes my blood boil. Sadly, one of these unvetted savages murdered Laken Riley, the hard-working, angelic nursing student in Athens. And now Biden / McBath are PAYING these freeloaders COLD HARD CASH, to live the good life in hotels, while they ruin our schools, bankrupt our hospitals, and wire money out of our economy. Why did these traitors do this? Votes. They want these illegals to breed kids who will vote Democrat. I support Trump's initiative to deport the illegals en masse.
  • BACK TO BASICS: Recently, (MARCH 2023) at Six Flags over Georgia, a mob of 500-600 Black teens rampaged through the park, fighting, destroying the night for the rest of the customers, and literally putting the business at risk. Outside the park, one of the mob shot at cops, who returned the fire. Not long before that, there was a shooting in the parking lot of McEachern High School, also involving Black kids. Non-stop loop here in the ATL and in the 6th District. This **** has to stop. We don't have a crime problem, we have a FAMILY problem. We - faith, education and civic leaders - must encourage marriage and stable family life, or this disaster is headed to a boiling point that nobody wants to see. Nothing is impossible with God.
SCHOOL CHOICE / EDUCATION - Vouchers? Damn straight. As a parent, I am first and foremost concerned with my child's education. We simply will not allow our schools to be trampled under by unruly idiots who destroy the experience for the other students, and drive teachers out of the profession. Education is one of the pillars of the society and we will not allow anyone to corrupt it. I myself taught in a public school and witnessed some of this dynamic first-hand. Now, admittedly, as a rookie teacher, I was definitely subject to rookie mistakes. But kids from dysfunctional situations, who clearly don't want to be in school, should be ushered into more productive arenas that fit their learning styles.
Obviously, Jesus is my example and my lord. I'm born-again and God is shaping me on a daily basis to be more like Jesus. That said, my view of Jesus, after being a Christian for 46 years, is dynamic. I see, for instance, a much different version of Jesus in the Gospel of John than I do in Matthew, Mark and Luke. As I have gotten older, I have become more willing to question faith without leaving it.
Strength, ability to take calculated risks, Godliness, out of the box thinking.
Let's make the 6th district - and the US - a better place to live. In particular, I'd love to help folks come to Jesus. As we serve Jesus on a personal level, life becomes more manageable, and we become better neighbors and citizens.
One of my first memories is watching the 1966 Kentucky - Texas Western national championship basketball game. We lived in Charlotte, I was 7 years old, and my parents were very smart people who met at Duke University and both loved basketball. The game was on a Saturday night; my parents went out for dinner as the game started. As you know, Texas Western started five Black players, and Kentucky started five Whites. The game was tight but Texas Western took control when Bobby Joe Hill stole the ball twice, on back-to-back possessions from the Kentucky guards. My parents came home late in the game and my dad (bless his heart) was shocked and no doubt disappointed to learn that Texas Western was ahead. We Americans are still entrenched in the racial politics of sports, now, aren't we? We project so much of ourselves into sports, which spills over into arguments about NFL quarterbacks, the demographics of the Atlanta Braves, or just about anything else having to do with sports.
Mowing grass at a local apartment complex, which lasted for about 6 months.
Outside of the Bible, I loved (in college) "To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf, "Canterbury Tales" by Chaucer, Emily Dickinson's poems.
Superman, '60s James Bond, Jerry Maguire, Jason Bourne
Well, gosh, I am a political outsider and think I am going to be a fantastic representative. I have nothing against lawyers, or career politicians, but injecting a BRAND NEW perspective into the political machine is what we need every once in a while. And you know, we Christians believe in the concept of calling- God qualifies the called. If the Lord leads, then he does so for a reason and in his divine timing. Sometimes we all need a bit of disruption. Jesus himself was a bit of an outsider who did not care "what the neighbors think."
Highway cop stops a guy driving - COP: You know you were speeding, right? DRIVER: No, way, officer, really? COP: Have you been drinking? DRIVER: Of course, I would never drink and drive. COP: What's in the container? DRIVER: Oh, that's just water. Cop grabs the container, sniffs the liquid. COP: Smells like wine to me! DRIVER: Well, what do you know? Jesus has been at it again!

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Campaign website

Criswell’s campaign website stated the following:


Yes, it’s true.

At the ripe old age of 63, I became the oldest rookie teacher, ever, in the state of Georgia (to my knowledge).

Without having “student-taught”, and with only a couple of Education classes under my belt, I taught 10th grade Language Arts at Parkview High School, in Gwinnett County. It was a year of equal parts adventure, ordeal, and wake-up call.

No doubt, some students were respectful, hard-working and diligent to learn. Many of these young adults will go on to become industry leaders, elected officials, and successful entrepreneurs. It’s these kids, invariably from solid family backgrounds, who were a pleasure to teach.

Sadly, though, that was not the case for all of my students.

As a caveat, I understand that, as a first-year teacher, there were some bumps in the road, and first-year miscues that, if I was going back into the classroom, would not happen again.

But that does not excuse the disrespectful students who gave me grief, and acted-up in class, disrupting their fellow classmates who had no other choice but to endure the daily drama. It was painful for me to watch hard-working students who yearned for a better educational experience but were stuck in the public school with disruptive kids who should have been learning in another environment.

The pervasive lack of respect for teachers, and the education process in general,by these students fostered what seemed to be a sense of apprehension among (some of) the teachers, many of whom were watching the clock, and counting the days until the next vacation in the schedule. Is it any wonder that teachers are shunning this profession?

There were several fights between both boys and, remarkably, girls.. One **** kid, who I had just disciplined in class, even challenged me to a fight in the hallway. Remarkably, this ***** was not expelled from school.

Although CRT was not taught here, some students arbitrarily brought up one-sided race discussions, creating an awkward air of hostility and tension. Note to self: racism works both ways.

Cheating was so widespread that, to combat it, many teachers had to create several versions of a test. Is it any wonder that state of Georgia colleges no longer require SAT scores for admission?

Don’t get me wrong: I think public schools can be saved, but it will take bold educators to champion a new vision. Hard choices have to be made, or nothing will change. The current status quo in Gwinnett County - and in many of our urban schools - is unacceptable.


In this dire situation, it’s crucial to empower parents, teachers, and local communities to make decisions about how best to educate our children. By returning control to the local level, we can create more responsive and effective education policies that meet the needs of individual communities. As a conservative, I firmly support efforts that reduce the federal government's role in education and promote policies that empower local communities.

This means rolling back federal mandates and regulations that stifle innovation and creativity in our schools. We need to eliminate wasteful spending and prioritize funding for programs that work.

Education policy needs to promote academic excellence and provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the global economy. This means focusing on core academic subjects, such as reading, writing, and math, and providing students with a well-rounded education that includes music, art, and physical education. By setting high academic standards and promoting accountability, we can ensure that our students are prepared for college, careers, and life.

For kids who are not college bound, and, for instance, don’t want to read Shakespeare, or memorize vocabulary lists, why not provide vocational education and training programs that prepare them for careers in high-demand fields? Kids who do not engage in college-bound curriculum deserve the chance to shine in fields they are better suited for. WHEN I GET TO D.C.

I will work to legislate common-sense policies that increase parental choice, improve teacher quality, and expand educational opportunities for all students. Let’s eliminate wasteful spending and reduce the federal government's role in education, returning control to the local level where it belongs.

Just watch me, as I work tirelessly to ensure that our education system is providing students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the global economy. Together, we can create a brighter future for our children and ensure that America remains a land of opportunity for generations to come.


I am committed to a balanced and diversified energy policy that promotes American energy independence, reduces reliance on foreign sources of energy, protects the environment, and creates jobs.

As a conservative Republican running for U.S. Congress, I am committed to promoting a diverse energy policy that prioritizes American energy independence, reduces reliance on foreign sources of energy, and protects our environment. I believe that a strong energy policy is essential for the economic prosperity of the United States and the well-being of its citizens.

My key energy policy is supporting the development of domestic energy sources, including oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, and renewable energy. I understand that a diversified energy mix is crucial to reducing dependence on any single energy source and helping stabilize energy prices. I support policies that promote responsible exploration and production of domestic energy sources, while also ensuring public safety and environmental protection.

In addition, I am committed to reducing regulations that stifle energy production and limit job creation in the energy sector. Excessive government regulation hinders the development of domestic energy sources, and I am dedicated to promoting a balanced regulatory environment that ensures public safety and environmental protection while encouraging investment and job creation.

I also believe in promoting energy efficiency and conservation, supporting policies that encourage energy-efficient technologies and practices, which can reduce energy consumption and costs while also protecting the environment.

Finally, I recognize the importance of balancing environmental protection and economic growth. I support a balanced approach to environmental policy that considers the economic impacts of environmental regulations and promotes responsible stewardship of natural resources. I believe that a healthy environment is essential to the well-being of all Americans, and I am committed to protecting our natural resources for future generations.

My energy policies reflect my commitment to promoting American energy independence, creating jobs, and protecting the environment. I believe that a strong and diversified energy policy is essential to the long-term prosperity of the United States and its citizens.


I believe that every American deserves access to affordable, high-quality healthcare without relying on government interference or mandates.

Young or old, healthcare remains a critical issue for the constituents of Georgia District-6. In the often-times complicated healthcare maze, I believe healthcare reform should prioritize the needs of patients while promoting market-based solutions that increase access and affordability.

I believe that patients should have the freedom to choose their own doctors and treatment plans, and that competition in the healthcare market will drive down costs and improve quality. This can be achieved through policies that promote transparency and reduce the regulatory burden on healthcare providers. By promoting innovation and competition in the healthcare sector, we can ensure that every American has access to affordable and high-quality healthcare. We must also address the rising costs of healthcare in our country.

I believe that this can be achieved by encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own health and well-being. This can be accomplished through policies that incentivize healthy behaviors and promote preventative care. By reducing the demand for healthcare services and promoting healthy lifestyles, we can lower healthcare costs and improve overall health outcomes.

Any healthcare reform effort must prioritize the needs of individual states and communities. One-size-fits-all solutions from Washington D.C. are not the answer. Instead, we need to empower states and local communities to design and implement healthcare solutions that meet the unique needs of their citizens. By working together, we can create a healthcare system that is responsive to the needs of patients, providers, and communities.

I imagine a healthcare system that is centered around the principles of patient choice, transparency, and competition. When I get to D.C., I will work tirelessly to promote policies that reduce healthcare costs, improve healthcare quality, and empower individuals to take control of their own health and well-being. I will remain committed to working with my colleagues in Congress to craft responsible healthcare policies that serve the needs of all Americans and protect our nation's healthcare system for future generations.


As the Republican candidate in Georgia's 6th district, my platform on crime control prioritizes community safety, justice, and empowerment for all residents. Regardless of race or background, every individual deserves to live in a secure environment where they can thrive without fear of crime. Here's my proposed platform statement:

Make no mistake: I am committed to ensuring the safety and security of all our communities. Crime affects everyone, regardless of race or background, and it's time we address it comprehensively.

First and foremost, I believe in strengthening law enforcement agencies by providing the necessary resources and support to effectively combat crime. This includes investing in training programs, modernizing equipment, and fostering positive relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

Additionally, I advocate for implementing proactive measures to prevent crime before it occurs. This involves supporting youth programs, education initiatives, and community outreach efforts aimed at steering at-risk individuals away from criminal activities and towards positive paths.

Furthermore, I recognize the importance of addressing root causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of opportunity, and substance abuse. By promoting economic development, expanding job opportunities, and increasing access to mental health and addiction services, we can create a stronger, more resilient community where crime is less likely to thrive.

I am also committed to ensuring that our criminal justice system is fair and equitable for all individuals. This means advocating for reforms that promote accountability, transparency, and equal treatment under the law, while also prioritizing rehabilitation and reintegration for those who have served their time and are ready to rejoin society as productive citizens.

In Georgia's 6th district, which boasts diverse communities, I will work tirelessly to foster unity and understanding among residents of all backgrounds. By listening to the concerns and perspectives of each community, and working collaboratively to find solutions, we can build a safer, stronger future for generations to come.

Together, we can make Georgia's 6th district a place where everyone feels safe, empowered, and proud to call home.


It only takes a spark to create a huge fire.

Obviously, when I get to D.C., it’s understood that I’ll be busy doing the job of a Congressman: working on committees and caucuses, attending briefings, and doing research that benefits Georgia’s 6th District.

But I’m also going to Washington with a keen sense that God has called me there, and that the Gospel fixes much of what ails the United States. I know from experience that Jesus is alive, that he changes us from the inside out and fills us with a hope that passes all understanding.

In a world of corruption, mayhem and murder, Jesus offers relief. People who are filled with the Holy Spirit operate on a higher level and address life in more profound ways.

Rest assured, my campaign, and my time in D.C. as the Congressman from Georgia’s 6th District is not a mistake, that I’m not a wacko (well, perhaps a little wacko, yes) and that God is working a plan that benefits all parties involved.

Specifically, it’s my hope that folks by the millions will join me in a monthly Daniel Fast, during which we abstain from meat, sweets, and dairy, and aggressively push into God and His will for us individually and collectively, as Americans.

Revival happens in two easy steps:


Here in the U.S., we’re sitting on the most powerful force known to man; as we fast and pray and seek God, we will confound our enemies, and God will open new and unexpected doors that help the U.S. maintain its mantle of world leadership.

I covet your prayers, and let’s remember to pray for the long-term health of our country.


I am committed to ensuring that our seniors receive the care and support they deserve. Our seniors have worked hard to build this country, and we must honor their contributions by ensuring that they can enjoy a safe, secure, and fulfilling retirement.

As a conservative candidate for U.S. Congress, Georgia District-6, I am committed to ensuring that our seniors - who have worked so hard to build the U.S. - receive the care and support they deserve. To honor their contributions, we must ensure that they enjoy a safe, secure, and fulfilling retirement. That's why I am committed to protecting and strengthening Social Security and Medicare, and ensuring that they remain viable for future generations.

I believe that Social Security and Medicare are important safety nets that provide critical support to millions of American seniors. These programs are promises that we have made to our seniors that must be kept. I will work to protect these programs from harmful cuts and ensure that they remain solvent for years to come.

Further, I believe that we need to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, which is a major concern for seniors across our country. I will work to promote policies that increase transparency and competition in the pharmaceutical industry, and ensure that seniors have access to affordable medications.

Finally, I believe that we need to promote programs and services that support seniors' physical and mental health, as well as their social and emotional well-being. I will work to expand access to home care and other community-based services that help seniors stay independent and connected to their communities.

As your representative in Congress, I will tirelessly work to ensure that our seniors receive the care and support they deserve. Thank you for your support!


Like me - since Joe Biden and the Democrats took office in 2021 - you’ve watched in horror as WAVE after WAVE of illegal aliens have crashed America’s southern border. Perhaps as many as 10 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS have crossed into the US since Biden, Lucy “Dirty Dollars” McBath and the rest of the Democrats won office in 2020.

TEN MILLION - as much as the entire NEW ENGLAND section of our country.

They’re everywhere - destroying our schools, robbing Americans of good-paying jobs, and bankrupting our health facilities - all the while not even bothering to learn English.

And the Democrats did this on purpose; they intentionally let this happen in the hopes of creating voting power in future elections. And not only did they let it happen, they LIED to our faces while it happened, as if we were stupid enough to believe them.

The UNPRECEDENTED, mind-boggling situation leaves us law-abiding, American citizens with a sense of being raped.

Now, I understand that America is a nation of immigrants, and that we welcome law-abiding, educated people who want to become part of the American experience.

But what’s happening now is not normal immigration, rather, it’s an INVASION by people who have:

   No intention of learning our language, 
   No appreciation for American history, 
   Will be funneling tens of billions of dollars across the border to be spent in the economies of foreign countries.

And it’s not just Hispanic folks, either. Thousands of Chinese and folks from Muslim countries have entered the US on Joe Biden’s watch. Why, exactly, are they here?

But the INVASION will soon be over.

President Trump has already said he intends to deport these folks en masse - the largest deportation ever in American history. I endorse President Trump and this policy wholeheartedly.

In addition to mass deportations, we need to SEAL THE BORDER for the next 10 YEARS.


Our veterans have made incredible sacrifices for our country, and we owe it to them to provide the best possible care and support. I am committed to ensuring that our veterans have access to quality healthcare, job opportunities, housing assistance, and mental health support.

As a conservative Republican, and the son of a WWII veteran, I know that our veterans have made incredible sacrifices for our country, and we owe it to them to provide the best possible care and support. I am committed to ensuring that our veterans have access to quality healthcare, jobs, housing, and mental health support.

One of my key policies for supporting veterans is improving access to quality healthcare. I believe that veterans should have access to the best possible medical care, regardless of where they live. I support policies that increase funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), expand access to mental health care, and reduce wait times for appointments. More Job Opportunities

I am also committed to promoting job opportunities for veterans. I recognize that veterans bring unique skills and experiences to the workforce, and I believe that it is important to support initiatives that help veterans find meaningful employment. I support policies that promote job training and education programs for veterans, as well as tax incentives for businesses that hire veterans.

In addition to improving access to healthcare and job opportunities, I support policies that promote housing assistance for veterans. I believe that every veteran should have access to safe, affordable housing, and I support initiatives that provide housing assistance to veterans who are either at risk of becoming, or already, homeless. Better Mental Health Services & Support Now!

Finally, I recognize the importance of promoting mental health support for veterans. I believe that veterans who have experienced traumatic events during their service deserve access to the best possible mental health care. I support policies that provide increased funding for mental health programs, expand access to counseling and other mental health services, and reduce the stigma associated with seeking mental health care.

My policies on veterans issues reflect my commitment to ensuring that our nation's veterans receive the care and support they deserve. I believe that we must honor the sacrifices made by our veterans by providing them with the highest level of care and support possible.[2]

—Jeff Criswell’s campaign website (2024)[3]

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Jeff Criswell campaign contribution history
2026* U.S. House Georgia District 14Candidacy Declared general$0 N/A**
2024* U.S. House Georgia District 6Lost general$28,099 $28,099
Grand total$28,099 $28,099
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete
** Data on expenditures is not available for this election cycle
Note: Totals above reflect only available data.

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on March 6, 2024
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  3. Jeff Criswell’s campaign website, “Jeff Criswell for Congress,” accessed April 24, 2024

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Republican Party (9)
Democratic Party (7)