James Mitchell
Elections and appointments
James Mitchell (Democratic Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Washington's 8th Congressional District. He lost in the primary on August 4, 2020.
Mitchell completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2020. Click here to read the survey answers.
James Mitchell was born in Houston, Texas. He attended the University of Houston and Oral Roberts University for his undergraduate education. His professional experience includes being an entrepreneur, including by creating a national franchise corporation. His is a volunteer with the Seattle Union Gospel Mission, a student at the White Horse School of Ministry, and a graduate of Klemmer & Associates.[1]
See also: Washington's 8th Congressional District election, 2020
General election
Nonpartisan primary election
Candidate profile
Democratic Party
Incumbent: No
Political Office: None
Submitted Biography: "I'm James Mitchell, "uniting us all for a better life"! I am a Christian, a father, an entrepreneur and business builder! A visionary! I'm a PRO-Life Democrat with traditional values for the working class and restoration of the Party for teamwork, as was intended! My Pro-Life platform includes affordable housing, better wages brought with innovative manufacturing for more jobs. You need healthcare as your right, be it conventional or natural, whichever serves you better for some of your needs! I bring whole education reform, teaching our children how life works, including more homeschool support & opportunities! I'm a hybrid that includes conservative Republican values, working together to serve You! To me there is NO Higher Calling than service to another. That includes me volunteering in Seattle Union Gospel Mission "Search & Rescue" missions providing food, water, clothing & blankets to homeless, even in Seattle's "Jungle". I've met with Vine Maple Place and New Horizons Youth Homeless Shelter to determine their unmet needs. I am your Congressman with Heart! Heart for all of us hard working, people that are trying to live a good life with values, raising our families and caring for one another. I'm asking for your vote August 4th to unseat a freshman Congresswoman who only brings abortion and a fight for mandatory every AMA-allowed vaccine. She even wants our Federal Government to force these vaccines on your children! She stands for death; I stand for Life! God Bless You!"
Key Messages
To read this candidate's full survey responses, click here.
I stand for and represent "Pro Life for Whole Life". From womb to tomb. From cradle to grave. That includes your whole life's needs! Listening to your needs and working not for me but for you, since you have hired me to represent and fight for your needs!
I represent Restoration of not only the "working class" values originally created within the Democrat Party but hope I bring with the solutions from my entrepreneurial view in life. I bring more affordable housing solutions, innovative manufacturing opportunities that will also include higher wages. I have a complete solution to eradicate homelessness and hunger that brings permanency, not temporary or transitional housing, that does not work long-term.
I stand for Health and Education reform that support alternative and complimentary solutions not providing you with today. We must be forward-thinking in our health and education future, while also focusing on environmental solutions that preserve our lands and animal life, thus respecting life as the whole package we have. We live on this planet and interact with all life. We can be successful together!
Ballotpedia survey responses
See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection
James Mitchell completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2020. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Mitchell's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.
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I'm James Mitchell, "uniting us all for a better life"! I am a Christian, a father, an entrepreneur and business builder! A visionary! I'm a PRO-Life Democrat with traditional values for the working class and restoration of the Party for teamwork, as was intended! My Pro-Life platform includes affordable housing, better wages brought with innovative manufacturing for more jobs. You need healthcare as your right, be it conventional or natural, whichever serves you better for some of your needs! I bring whole education reform, teaching our children how life works, including more homeschool support & opportunities! I'm a hybrid that includes conservative Republican values, working together to serve You! To me there is NO Higher Calling than service to another. That includes me volunteering in Seattle Union Gospel Mission "Search & Rescue" missions providing food, water, clothing & blankets to homeless, even in Seattle's "Jungle". I've met with Vine Maple Place and New Horizons Youth Homeless Shelter to determine their unmet needs. I am your Congressman with Heart! Heart for all of us hard working, people that are trying to live a good life with values, raising our families and caring for one another. I'm asking for your vote August 4th to unseat a freshman Congresswoman who only brings abortion and a fight for mandatory every AMA-allowed vaccine. She even wants our Federal Government to force these vaccines on your children! She stands for death; I stand for Life! God Bless You!
I stand for and represent "Pro Life for Whole Life". From womb to tomb. From cradle to grave. That includes your whole life's needs! Listening to your needs and working not for me but for you, since you have hired me to represent and fight for your needs!
I represent Restoration of not only the "working class" values originally created within the Democrat Party but hope I bring with the solutions from my entrepreneurial view in life. I bring more affordable housing solutions, innovative manufacturing opportunities that will also include higher wages. I have a complete solution to eradicate homelessness and hunger that brings permanency, not temporary or transitional housing, that does not work long-term.
- I stand for Health and Education reform that support alternative and complimentary solutions not providing you with today. We must be forward-thinking in our health and education future, while also focusing on environmental solutions that preserve our lands and animal life, thus respecting life as the whole package we have. We live on this planet and interact with all life. We can be successful together!
I am passionate for the preservation of our Constitutional Rights. Those include our Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms, Right to Life and our right and freedom to create our best life possible. One practical example is healthcare that includes alternative, complimentary and holistic preventative medicine in addition to traditional care. Our education system needs a complete overhaul that teaches students not only the basics but includes "life skills" they will need once they graduate. We need public assistance policy that includes entrepreneurial enterprise support and incentives encouraging the private business sector to involve themselves so we are not reliant simply upon our Federal, State, Local governments and taxpayers. We must create a balanced system between affordable housing and sustainable wages so an individual is successful in fulfilling our Constitution's purpose: Its purpose includes being assured of domestic Tranquility, general Welfare and securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. This is impossible to achieve when imprisoned economically & healthfully from financial and health inadequacy.
Jesus Christ - He instructed us to follow only two primary principles: Love God and love each other. I follow His example in how I treat everyone. My life goal is to leave behind as much a legacy as possible of loving others so much that the evidence is everywhere. My passion is that my contributions improved others' lives, be it financial, emotional, educational, physical and/or spiritual. I want to leave another person better, simply because we met. I want all peoples in this world to learn how more to love each other by learning first how to love themselves. This is because we can only love others from the volume of love we have within us. That only comes from the understanding and comprehension of the love God has for us, that we can then share with another from that depth.
The Bible is my primary book, as it contains my guiding principles. Every intention and action then initiated must be in line with this guide. As the parent I am, I must follow the moral code, especially as set by Jesus to love God and love my neighbor as myself. When I approach every challenge from this rooted foundation, then everyone who knows me or not (but understands what is my foundation), shall trust my processes, whether it's regarding an area I have experience or not. A man or woman's heart, truly does dictate their journey's steps. This journey includes all of those individuals we connect with either directly or indirectly. There is also a book: "If You Want To Walk On Water, You've Got To Get Out Of The Boat". This is also my guiding principle, as in order to grow we must venture out beyond where we have been. I am all about growth. I have always succeeded in anything I have set my heart and mind two, including building two businesses, the first that achieved notoriety on ABC's television show: "Shark Tank". I am a bold, courageous, loving man who's mission is to create everywhere I can, a world that works for everyone with no one left out.
The most important characteristic or principle an elected official must possess is that of truly having a heart for service and love for thy neighbor. There is no higher calling than service to another. An elected official must have and exhibit character representing "self-less-ness" instead of "selfish, self-serving or self-centeredness". The elected official's voice is secondary to their Constituents' voice. The official is working for and is to serve those who elected them. Their should be complete focus on serving the Constituent Group so as to improve their lives and better their community for as long as the official is being paid to serve. We can use as our guide, the Golden Rule of "Do unto others as we would have done unto us". Equally important is loving and respecting and putting our Constituents' needs in perspective as if they were our own needs.
I love learning and self-improvement in order to become more equipped to solve greater challenges. I am fearless when it comes to taking on new challenges, walking down roads I have not been, as this produces growth. With the mentality of an Entrepreneur, I see the world and all uncharted territory as "possible". My thinking is of the glass "half-full". I am a "possibility-thinker". I am an optimist. I am compassionate, loving, empathetic, patient and determined. Some would classify me as "stubborn". When we face challenges we must possess these characteristics to achieve success!
Having a "proactive solution-seeking" mentality. Thorough research into existing challenges, then development of truly successful solutions. Accountability and reporting to, and ongoing communication with Constituents. Maintaining the trust of Constituents. The highest level of ethics and transparency are paramount to maintaining the respect and trust of Constituents. An "open-door" policy that encourages Constituents to approach the elected official with concerns or ideas they may have that can actually improve the whole body of Constituents.
President Richard Nixon presented his resignation speech. Ten years old.
Supermarket shelf stocking
The U.S. House of Representatives has the power to impeach an elected official. The House does not hold the trial, however. I identify with the House as it represents the people. I identify with the people. Tax bills start in the House. I appreciate that the House has the power to conduct investigations into federal and social practices. This power is necessary unfortunately, to help ensure the honesty and integrity of elected officials.
I believe it may be beneficial but definitely should not be a requirement for representatives to have previous experience in government or politics. I am the perfect example of one qualified to serve, due to my entreprenurial and visionary talents, though have not previously served in a political or government position. Sometimes it can be more beneficial to bring fresh, unbiased, non-experienced eyes, vision and thinking into this role so no previous experience may inhibit potential opportunities for growth and new paths and directions not previously considered or presented.
The health and welfare of our nation's people due to division, or lack of unity. Our nation is constantly battling division within itself. We the People, suffer from an "us versus them" sickness regarding those within our own borders. Our nation will only stand as long as we can invest in our commonalities and strengths instead of focusing on our differences and weaknesses. The gap between the wealthy individual and corporation and the average person and small business has grown extensively. There must be balance restored that reflects an equal portion of investment from everyone, into our nation's foundation for sustainability, preservation and growth.
Education and Labor, Agriculture, Appropriations, Natural Resources
Yes. This duration allows a new Representative to establish a performance track record.
I do not support term limits. If a Representative is serving his Constituents productively then I see no reason to limit their opportunity to continue to serve. Especially if there is no potential replacement candidate that displays a capability to meet or exceed current Representatives' contributions to his Constituents.
Yes. Democratic Leadership Council, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Chief Deputy Whip
Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia.org. Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.
See also
External links
- ↑ Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on May 24, 2020
Democratic Party (10)
Republican Party (2)