Jobs, Economic Development and Local Government Committee, Missouri State Senate (Decommissioned)

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The Jobs, Economic Development and Local Government Committee is a former standing committee of the Missouri State Senate.


The 2013 Missouri Senate rules described the function of this committee as outlined below.

The Committee on Jobs, Economic Development and Local Government shall consider and report upon bills and matters referred to it relating to the promotion of economic development, the creation and retention of jobs, tourism and the promotion of tourism as a state industry, community and business development, county government, township organizations and political subdivisions.[1][2]


2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

Jobs, Economic Development and Local Government Members, 2015
Democratic members (3)Republican members (8)
S. Kiki CurlsEric Schmitt, Chair
Jason HolsmanDan Hegeman, Vice Chair
Jamilah NasheedBob Dixon
Will Kraus
Gary Romine
Dave Schatz
Jay Wasson
Paul Wieland


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.


The following table describes committee membership for the 2011 legislative session.


The following table describes committee membership for the 2009 legislative session.

External links


  1. Missouri Senate, "List of Members, Officers, Committees and Rules of the Senate," accessed January 21, 2014 Rule 28(10)
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.