Graham Veysey

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Graham Veysey

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Bates College


Graham Veysey was a 2012 Democratic candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 9th Congressional District of Ohio.[1] Veysey lost to incumbent Marcy Kaptur in a race for the Democratic Party nomination in Ohio's 9th District.



See also: Ohio's 9th Congressional District elections, 2012

Veysey ran in the 2012 election for Ohio's 9th Congressional District. Veysey lost to incumbent Marcy Kaptur in the March 6, 2012, Democratic primary.[2]

U.S. House, Ohio District 9 Democratic Primary, 2012
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngMarcy Kaptur Incumbent 56.2% 42,902
Dennis J. Kucinich Incumbent 40% 30,564
Graham Vesysey 3.8% 2,900
Total Votes 76,366

Campaign themes


On his 2012 campaign website, Veysey outlined his policy platform and campaign themes. The following were selections from his platform:

  • Jobs: "There is no single silver bullet here... We need to invest in education at all levels, from early childhood to our research universities. We need sensible financial regulatory reform that creates the right conditions for investment and growth but protects our economy from greed. We need smart immigration reform that focuses on attracting and building a 21st century workforce--the kind of immigrant wave that made America great in the 20th century. We also need to make sure that our trade agreements benefit Americans and our commitment to our environment and our workforce."
  • Government Reform: "Politicians like to talk about reaching across the aisle, but few of them are actually good at it. I want to stand in the aisle. I want to be the bridge. I will search for common sense solutions and the kind of compromise that can move the nation forward, the kind of compromise Americans want today. That’s not about one side caving into the unreasonable demands of the other side. It’s about finding our shared interest--a vision for the future we can agree on, and then deciding how to get there. That means Congress will have to work harder for the American people, and spend less time on summer recesses and raising money."
  • Fiscal Discipline: "I will propose a constitutional amendment that prohibits the debt ceiling from being raised during times of economic prosperity. It is one of the reasons we’re in the fiscal mess right now. George Bush raised the debt ceiling in order to cut taxes for the wealthiest."
  • Healthcare: "Every citizen should have access to affordable health care and health insurance. If they don’t have access, they still get sick, and all of us bear the costs. The Affordable Healthcare Act was important, but it wasn’t perfect. We can fix it. We provide some of the best health care in the world, and all Americans should have access to it. And that access should be something the nation can afford and sustain. We can be a healthier, stronger nation with a healthier, more productive workforce. And if we’re going to reform our health care system, there’s no reason why that shouldn’t be a clear and reachable goal."


February 4, 2012

On Saturday, February 4, candidates Kaptur, Kucinich, Veysey, and Kraus participated in a debate held at Sandusky's Ebenezer Baptist Church. The debate was hosted by the NAACP. Coverage of the debate can be found here.

February 13, 2012

On Monday, February 13, Democratic candidates Kaptur, Kucinich, and Veysey participated in a debate for Time Warner Cable's Northeast Ohio Network. Coverage of the debate can be found here.

February 20, 2012

On Monday, February 20, Democratic candidates Kaptur, Kucinich, and Veysey participated in a debate hosted by the City Club of Cleveland. Coverage of the debate can be found here. Full audio of the debate can be found here.

February 22, 2012

On Wednesday, Democratic candidates Kaptur, Kucinich, and Veysey participated in a debate hosted by the Coalition for Hispanic/Latino Issues & Progress (CHIP). Full video of the debate can be found here.

February 23, 2012

On Thursday, February 23, the Sandusky Register hosted a debate featuring the District 9 Democratic candidates. Full video of the debate can be found here.


District 9 Democratic Primary
Poll Marcy Kaptur Dennis J. KucinichGraham VeyseyUndecidedSample size
American Public Polling
February 20 – 27, 2012
Note: The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to

Primary endorsements

  • Submit an endorsement here.

Campaign Media


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Veysey is a graduate of Bates College. He interned for television commentator Tim Russert during his college years. He went on to work for the presidential campaigns of both Howard Dean and Barack Obama. He worked to found a television company in Maine, before moving back to Ohio and founding North Water Partners, a video production firm.[3]

Additional reading

See also

External links


District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
Bob Latta (R)
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
District 13
District 14
District 15
Republican Party (12)
Democratic Party (5)