Federal judges nominated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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U.S. Federal Courts
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Judicial vacancies in federal courtsJudicial vacancies during the Trump administrationFederal judges nominated by Donald TrumpFederal judicial appointments by president
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President from 1933-1945

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president of the United States from 1933 to 1945. During his time in office, Roosevelt made 197 successful nominations to the federal bench, where the nominee was confirmed and received their judicial commission. Three nominations were unsuccessful–four nominees declined their nomination, two nominees were withdrawn, and six nominees were rejected by the U.S. Senate.[1][2]

List of judges

First name Last name Court Status Term
Matthew Abruzzo Eastern District of New York Deceased 1936 - 1971
Jackson Adair Southern District of Illinois Deceased 1937 - 1956
Florence Allen Sixth Circuit Deceased 1934 - 1966
James Allred Southern District of Texas Resigned 1939 - 1942
Herschel Arant Sixth Circuit Deceased 1939 - 1941
Thurman Arnold District of Columbia Circuit Resigned 1943 - 1945
James Baldwin District of Montana Deceased 1935 - 1944
Guy Bard Eastern District of Pennsylvania Resigned 1939 - 1952
William Barker Southern District of Florida Deceased 1940 - 1968
Alfred Barksdale Western District of Virginia Deceased 1939 - 1972
Campbell Beaumont Southern District of California Deceased 1939 - 1954
Robert Bell District of Minnesota Deceased 1933 - 1964
Francis Biddle Third Circuit Resigned 1939 - 1940
John Biggs Third Circuit Deceased 1937 - 1979
Hugo Black Supreme Court Deceased 1937 - 1971
Lloyd Black Western District of Washington Deceased 1939 - 1950
Homer Bone Ninth Circuit Deceased 1944 - 1970
John Bowen Western District of Washington Deceased 1934 - 1978
Marion Boyd Western District of Tennessee Deceased 1940 - 1988
Sam Bratton Tenth Circuit Deceased 1933 - 1963
Stephen Brennan Northern District of New York Deceased 1942 - 1968
John Bright Southern District of New York Deceased 1941 - 1948
Bower Broaddus Eastern District of Oklahoma Deceased 1940 - 1949
Bower Broaddus Northern District of Oklahoma Deceased 1940 - 1949
Bower Broaddus Western District of Oklahoma Deceased 1940 - 1949
Robert Brown District of Montana Deceased 1945 - 1948
Harold Burke Western District of New York Deceased 1937 - 1981
James Byrnes Supreme Court Resigned 1941 - 1942
Adrian Caillouet Eastern District of Louisiana Deceased 1940 - 1946
William Campbell Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1940 - 1988
Stephen Chandler Western District of Oklahoma Deceased 1943 - 1989
John Clancy Southern District of New York Deceased 1936 - 1969
Charles Clark Second Circuit Deceased 1939 - 1963
Chase Clark District of Idaho Deceased 1943 - 1966
William Clark Third Circuit Resigned 1938 - 1943
William Cole United States Customs Court Elevated 1942 - 1952
John Collet Eastern District of Missouri Elevated 1937 - 1947
John Collet Western District of Missouri Elevated 1937 - 1947
Edward Conger Southern District of New York Deceased 1938 - 1963
Aloysius Connor District of New Hampshire Deceased 1944 - 1967
Leslie Darr Eastern District of Tennessee Deceased 1939 - 1967
Leslie Darr Middle District of Tennessee Reassigned 1939 - 1940
Thomas Davidson Northern District of Texas Deceased 1936 - 1974
Elmer Davies Middle District of Tennessee Deceased 1939 - 1957
David Davis Northern District of Alabama Deceased 1935 - 1938
Thomas Davis Middle District of Georgia Deceased 1945 - 1969
John Delehant District of Nebraska Deceased 1942 - 1972
William Denman Ninth Circuit Deceased 1935 - 1959
Dozier DeVane Northern District of Florida Deceased 1943 - 1963
Dozier DeVane Southern District of Florida Reassigned 1943 - 1947
Armistead Dobie Western District of Virginia Elevated 1939 - 1940
Armistead Dobie Fourth Circuit Deceased 1939 - 1962
James Donohoe District of Nebraska Deceased 1933 - 1956
William Douglas Supreme Court Deceased 1939 - 1980
John Druffel Southern District of Ohio Deceased 1937 - 1967
Francis Duffy Eastern District of Wisconsin Elevated 1939 - 1949
Richard Duncan Eastern District of Missouri Deceased 1943 - 1974
Richard Duncan Western District of Missouri Deceased 1943 - 1974
Henry Edgerton District of Columbia Circuit Deceased 1937 - 1970
Edward Eicher District of Columbia Deceased 1942 - 1944
Alexander Ekwall United States Customs Court Deceased 1942 - 1956
Charles Faris Eighth Circuit Deceased 1935 - 1938
Louis FitzHenry Seventh Circuit Deceased 1933 - 1935
Roger Foley District of Nevada Deceased 1945 - 1974
Francis Ford District of Massachusetts Deceased 1938 - 1975
Hiram Ford Eastern District of Kentucky Deceased 1935 - 1969
Jerome Frank Second Circuit Deceased 1941 - 1957
Felix Frankfurter Supreme Court Deceased 1939 - 1965
Emerich Freed Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1941 - 1955
James Ganey Eastern District of Pennsylvania Elevated 1940 - 1961
Francis Garrecht Ninth Circuit Deceased 1933 - 1948
Thomas Goldsborough District of Columbia Deceased 1939 - 1951
Louis Goodman Northern District of California Deceased 1942 - 1961
Herbert Goodrich Third Circuit Deceased 1940 - 1962
Henry Graven Northern District of Iowa Deceased 1944 - 1970
Duncan Groner District of Columbia Circuit Deceased 1937 - 1957
Peirson Hall Southern District of California Reassigned 1942 - 1966
Elwood Hamilton Western District of Kentucky Elevated 1935 - 1938
Elwood Hamilton Sixth Circuit Deceased 1938 - 1945
Bert Haney Ninth Circuit Deceased 1935 - 1943
Allen Hannay Southern District of Texas Deceased 1942 - 1983
Benjamin Harrison Southern District of California Deceased 1940 - 1960
John Hartigan District of Rhode Island Elevated 1940 - 1951
Arthur Healey District of Massachusetts Deceased 1941 - 1948
William Healy Ninth Circuit Deceased 1937 - 1962
Guy Helvering District of Kansas Deceased 1943 - 1946
John Holland Southern District of Florida Deceased 1936 - 1969
William Holly Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1933 - 1958
Edwin Holmes Fifth Circuit Deceased 1936 - 1961
George Hulbert Southern District of New York Deceased 1934 - 1950
Rubey Hulen Eastern District of Missouri Deceased 1943 - 1956
Charles Hutcheson Eastern District of Virginia Deceased 1944 - 1969
Walter Huxman Tenth Circuit Deceased 1939 - 1972
Michael Igoe Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1938 - 1967
Joseph Jackson Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Deceased 1937 - 1969
Robert Jackson Supreme Court Deceased 1941 - 1954
Ralph Jenney Southern District of California Deceased 1937 - 1945
Harvey Johnsen Eighth Circuit Deceased 1940 - 1975
Charles Jones Third Circuit Resigned 1939 - 1944
John Jones Court of Claims Elevated 1940-1947
Harry Kalodner Eastern District of Pennsylvania Elevated 1938 - 1946
William Keefe United States Customs Court Deceased 1933 - 1955
Walter Keeling Western District of Texas Deceased 1942 - 1945
Harold Kennedy Eastern District of New York Resigned 1944 - 1952
Otto Kerner Seventh Circuit Deceased 1938 - 1952
Frank Kloeb Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1937 - 1976
Walter LaBuy Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1944 - 1967
Charles Lawrence United States Customs Court Deceased 1943 - 1975
Bolitha Laws District of Columbia Elevated 1938 - 1945
Bolitha Laws Chief Judge, DC District Elevated 1945 - 1948
Paul Leahy District of Delaware Deceased 1942 - 1966
James Leamy District of Vermont Deceased 1940 - 1949
Charles Leavy Western District of Washington Deceased 1942 - 1952
Arthur Lederle Eastern District of Michigan Deceased 1936 - 1972
Elmo Lee Fifth Circuit Deceased 1943 - 1949
Vincent Leibell Southern District of New York Deceased 1936 - 1968
Harry Lemley Eastern District of Arkansas Deceased 1939 - 1965
Harry Lemley Western District of Arkansas Deceased 1939 - 1965
David Ling District of Arizona Deceased 1936 - 1965
Augustus Long Northern District of Florida Deceased 1934 - 1955
Archibald Lovett Southern District of Georgia Deceased 1941 - 1945
Alva Lumpkin Eastern District of South Carolina Resigned 1939 - 1941
Alva Lumpkin Western District of South Carolina Resigned 1939 - 1941
Joseph Madden Court of Claims Retired 1941 - 1961
Calvert Magruder First Circuit Deceased 1939 - 1968
John Mahoney District of Rhode Island Elevated 1935 - 1940
John Mahoney First Circuit Deceased 1940 - 1952
James Major Southern District of Illinois Elevated 1933 - 1937
James Major Seventh Circuit Deceased 1937 - 1972
Samuel Mandelbaum Southern District of New York Deceased 1936 - 1946
Albert Maris Third Circuit Deceased 1939 - 1989
Albert Maris Eastern District of Pennsylvania Elevated 1936 - 1938
John Martin Western District of Tennessee Elevated 1935 - 1940
John Martin Sixth Circuit Deceased 1940 - 1962
Clifton Mathews Ninth Circuit Deceased 1935 - 1962
Thomas McAllister Sixth Circuit Deceased 1941 - 1976
Claude McColloch District of Oregon Deceased 1937 - 1959
Leon McCord Fifth Circuit Deceased 1938 - 1952
John McDuffie Southern District of Alabama Deceased 1935 - 1950
Matthew McGuire District of Columbia Deceased 1941 - 1986
Gerald McLaughlin Third Circuit Deceased 1943 - 1977
Thomas Meaney District of New Jersey Deceased 1942 - 1968
John Miller Western District of Arkansas Deceased 1941 - 1981
Justin Miller District of Columbia Circuit Resigned 1937 - 1945
Shackelford Miller Western District of Kentucky Elevated 1939 - 1945
Sherman Minton Seventh Circuit Elevated 1941 - 1949
Sidney Mize Southern District of Mississippi Deceased 1937 - 1965
Ben Moore Southern District of West Virginia Deceased 1941 - 1958
George Moore Eastern District of Missouri Deceased 1935 - 1962
James Morris District of Columbia Deceased 1939 - 1960
Clarence Mullins Northern District of Alabama Deceased 1943 - 1957
Thomas Murphree Northern District of Alabama Deceased 1938 - 1945
Frank Murphy Supreme Court Deceased 1940 - 1949
Alfred Murrah Eastern District of Oklahoma Elevated 1937 - 1940
Alfred Murrah Northern District of Oklahoma Elevated 1937 - 1940
Alfred Murrah Western District of Oklahoma Elevated 1937 - 1940
Alfred Murrah Tenth Circuit Deceased 1940 - 1975
Francis Myers Eastern District of South Carolina Deceased 1934 - 1940
Ambrose O'Connell Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Deceased 1944 - 1962
James O'Connor Southern District of California Deceased 1940 - 1949
Webster Oliver United States Customs Court Deceased 1940 - 1969
Robert Patterson Second Circuit Resigned 1939 - 1940
Frank Picard Eastern District of Michigan Deceased 1939 - 1963
David Pine District of Columbia Deceased 1940 - 1970
Robert Pollard Eastern District of Virginia Deceased 1936 - 1954
Gaston Porterie Western District of Louisiana Deceased 1939 - 1953
Heartsill Ragon Western District of Arkansas Deceased 1933 - 1940
Stanley Reed Supreme Court Deceased 1938 - 1980
Eugene Rice Eastern District of Oklahoma Deceased 1937 - 1967
Walter Riddick Eighth Circuit Deceased 1941 - 1953
Albert Ridge Western District of Missouri Elevated 1945 - 1961
Simon Rifkind Southern District of New York Resigned 1941 - 1950
Harlan Rippey Western District of New York Resigned 1934 - 1936
Floyd Roberts Western District of Virginia Nomination rejected 1938 - 1939
Michael Roche Northern District of California Deceased 1935 - 1964
Robert Russell Northern District of Georgia Elevated 1940 - 1949
Wiley Rutledge District of Columbia Circuit Elevated 1939 - 1943
Wiley Rutledge Supreme Court Deceased 1943 - 1949
Royce Savage Northern District of Oklahoma Resigned 1940 - 1961
Henry Schweinhaut District of Columbia Deceased 1944 - 1970
Lewis Schwellenbach Eastern District of Washington Resigned 1940 - 1945
Elwyn Shaw Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1944 - 1950
John Smith District of Connecticut Elevated 1941 - 1960
William Smith District of New Jersey Elevated 1941 - 1961
Albert Stephens Southern District of California Elevated 1935 - 1937
Albert Stephens Ninth Circuit Deceased 1937 - 1965
Harold Stephens District of Columbia Circuit Elevated 1935 - 1948
Harlan Stone Chief Justice, Supreme Court Deceased 1941 - 1946
Patrick Stone Western District of Wisconsin Deceased 1933 - 1963
George Sullivan District of Minnesota Deceased 1937 - 1944
Philip Sullivan Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1933 - 1960
George Sweeney District of Massachusetts Deceased 1935 - 1966
Mac Swinford Eastern District of Kentucky Deceased 1937 - 1975
Mac Swinford Western District of Kentucky Deceased 1937 - 1975
Luther Swygert Northern District of Indiana Elevated 1943 - 1961
Seth Thomas Eighth Circuit Deceased 1935 - 1962
George Timmerman Eastern District of South Carolina Deceased 1942 - 1966
George Timmerman Western District of South Carolina Deceased 1942 - 1966
Walter Treanor Seventh Circuit Deceased 1937 - 1941
Thomas Trimble Eastern District of Arkansas Deceased 1937 - 1965
Mell Underwood Southern District of Ohio Deceased 1936 - 1972
Frederick Vinson District of Columbia Circuit Resigned 1937 - 1943
Charles Vogel District of North Dakota Elevated 1941 - 1954
Thomas G. Walker District of New Jersey Resigned 1939 - 1941
Thomas J. Walker United States Customs Court Deceased 1940 - 1945
Curtis Waller Northern District of Florida Elevated 1940 - 1943
Curtis Waller Southern District of Florida Elevated 1940 - 1943
Curtis Waller Fifth Circuit Deceased 1943 - 1950
Julius Waring Eastern District of South Carolina Deceased 1942 - 1968
Harry Watkins Northern District of West Virginia Deceased 1937 - 1963
Harry Watkins Southern District of West Virginia Deceased 1937 - 1963
Martin Welsh Northern District of California Deceased 1939 - 1953
Richard Whaley United States Court of Claims, chief justice Deceased 1939 - 1951
Samuel Whitaker United States Court of Claims Deceased 1939 - 1967
Robert Wilkin Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1939 - 1973
Robert Williams Tenth Circuit Deceased 1937 - 1948
Peter Woodbury First Circuit Deceased 1941 - 1970
Joseph Woodrough Eighth Circuit Deceased 1933 - 1977
Charles Wyche Western District of South Carolina Resigned 1937 - 1965
Charles Wyzanski District of Massachusetts Deceased 1941 - 1986
Leon Yankwich Southern District of California Reassigned 1935 - 1966

Historical context

Appointments by current president

See also: Federal judges nominated by Donald Trump

Since taking office for his second term, President Donald Trump (R) has not nominated any individuals to federal judgeships on Article III courts.

During his first term in office, President Donald Trump (R) nominated 274 individuals to federal judgeships. Trump made 245 judicial appointments.[3] Of those appointments, 234 were Article III judges.[4] Trump withdrew eight nominees and 143 received no vote from the Senate.[5]

Ballotpedia publishes the federal vacancy count report tracking vacancies, nominations, and confirmations to all United States Article III federal courts each month. In the most recent report covering activity in March 2025, there were 43 Article III vacancies in the federal judiciary. To learn more about current vacancies in the federal judiciary, click here. The following chart from the monthly federal vacancy count report for March 1, 2025, details the number of appointments made by President Trump to each type of Article III federal court since taking office. This chart is updated at the start of each month with new appointments data.

See also

External links
