Federal judges nominated by William Howard Taft

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U.S. Federal Courts
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William Howard Taft, President from 1909-1913

William Howard Taft was president of the United States from 1909 to 1913. During his time in office he had 61 judges successfully nominated and confirmed to the federal bench. Taft had five nominees withdrawn and 13 receive no vote from the Senate.[1][2]

List of judges

First name Last name Court Status Term
Alexis Angell Eastern District of Michigan Resigned 1911 - 1912
Robert Archbald Third Circuit Impeached 1910 - 1913
Robert Archbald Commerce Court Impeached 1910 - 1913
Orion Barber United States Court of Customs Appeals Deceased 1910 - 1930
Robert Bean District of Oregon Deceased 1909 - 1931
George Bourquin District of Montana Deceased 1912 - 1958
John Carland Eighth Circuit Deceased 1911 - 1922
John Carland Commerce Court Court abolished 1911 - 1913
George Carpenter Northern District of Illinois Resigned 1910 - 1933
John Cheney Southern District of Florida Nomination rejected 1912 - 1913
Henry Connor Eastern District of North Carolina Deceased 1909 - 1924
Samuel Cooper Board of General Appraisers Deceased 1910 - 1918
Edward Cushman Western District of Washington Deceased 1912 - 1924
William Day Northern District of Ohio Resigned 1911 - 1914
Arthur Denison Western District of Michigan Elevated 1910 - 1911
Arthur Denison Sixth Circuit Resigned 1911 - 1931
Marion De Vries Court of Customs Appeals 1910 - 1922
Frederic Dodge First Circuit Resigned 1912 - 1918
George Donworth Western District of Washington Resigned 1909 - 1912
James Elliott District of South Dakota Deceased 1911 - 1933
Ferdinand Geiger Eastern District of Wisconsin Retired 1912 - 1939
William Grubb Northern District of Alabama Deceased 1909 - 1935
Learned Hand Southern District of New York Elevated 1909 - 1924
Howard Hollister Southern District of Ohio Deceased 1910 - 1919
Clinton Howard Western District of Washington Nomination rejected 1912 - 1913
Charles Hughes Associate Justice, Supreme Court Resigned 1910 - 1916
Oscar Hundley Northern District of Alabama Resigned 1909 - 1909
William Hunt Ninth Circuit Retired 1910 - 1928
William Hunt Commerce Court Court abolished 1910 - 1913
John Killits Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1910 - 1938
Martin Knapp Second Circuit Reassigned 1910 - 1916
Martin Knapp Commerce Court Court abolished 1910 - 1913
Loyal Knappen Sixth Circuit Deceased 1910 - 1930
Joseph Lamar Supreme Court Deceased 1910 - 1916
William Lanning Third Circuit Deceased 1909 - 1912
Horace Lurton Associate Justice, Supreme Court Deceased 1909 - 1914
Julian Mack Seventh Circuit Reassigned 1910 - 1929
Julian Mack Commerce Court Court abolished 1910 - 1913
George Martin Court of Customs Appeals Elevated 1911 - 1924
Julius Mayer Southern District of New York Elevated 1912 - 1921
John McPherson Third Circuit Deceased 1912 - 1919
Robert Montgomery Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Deceased 1910 - 1920
James Morton District of Massachusetts Elevated 1912 - 1932
Charles Orr Western District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1909 - 1922
Mahlon Pitney Supreme Court Resigned 1912 - 1922
William Pope District of New Mexico Deceased 1912 - 1916
Milton Purdy District of Minnesota Resigned 1909 - 1909
Carl Rasch District of Montana Resigned 1910 - 1911
John Rellstab District of New Jersey Deceased 1909 - 1930
John Rose District of Maryland Deceased 1910 - 1922
Frank Rudkin Eastern District of Washington Elevated 1911 - 1923
Gordon Russell Eastern District of Texas Deceased 1910 - 1919
William Schofield First Circuit Deceased 1911 - 1912
Clarence Sessions Western District of Michigan Deceased 1911 - 1931
Richard Sloan District of Arizona Nomination rejected 1912 - 1913
Henry Smith District of South Carolina Reassigned 1911 - 1912
James Smith Court of Customs Appeals Deceased 1910 - 1928
Walter Smith Eighth Circuit Deceased 1911 - 1922
Joseph Thompson Eastern District of Pennsylvania Elevated 1912 - 1931
Arthur Tuttle Eastern District of Michigan Deceased 1912 - 1944
Willis Van Devanter Supreme Court Deceased 1910 - 1941
Arba Van Valkenburgh Western District of Missouri Elevated 1910 - 1925
Van Vechten Veeder Eastern District of New York Resigned 1911 - 1917
John Warrington Sixth Circuit Deceased 1909 - 1921
Edward White Chief Justice, Supreme Court Deceased 1910 - 1921
Charles Willard District of Minnesota Deceased 1909 - 1914
Charles Witmer Middle District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1911 - 1925
Frank Youmans Western District of Arkansas Deceased 1911 - 1932

Historical context

Appointments by current president

See also: Federal judges nominated by Donald Trump

Since taking office for his second term, President Donald Trump (R) has not nominated any individuals to federal judgeships on Article III courts.

During his first term in office, President Donald Trump (R) nominated 274 individuals to federal judgeships. Trump made 245 judicial appointments.[3] Of those appointments, 234 were Article III judges.[4] Trump withdrew eight nominees and 143 received no vote from the Senate.[5]

Ballotpedia publishes the federal vacancy count report tracking vacancies, nominations, and confirmations to all United States Article III federal courts each month. In the most recent report covering activity in March 2025, there were 43 Article III vacancies in the federal judiciary. To learn more about current vacancies in the federal judiciary, click here. The following chart from the monthly federal vacancy count report for March 1, 2025, details the number of appointments made by President Trump to each type of Article III federal court since taking office. This chart is updated at the start of each month with new appointments data.

See also

External links
