Federal judges nominated by Woodrow Wilson

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Woodrow Wilson, President from 1913-1921

Woodrow Wilson was president of the United States from 1913 to 1921. During his time in office he had 75 judges successfully nominated and confirmed to the federal bench. Wilson also had two nominees decline their nomination and seven rejected by or receive no vote from the Senate.[1][2]

List of judges

First name Last name Court Status Term
William Adamson United States Customs Court Resigned 1917 - 1928
Samuel Alschuler Seventh Circuit Deceased 1915 - 1939
George Anderson First Circuit Deceased 1918 - 1938
Thomas Bailey Associate Justice, District of Columbia Deceased 1918 - 1963
Robert Batts Fifth Circuit Resigned 1917 - 1919
George Bingham First Circuit Deceased 1913 - 1949
Benjamin Bledsoe Southern District of California Resigned 1914 - 1925
Joseph Bodine District of New Jersey Resigned 1920 - 1929
Wilbur Booth District of Minnesota Elevated 1914 - 1925
Louis Brandeis Supreme Court Deceased 1916 - 1941
George Brown United States Customs Court Deceased 1913 - 1941
Nathan Bryan Fifth Circuit Deceased 1920 - 1935
Rhydon Call Southern District of Florida Deceased 1913 - 1927
Edward Campbell Court of Claims Deceased 1913 - 1938
John Clarke Northern District of Ohio Elevated 1914 - 1916
John Clarke Supreme Court Resigned 1916 - 1922
Henry Clayton Middle District of Alabama Deceased 1914 - 1929
Henry Clayton Northern District of Alabama Deceased 1914 - 1929
Frank Cooper Northern District of New York Deceased 1920 - 1946
James Covington Chief Justice, District of Columbia Resigned 1914 - 1918
John Davis District of New Jersey Elevated 1916 - 1920
John Davis Third Circuit Resigned 1920 - 1941
Oliver Dickinson Eastern District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1914 - 1939
Maurice Donahue Sixth Circuit Deceased 1919 - 1928
Maurice Dooling Northern District of California Deceased 1913 - 1924
George Downey United States Court of Claims Deceased 1915 - 1926
George English Eastern District of Illinois Resigned 1918 - 1926
Robert Ervin Southern District of Alabama Deceased 1917 - 1949
William Estes Eastern District of Texas Deceased 1920 - 1930
Beverly Evans Southern District of Georgia Deceased 1917 - 1922
Evan Evans Seventh Circuit Deceased 1916 - 1948
Charles Faris Eastern District of Missouri Elevated 1919 - 1935
Louis FitzHenry Southern District of Illinois Elevated 1918 - 1933
Edwin Garvin Eastern District of New York Resigned 1918 - 1925
Samuel Graham United States Court of Claims Deceased 1919 - 1951
Thomas Haight District of New Jersey Elevated 1914 - 1919
Thomas Haight Third Circuit Resigned 1919 - 1920
Augustus Hand Southern District of New York Elevated 1914 - 1927
James Hay United States Court of Claims Deceased 1916 - 1931
William Hitz Associate Justice, District of Columbia Elevated 1916 - 1931
Edwin Holmes Northern District of Mississippi Reassigned 1918 - 1929
Edwin Holmes Southern District of Mississippi Elevated 1918 - 1936
Charles Hough Second Circuit Deceased 1916 - 1927
Harland Howe District of Vermont Retired 1915 - 1945
Joseph Hutcheson Southern District of Texas Elevated 1918 - 1931
George Jack Western District of Louisiana Deceased 1917 - 1924
Charles Johnson First Circuit Deceased 1917 - 1930
Joseph Johnson Western District of South Carolina Deceased 1915 - 1919
Tillman Johnson District of Utah Deceased 1915 - 1953
Alexander King Fifth Circuit Resigned 1920 - 1924
John Knox Southern District of New York Deceased 1918 - 1966
William Lambdin Southern District of Georgia Deceased 1915 - 1916
Charles Lynch District of New Jersey Resigned 1919 - 1925
Martin Manton Southern District of New York Elevated 1916 - 1918
Martin Manton Second Circuit Resigned 1918 - 1939
Walter McCoy Associate Justice, District of Columbia Elevated 1914 - 1918
Walter McCoy Chief Justice, District of Columbia Retired 1918 - 1929
James McReynolds Supreme Court Deceased 1914 - 1946
Hugh Morris District of Delaware Resigned 1919 - 1930
Colin Neblett District of New Mexico Deceased 1917 - 1950
Jeremiah Neterer Western District of Washington Deceased 1914 - 1943
George Page Seventh Circuit Deceased 1919 - 1941
John Peck Southern District of Ohio Resigned 1919 - 1923
Henry Rogers Second Circuit Deceased 1913 - 1926
William Sawtelle District of Arizona Elevated 1913 - 1931
Samuel Sibley Northern District of Georgia Elevated 1919 - 1931
Frederick Siddons Associate Justice, District of Columbia Deceased 1915 - 1931
William Smith Western District of Texas Deceased 1917 - 1924
Constantine Smyth Chief Justice, District of Columbia Circuit Deceased 1917 - 1924
Kimbrough Stone Eighth Circuit Deceased 1916 - 1958
Jerry Sullivan Board of General Appraisers Deceased 1913 - 1948
Edwin Thomas District of Connecticut Resigned 1913 - 1939
W. H. Thomson Western District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1914 - 1932
Oscar Trippet Southern District of California Deceased 1915 - 1923
Martin Wade Southern District of Iowa Deceased 1915 - 1931
Richard Walker Fifth Circuit Deceased 1915 - 1936
Henry Watkins Western District of South Carolina Deceased 1919 - 1947
Edwin Webb Western District of North Carolina Deceased 1919 - 1955
George Weller Board of General Appraisers Deceased 1919 - 1932
DuVal West Western District of Texas Deceased 1915 - 1949
David Westenhaver Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1917 - 1928
Robert Williams Eastern District of Oklahoma Elevated 1919 - 1937
James Wilson Northern District of Texas Deceased 1919 - 1951
Joseph Woodrough District of Nebraska Elevated 1916 - 1933
Charles Woods Fourth Circuit Deceased 1913 - 1925
Victor Woolley Third Circuit Deceased 1914 - 1925

Historical context

Appointments by current president

See also: Federal judges nominated by Donald Trump

Since taking office for his second term, President Donald Trump (R) has not nominated any individuals to federal judgeships on Article III courts.

During his first term in office, President Donald Trump (R) nominated 274 individuals to federal judgeships. Trump made 245 judicial appointments.[3] Of those appointments, 234 were Article III judges.[4] Trump withdrew eight nominees and 143 received no vote from the Senate.[5]

Ballotpedia publishes the federal vacancy count report tracking vacancies, nominations, and confirmations to all United States Article III federal courts each month. In the most recent report covering activity in March 2025, there were 43 Article III vacancies in the federal judiciary. To learn more about current vacancies in the federal judiciary, click here. The following chart from the monthly federal vacancy count report for March 1, 2025, details the number of appointments made by President Trump to each type of Article III federal court since taking office. This chart is updated at the start of each month with new appointments data.

See also

External links
