Elsa Lamelas

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Elsa Lamelas

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Prior offices
Milwaukee County Circuit Court

Elsa C. Lamelas was a circuit court judge for the 1st Judicial District. Lamelas was vice chair of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board in 2015.[1] She resigned from the board on December 28, 2015.[2]

Professional career

In 1993, former Gov. Tommy Thompson appointed Lamelas to Circuit Court for the 1st Judicial District, which is composed of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.[3] Lamelas was elected in 1994, 2000 and 2006 without opposition.[1] She retired on July 31, 2012.[4]

Government Accountability Board

See also: Government Accountability Board

Lamelas was appointed to the GAB in 2013 by Gov. Scott Walker (R) to fill the vacancy due to the expiration of the term of Judge Thomas Cane.[5]

John Doe investigations

See also: John Doe investigations related to Scott Walker

Two John Doe investigations, beginning in 2010 and ending in 2015, were launched by Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm (D) into the activities of staff and associates of Gov. Scott Walker (R).[6] In October 2015, state Rep. Dean Knudson (R) introduced a reform plan that "would split the GAB into two separate commissions, one regulating ethics laws and the other covering elections. It would be similar to the system the GAB replaced in 2007." According to an article by Wisconsin Public Radio, "[ma]ny conservatives have cited the GAB’s involvement in the John Doe as the primary reason the agency should be eliminated. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said it was a factor."[7]

See also

External links
