Economic development on the ballot

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Economic development on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding promotion of economic activity, generally through funding infrastructure, business and job development plans.


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama County Economic Investment, Amendment 4 (1950)
  2. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 9 (1951)
  3. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 14 (1951)
  4. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 15 (1951)
  5. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 16 (1951)
  6. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 17 (1951)
  7. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 3 (1953)
  8. Alabama Economic Development, Amendment 1 (1954)
  9. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 8 (1955)
  10. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 9 (1955)
  11. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 15 (1955)
  12. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 23 (1955)
  13. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 28 (1955)
  14. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 30 (1955)
  15. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 5 (August 1956)
  16. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 6 (August 1956)
  17. Alabama Bullock County Economic Development, Amendment 14 (1957)
  18. Alabama Economic Development in Franklin County, Amendment 9 (1960)
  19. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 2 (1960)
  20. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 29 (1961)
  21. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 32 (1961)
  22. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 34 (1961)
  23. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 35 (1961)
  24. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 36 (1961)
  25. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 37 (1961)
  26. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 43 (1961)
  27. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 8 (1963)
  28. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 12 (1963)
  29. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 13 (1963)
  30. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 7 (1965)
  31. Alabama Economic Development Bonds, Amendment 8 (1965)
  32. Alabama Economic Development Indebtedness, Amendment 18 (1965)
  33. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 24 (1965)
  34. Alabama County and Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 25 (1965)
  35. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 30 (1965)
  36. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 31 (1965)
  37. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 37 (1965)
  38. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 3 (1966)
  39. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 4 (1966)
  40. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 6 (1966)
  41. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 2 (1966)
  42. Alabama State Economic Development, Amendment 9 (1967)
  43. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 12 (1967)
  44. Alabama Agriculture Economic Funding, Amendment 5 (1969)
  45. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 23 (1969)
  46. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 24 (1969)
  47. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 29 (1969)
  48. Alabama Swine Industry Amendment (December 1973)
  49. Alabama Poultry Industry Promotion Amendment (1982)
  50. Alabama Land Development Amendment (1982)
  51. Alabama Swine Promotion Amendment (March 1982)
  52. Alabama Soy Promotion Amendment (March 1982)
  53. Alabama Calhoun County Economic Development Amendment (1994)
  54. Alabama Marengo County Economic and Industrial Development, Amendment 10 (1998)
  55. Alabama Sheep and Goat Industry Promotion, Amendment 3 (2002)
  56. Alabama Industrial Development, Amendment 1 (2004)
  57. Alabama Economic and Industrial Development, Amendment 3 (2004)
  58. Alabama Shrimp and Seafood Promotion, Amendment 4 (2004)


  1. Arizona Measure Nos. 324-325, State Development Projects Initiative (1914)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 316-317, Panama-Pacific International Exposition Participation Initiative (1914)
  3. Arizona Proposition 103, Urban Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1982)


  1. Arkansas Redevelopment Project Question, Issue 2 (2012)
  2. Arkansas Economic Development Credit Enhancement, Proposed Question Act 945 (1990)
  3. Arkansas Industrial Development Bonds, Proposed Amendment 49 (1958)
  4. Arkansas Economic Development Bonds, Proposed Amendment 2 (2004)
  5. Arkansas Removal of Cap on State-Issued Bonds, Issue 3 (2016)


  1. Florida Amendment 4, Community Redevelopment Amendment (1976)


  1. Georgia Enterprise Zones, Amendment 3 (1996)
  2. Georgia Slum Clearance and Redevelopment, Amendment 6 (1954)
  3. Georgia Industrial Development Commission, Amendment 7 (1960)
  4. Georgia Department of Industry and Trade, Amendment 4 (1962)
  5. Georgia County Redevelopment, Amendment 14 (1962)
  6. Georgia Revenue Obligations for Industrial Development, Amendment 2 (1966)
  7. Georgia Tourism Promotion, Amendment 11 (1966)
  8. Georgia Industrial Development, Amendment 16 (1968)
  9. Georgia Development Authorities, Amendment 20 (1968)
  10. Georgia Department of Industry and Trade, Amendment 3 (1972)
  11. Georgia Department of Community Development, Amendment 4 (1976)
  12. Georgia East Point Business and Industrial Development Authority, Amendment 28 (1976)
  13. Georgia Development Districts, Amendment 7 (1986)
  14. Georgia Seed Capital Fund, Amendment 8 (1988)
  15. Georgia Industrial Park Development, Amendment 1 (1994)
  16. Georgia County Promotion, Amendment 17 (1943)


  1. Kansas Economic Development, Amendment 2 (1986)


  1. Louisiana Authorization by Local Governments to Donate Revenue, Amendment 4 (2000)
  2. Louisiana Local Government Act, Ballot Measure 13 (October 2003)


  1. Maine Job Growth in Agriculture and Small Businesses, Question 6 (1996)
  2. Maine Agricultural and Economic Development, Referendum Question No. 1 (1981)
  3. Maine Economic Development, Bond Issue 5 (1983)
  4. Maine Centers for Advanced Technology, Bond Issue 3 (1985)
  5. Maine Job Development Program, Question 4 (1987)
  6. Maine Natural Resource and Other Industries Job Retention and Creation, Question 4 (1991)
  7. Maine Municipal Infrastructure Job Creation and Preservation, Question 1 Part A (1992)
  8. Maine Transportation Facilities Improvements Job Creation and Protection, Question 1 Part B (1992)
  9. Maine Business Financing Programs, Question 5 (1994)
  10. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport and Cargo Port Improvements for Economic Development, Question 2 (1995)
  11. Maine Science and Technology Research and Development, Question 1 (1998)
  12. Maine Water Pollution, Tire Stockpiles and Solid Waste Landfills Clean Up, Question 5 (2001)
  13. Maine Jobs, Building Renovation, Terrorism and Tourism, Question 2 (2002)
  14. Maine Economic Growth and Job Creation, Question 1 (2003)
  15. Maine Economic Growth and Job Creation Stimulation, Question 4 (2005)
  16. Maine Technology Sector Economic Development, Question 2 (2007)
  17. Maine Job Creating Transportation Projects, Question 3 (June 2010)
  18. Maine Economic Development and Job Creation, Question 4 (June 2010)
  19. Maine Marine Businesses Bond Issue, Question 7 (2014)
  20. Maine Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Health Bond Issue, Question 2 (2014)
  21. Maine Small Business Bond Issue, Question 3 (2014)
  22. Maine Question 1, Technology Sectors Funds and Business Loans Bond Issue (June 2017)


  1. Nebraska Industrial Development Bonds, Amendment 2 (1978)
  2. Nebraska Redevelopment Projects, Amendment 1 (1988)
  3. Nebraska Local Revenue Sources for Development, Amendment 3 (1990)

New York

  1. New York State Debt for Economic Development, Proposition 1 (1977)
  2. New York Loan to Non-Profit Corporations, Amendment 4 (1961)
  3. New York Powers of Corporations to Contract Indebtedness, Amendment 6 (1955)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota New Programs to Increase Employment Opportunities Initiative, Measure 1 (1974)


  1. Ohio Issue 1, Third Frontier Program Economic Development Bond Amendment (May 2010)

Rhode Island

  1. Rhode Island Question 4, Quonset Point/Davisville Bonds (2002)

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Amendment for Slum Clearance and Redevelopment in Charleston County, Local Amendment 1 (1970)
  2. South Carolina Amendment for Slum Clearance and Redevelopment in Richland County, Local Amendment 2 (1970)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Assistance for Economic Development Amendment (1987)
  2. Texas Proposition 1, Bonds for Economic Recovery Amendment (1993)
  3. Texas Proposition 3, Economic Development Program Loans Amendment (2005)
  4. Texas Proposition 20, Bonds for Defense-Related Communities Amendment (September 2003)
  5. Texas Proposition 3, State Financing of Products and Businesses Amendment (1989)


  1. Vermont Fiscal Policy: General Tender Act (1787)
  2. Vermont Fiscal Policy: Articles as Tender (1787)
  3. Vermont Fiscal Policy: Continuation of Contracts Past October 1786 (1787)


  1. Washington HJR 23, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1985)
  2. Washington SJR 143, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1982)
  3. Washington HJR 22, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1973)
  4. Washington Referendum 48, Public Stadium Authority and Seattle Seahawks Stadium Funding Measure (June 1997)


  1. Wyoming Local Economic and Industrial Development, Question B (2004)
  2. Wyoming Economic Development Loan Fund, Amendment 4 (1986)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Maine Question 1, Technology Sectors Funds and Business Loans Bond Issue (June 2017)


  1. Arkansas Removal of Cap on State-Issued Bonds, Issue 3 (2016)


  1. Maine Marine Businesses Bond Issue, Question 7 (2014)
  2. Maine Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Health Bond Issue, Question 2 (2014)
  3. Maine Small Business Bond Issue, Question 3 (2014)


  1. Arkansas Redevelopment Project Question, Issue 2 (2012)


  1. Ohio Issue 1, Third Frontier Program Economic Development Bond Amendment (May 2010)
  2. Maine Job Creating Transportation Projects, Question 3 (June 2010)
  3. Maine Economic Development and Job Creation, Question 4 (June 2010)


  1. Maine Technology Sector Economic Development, Question 2 (2007)


  1. Maine Economic Growth and Job Creation Stimulation, Question 4 (2005)
  2. Texas Proposition 3, Economic Development Program Loans Amendment (2005)


  1. Wyoming Local Economic and Industrial Development, Question B (2004)
  2. Arkansas Economic Development Bonds, Proposed Amendment 2 (2004)
  3. Alabama Industrial Development, Amendment 1 (2004)
  4. Alabama Economic and Industrial Development, Amendment 3 (2004)
  5. Alabama Shrimp and Seafood Promotion, Amendment 4 (2004)


  1. Maine Economic Growth and Job Creation, Question 1 (2003)
  2. Texas Proposition 20, Bonds for Defense-Related Communities Amendment (September 2003)
  3. Louisiana Local Government Act, Ballot Measure 13 (October 2003)


  1. Rhode Island Question 4, Quonset Point/Davisville Bonds (2002)
  2. Maine Jobs, Building Renovation, Terrorism and Tourism, Question 2 (2002)
  3. Alabama Sheep and Goat Industry Promotion, Amendment 3 (2002)


  1. Maine Water Pollution, Tire Stockpiles and Solid Waste Landfills Clean Up, Question 5 (2001)


  1. Louisiana Authorization by Local Governments to Donate Revenue, Amendment 4 (2000)


  1. Maine Science and Technology Research and Development, Question 1 (1998)
  2. Alabama Marengo County Economic and Industrial Development, Amendment 10 (1998)


  1. Washington Referendum 48, Public Stadium Authority and Seattle Seahawks Stadium Funding Measure (June 1997)


  1. Maine Job Growth in Agriculture and Small Businesses, Question 6 (1996)
  2. Georgia Enterprise Zones, Amendment 3 (1996)


  1. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport and Cargo Port Improvements for Economic Development, Question 2 (1995)


  1. Maine Business Financing Programs, Question 5 (1994)
  2. Georgia Industrial Park Development, Amendment 1 (1994)
  3. Alabama Calhoun County Economic Development Amendment (1994)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Bonds for Economic Recovery Amendment (1993)


  1. Maine Municipal Infrastructure Job Creation and Preservation, Question 1 Part A (1992)
  2. Maine Transportation Facilities Improvements Job Creation and Protection, Question 1 Part B (1992)


  1. Maine Natural Resource and Other Industries Job Retention and Creation, Question 4 (1991)


  1. Arkansas Economic Development Credit Enhancement, Proposed Question Act 945 (1990)
  2. Nebraska Local Revenue Sources for Development, Amendment 3 (1990)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, State Financing of Products and Businesses Amendment (1989)


  1. Nebraska Redevelopment Projects, Amendment 1 (1988)
  2. Georgia Seed Capital Fund, Amendment 8 (1988)


  1. Maine Job Development Program, Question 4 (1987)
  2. Texas Proposition 4, Assistance for Economic Development Amendment (1987)


  1. Kansas Economic Development, Amendment 2 (1986)
  2. Wyoming Economic Development Loan Fund, Amendment 4 (1986)
  3. Georgia Development Districts, Amendment 7 (1986)


  1. Washington HJR 23, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1985)
  2. Maine Centers for Advanced Technology, Bond Issue 3 (1985)


  1. Maine Economic Development, Bond Issue 5 (1983)


  1. Washington SJR 143, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1982)
  2. Alabama Poultry Industry Promotion Amendment (1982)
  3. Alabama Land Development Amendment (1982)
  4. Alabama Swine Promotion Amendment (March 1982)
  5. Alabama Soy Promotion Amendment (March 1982)
  6. Arizona Proposition 103, Urban Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1982)


  1. Maine Agricultural and Economic Development, Referendum Question No. 1 (1981)


  1. Nebraska Industrial Development Bonds, Amendment 2 (1978)


  1. New York State Debt for Economic Development, Proposition 1 (1977)


  1. Florida Amendment 4, Community Redevelopment Amendment (1976)
  2. Georgia Department of Community Development, Amendment 4 (1976)
  3. Georgia East Point Business and Industrial Development Authority, Amendment 28 (1976)


  1. North Dakota New Programs to Increase Employment Opportunities Initiative, Measure 1 (1974)


  1. Washington HJR 22, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1973)
  2. Alabama Swine Industry Amendment (December 1973)


  1. Georgia Department of Industry and Trade, Amendment 3 (1972)


  1. South Carolina Amendment for Slum Clearance and Redevelopment in Charleston County, Local Amendment 1 (1970)
  2. South Carolina Amendment for Slum Clearance and Redevelopment in Richland County, Local Amendment 2 (1970)


  1. Alabama Agriculture Economic Funding, Amendment 5 (1969)
  2. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 23 (1969)
  3. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 24 (1969)
  4. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 29 (1969)


  1. Georgia Industrial Development, Amendment 16 (1968)
  2. Georgia Development Authorities, Amendment 20 (1968)


  1. Alabama State Economic Development, Amendment 9 (1967)
  2. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 12 (1967)


  1. Georgia Revenue Obligations for Industrial Development, Amendment 2 (1966)
  2. Georgia Tourism Promotion, Amendment 11 (1966)
  3. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 3 (1966)
  4. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 4 (1966)
  5. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 6 (1966)
  6. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 2 (1966)


  1. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 7 (1965)
  2. Alabama Economic Development Bonds, Amendment 8 (1965)
  3. Alabama Economic Development Indebtedness, Amendment 18 (1965)
  4. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 24 (1965)
  5. Alabama County and Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 25 (1965)
  6. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 30 (1965)
  7. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 31 (1965)
  8. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 37 (1965)


  1. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 8 (1963)
  2. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 12 (1963)
  3. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 13 (1963)


  1. Georgia Department of Industry and Trade, Amendment 4 (1962)
  2. Georgia County Redevelopment, Amendment 14 (1962)


  1. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 29 (1961)
  2. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 32 (1961)
  3. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 34 (1961)
  4. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 35 (1961)
  5. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 36 (1961)
  6. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 37 (1961)
  7. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 43 (1961)
  8. New York Loan to Non-Profit Corporations, Amendment 4 (1961)


  1. Georgia Industrial Development Commission, Amendment 7 (1960)
  2. Alabama Economic Development in Franklin County, Amendment 9 (1960)
  3. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 2 (1960)


  1. Arkansas Industrial Development Bonds, Proposed Amendment 49 (1958)


  1. Alabama Bullock County Economic Development, Amendment 14 (1957)


  1. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 5 (August 1956)
  2. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 6 (August 1956)


  1. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 8 (1955)
  2. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 9 (1955)
  3. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 15 (1955)
  4. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 23 (1955)
  5. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 28 (1955)
  6. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 30 (1955)
  7. New York Powers of Corporations to Contract Indebtedness, Amendment 6 (1955)


  1. Georgia Slum Clearance and Redevelopment, Amendment 6 (1954)
  2. Alabama Economic Development, Amendment 1 (1954)


  1. Alabama Municipal Economic Development, Amendment 3 (1953)


  1. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 9 (1951)
  2. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 14 (1951)
  3. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 15 (1951)
  4. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 16 (1951)
  5. Alabama County Economic Development, Amendment 17 (1951)


  1. Alabama County Economic Investment, Amendment 4 (1950)


  1. Georgia County Promotion, Amendment 17 (1943)


  1. Arizona Measure Nos. 324-325, State Development Projects Initiative (1914)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 316-317, Panama-Pacific International Exposition Participation Initiative (1914)

Before 1800

  1. Vermont Fiscal Policy: General Tender Act (1787)
  2. Vermont Fiscal Policy: Articles as Tender (1787)
  3. Vermont Fiscal Policy: Continuation of Contracts Past October 1786 (1787)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Nebraska TIF Requirements for Redevelopment Amendment (2014)
  2. West Virginia Use of County Property Tax Revenue to Fund Infrastructure Projects Amendment (2018)
  3. Missouri One-Year Sales Tax Increase for Technology Parks Initiative (2018)
  4. Maine Business Investment, Loans, and Infrastructure and Biomedical Research Bond Issue (2018)
  5. Maine Electric Construction Apprenticeships and Solar Purchase Agreements Referendum (2019)
  6. Arizona Film Tax Credit Initiative (2020)
Voting on Economic development
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Ballot Measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot

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Measures by topic
Measures by year
Measures by state

See also