Enrolled Bills Committee, Mississippi State Legislature (decommissioned)

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Mississippi State Legislature
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Joint Committees

Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review

Senate Committees
House Committees

The Enrolled Bills Committee is a former joint standing committee of the Mississippi State Legislature. Per Joint Rule 34, the committee was made up of five senators and five representatives.[1]



The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

Enrolled Bills Members, 2015
Democratic members (6)Republican members (4)
Earle Banks, ChairWilliam Shirley, Vice-Chair
Derrick Simmons, ChairMargaret Rogers
Kelvin Butler, Vice-ChairPerry Lee
Donnie BellPhilip Moran
Sherra Lane
J.P. Wilemon


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2014 legislative session.

Enrolled Bills, House Members, 2014
Democratic members (3)Republican members (2)
Earle Banks, ChairWilliam Shirley, Vice-Chair
Donnie BellMargaret Rogers
Sherra Lane


The following table describes committee membership in the 2013 legislative session.

Enrolled Bills, Senate Members, 2013
Democratic members (3)Republican members (2)
Derrick Simmons, ChairPerry Lee
Kelvin Butler, Vice ChairPhilip Moran
J.P. Wilemon

External links
