Clay County, Missouri ballot measures

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See also: Local ballot measure elections in 2025


See also: Missouri 2023 local ballot measures

November 8

Clay County, Missouri, Proposition A, Communication Services Fee for 911 Funding Measure (November 2023):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported this ballot measure to:

  • enact a $1.00-per-month fee on communications service subscriptions, such as those for cell phones, that have been enabled to contact 911 to provide funding for 911 services in the county and
  • repeal the fee assessed on landline telephones to provide 911 services funding.

A "no" vote opposed this ballot measure to:

  • enact a $1.00-per-month fee on communications service subscriptions, such as those for cell phones, that have been enabled to contact 911 to provide funding for 911 services in the county and
  • repeal the fee assessed on landline telephones to provide 911 services funding.

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 1, Sales Tax Measure (November 2023):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported continuing the 0.375% city sales tax for the operation and improvement of the public bus transit system over a period of 10 years.

A "no" vote opposed continuing the 0.375% city sales tax for the operation and improvement of the public bus transit system over a period of 10 years.

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 2, Park Land Measure (November 2023):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported removing 5.399 acres of undeveloped park land from the city's park system that was determined by the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners to be no longer appropriate or necessary for park use.

A "no" vote opposed removing 5.399 acres of undeveloped park land from the city's park system.


See also: Missouri 2022 local ballot measures

November 8

Clay County, Missouri, Proposition A, Commercial Property Tax Decrease Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported reducing the commercial property surtax levy on Class 1, Subclass 3 property from $1,590 per $100,000 assessed value to $1,440 per $100,000 assessed value beginning on July 1, 2023.

A "no" vote opposed reducing the commercial property surtax levy on Class 1, Subclass 3 property from $1,590 per $100,000 assessed value to $1,440 per $100,000 assessed value beginning on July 1, 2023.

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 1, City Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported issuing $125 million in general obligation bonds for the renovation and improvement of City parks, recreation, and entertainment facilities.

A "no" vote opposed issuing $125 million in general obligation bonds for the renovation and improvement of City parks, recreation, and entertainment facilities.

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 2, Housing Bond Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported issuing $50 million in general obligation bonds for the renovation and construction of affordable housing for very low to moderate income households.

A "no" vote opposed issuing $50 million in general obligation bonds for the renovation and construction of affordable housing for very low to moderate income households.

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 3, Tiffany Springs Parkway Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported removing two tracts of land (totaling approximately 11.858 acres) from the parks system for the purpose of realigning the proposed Tiffany Springs Parkway.

A "no" vote opposed removing two tracts of land (totaling approximately 11.858 acres) from the parks system for the purpose of realigning the proposed Tiffany Springs Parkway.

April 5

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 1, Sanitary Sewer Revenue Bonds Measure (April 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported issuing $750 million in revenue bonds for expanding, improving, and rehabilitating the city's sanitary sewer system.

A "no" vote opposed issuing $750 million in revenue bonds for expanding, improving, and rehabilitating the city's sanitary sewer system.

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 2, Property Tax Levy Renewal for Emergency and Hospital Services Measure (April 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported renewing the property tax levy of $220 per $100,000 assessed value for emergency medical, ambulance, hospital, and public health services for 9 years.

A "no" vote opposed renewing the property tax levy of $220 per $100,000 assessed value for emergency medical, ambulance, hospital, and public health services for 9 years.

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 3, Remove Vacant Land from Park System Measure (April 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported removing 6.82 acres of vacant land, located on the west side of Searcy Creek Parkway between 210 Highway and Northeast 36th Street, from the park system.

A "no" vote opposed removing 6.82 acres of vacant land from the park system.


See also: Missouri 2021 local ballot measures

April 6

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 1, Earnings Tax (April 2021):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported renewing for five years an existing 1% earnings tax thereby generating an estimated $270 million per year for Kansas City's general fund.

A "no" vote opposed renewing for five years an existing 1% earnings tax thereby allowing the existing earnings tax to expire by January 1, 2022.


November 3

See also: November 3, 2020 ballot measures in Missouri

Clay County, Missouri, Question 1, Adoption of the County Constitution (November 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported adopting the proposed county constitution.

A "no" vote opposed adopting the proposed county constitution.

June 2

See also: June 2, 2020 ballot measures in Missouri

Kansas City, Missouri, Question 1, Sales Tax for Fire Department (June 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the city to increase the sales tax dedicated to the fire department by 0.25 percentage points from 0.25% to 0.5% and to keep the existing automatic expiration date of December 31, 2036.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the city to increase the sales tax dedicated to the fire department by 0.25 percent to 0.5 percent for 15 years, thereby maintaining the existing 0.25 percent sales tax for the fire department through December 31, 2036.

North Kansas City Schools, Missouri, Question 1, Bond Issue (June 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the district to issue up to $155 million in bonds.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the district to issue up to $155 million in bonds.


November 5

See also: November 5, 2019 ballot measures in Missouri

Question 1: Kansas City Transfer Hodge Park Property for School District Use Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of transferring 36 acres of land in Hodge Park from the park system to a school district for use as a public school.
A no vote was a vote against transferring 36 acres of land in Hodge Park for use as a public school, thereby keeping it within the park system.

Question 2: Kansas City Transfer the Paseo Expressway from Belvidere Park Property Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of removing the Paseo Expressway from Belvidere Park property.
A no vote was a vote against removing the Paseo Expressway from Belvidere Park property, thereby keeping it within the park system.

Question 3: Kansas City Transfer Van Brunt Boulevard Land for School District Use Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of transferring 1.6742 acres of Van Brunt Boulevard for use as a public school.
A no vote was a vote against transferring 1.6742 acres of Van Brunt Boulevard for use as a public school, thereby keeping it within the park system.

Question 4: Kansas City Transfer of Vacant Property at 4114 E. 7th Street from Park System Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of removing .903 acres at 4114 E. 7th Street from the park system.
A no vote was a vote against removing .903 acres at 4114 E. 7th Street from the park system, thereby keeping it within the park system.

Question 5: Kansas City Renaming Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. to The Paseo Blvd. Initiative Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of renaming Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. to The Paseo Blvd.
A no vote was a vote against renaming Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. to The Paseo Blvd., thereby keeping the current street name.

June 18

See also: June 18, 2019 ballot measures in Missouri

Question 1: Kansas City Property Tax Cap for Economic Development Projects Initiative Defeatedd

April 2

See also: April 2, 2019 ballot measures in Missouri

Question 1: Kansas City Sales Tax for Early Childhood Education Defeatedd


April 3

See also: April 3, 2018 ballot measures in Missouri

Question 1: Kansas City Capital Improvements Sales Tax Approveda


August 6

See also: August 6, 2013 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda City of Liberty Sewage System Bond Issue Question
Defeatedd Smithville Area Fire Protection District Property Tax Levy Question
Defeatedd Clinton County R-III School District Property Tax Levy Question

April 2

See also: April 2, 2013 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda Excelsior Springs City Smoking Prohibition Amendment Question (April 2013)
Approveda Kansas City Question 1: Tax Levy Renewal (April 2013) (also in Cass and Platte Counties)
Approveda Kansas City Question 2: Tourism & Hotel Tax Exemption Removal (April 2013) (also in Cass and Platte Counties)
Defeatedd Kansas City Question 3: Nuclear Weapon Production Prohibition (April 2013) (also in Cass and Platte Counties)
Approveda Oaks Village Fire Tax Levy Question (April 2013)
Approveda Oakview Village Sales Tax Question (April 2013)
Approveda Oakview Village Trash Disposal Contract Question (April 2013)
Defeatedd Clinton County School District Tax Levy Question (April 2013) (also in Clinton County)
Approveda Smithville School District Tax Levy Question (April 2013) (also in Platte and Clinton Counties)
Approveda North Kansas City Parks & Recreation District Tax Levy Question (April 2013)


November 6

See also: November 6, 2012 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda Clay County Commission Ordinance, Proposition A (November 2012)
Unresolved Kansas City Municipal Judge Retirement Age, Question 1 (November 2012) (Also in Cass, Jackson and Platte counties)
Approveda Smithville Area Fire Protection District General Obligation Bond, Question 1 (November 2012) (Also in Platte County)
Defeatedd Smithville General Operating Fund Tax Levy Ceiling Increase, Question 2 (November 2012) (Also in Platte County)

August 7

See also: August 7, 2012 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda Kansas City Parks Sales Tax Increase (August 2012) (also in Cass, Jackson & Platte Counties)
Approveda Kansas City Sewer Bond Measure (August 2012) (also in Cass, Jackson & Platte Counties)

April 3

See also: April 3, 2012 ballot measures in Missouri

Defeatedd Independence City Police Levy Increase (April 2012) (also in Jackson County)
Defeatedd Claycomo Village General Levy Increase (April 2012)
Approveda Kearney City Waste Collection Fee Increase (April 2012)
Approveda North Kansas City Hotel Tax Implementation (April 2012)
Approveda Oaks & Oakview Village Fire Levy Continuations, 2 (April 2012)
Approveda Oaks Village Telecommunication Taxing Question (April 2012)
Approveda Oaks Village Trash Contract Question (April 2012)
Approveda Oakwood Village General & Fire Levy Measures, 2 (April 2012)
Approveda Holt Fire District Bond Measure (April 2012) (also in Clinton County)
Approveda North Kansas Library District Levy Increase (April 2012)
Approveda Platte County School District Levy Increase (April 2012) (also in Platte County)


November 8

See also: November 8, 2011 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda Kansas City Zoo Sales Tax Implementation (November 2011) (also in Jackson County)
Defeatedd Claycomo Village General Levy Increase (November 2011)
Approveda Missouri City Waterworks Bond Measure (November 2011)
Approveda Kearney Road District Extension Question (November 2011)
Defeatedd Liberty School District Levy Increase (November 2011)

April 5

See also: April 5, 2011 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda Kansas City Earning Tax Measure (April 2011) (also in Cass, Jackson and Platte Counties)


November 2

See also: November 2, 2010 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda Kansas City Sales Tax Continuation (November 2010) (also in Cass, Jackson and Platte Counties)
Approveda Kansas City Redistricting Charter Amendment (November 2010) (also in Cass, Jackson and Platte Counties)
Approveda Kansas City Public Safety Bond Measure (November 2010) (also in Jackson, Cass and Platte Counties)

August 3

See also: August 3, 2010 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda Gladstone City Public Works Bond Measures, 2 (August 2010)
Approveda Kansas City Tire Dealer and Property Management Fee Changes, 2 (August 2010)
Approveda Pleasant Valley Alcohol Sales Measure (August 2010)
Approveda Pleasant Valley Merchant Fee Ordinances, 3 (August 2010)

April 6

See also: April 6, 2010 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda Liberty School District Property Tax (April 2010)
Approveda Claycomo Village Sales Tax Implementation (April 2010)
ApprovedaDefeatedd Oaks Village Property Tax Measures, 2 (April 2010)
Approveda Mosby City Property Tax Increase (April 2010)
Approveda Oakview Village Tobacco Tax Continuation (April 2010)
Approveda Oakwood Property Tax Increases, 2 (April 2010)
Approveda Oakwood Park Property Tax Increases, 2 (April 2010)
Approveda Smithville School District Bond Measure (April 2010) (also in Platte County)
Defeatedd Smithville Fire Protection District Tax Increase (April 2010) (also in Platte County)
Approveda Kearney Fire Protection District Bond Measure (April 2010)


November 3

See also: November 3, 2009 ballot measures in Missouri

Approveda City of Liberty Indoor Smoking Ban (November 2009)
Approveda County Law Enforcement Sales Tax, Proposition A (November 2009)

Not on Ballot

Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot Kansas City School Bond Measure (August 2010)

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