Campaign finance agencies in Iowa

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In Iowa, there is one primary agency involved in campaign finance regulation: the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board. The board administers and enforces Iowa's campaign finance laws.[1]

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Iowa

Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board


The Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board is authorized to administer and enforce the state's campaign finance laws. This includes receiving and processing required campaign finance disclosure reports. The board is also to investigate alleged violations of the law. In addition, upon determining that a violation has occurred, the board is authorized to assess civil penalties against the violator.[2][3][4]


The governing board of the agency comprises six members, all of whom are appointed by the governor and serve staggered six-year terms. Nominees must be confirmed by the Iowa State Senate. The table below lists the board members as of July 2015.[5]

Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board—members as of August 2015
Name Position Term expiration Party affiliation
James Albert Chair April 30, 2021 Republican
John Walsh Vice Chair April 30, 2016 Democrat
Saima Zafar Member April 30, 2021 Democrat
Carole Tillotson Member April 30, 2016 Republican
Jonathan Roos Member April 30, 2017 Independent
Mary Rueter Member April 30, 2017 Republican
Source: Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, "The Governing Board," accessed July 27, 2015

The board's day-to-day operations are conducted by a professional staff. The table below lists key staffers as of July 2015.

Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board—key staff as of July 2015
Name Position Phone number Email address
Megan Tooker Executive Director/Legal Counsel (515) 281-3489
Sharon Wright Administrative Assistant/General Information (515) 281-4028
Cohl Bultje Legislative/Statewide Audit and Compliance (515) 281-4106
Vanessa Sayasane Legislative Audit and Compliance (515) 725-1227
Jason Hacker Statewide PAC/County Central Audit and Compliance (515) 281-4411
Tim Annee County Local Audit and Compliance (515) 281-4104
Source: Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, "Staff Contacts," accessed July 27, 2015

Electronic reporting system

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Iowa

Section 68A.404 of the Iowa Code requires most candidates and political committees to file campaign finance disclosure statements electronically. The online reporting system can be accessed here. The public may view disclosure reports by visiting this website.[6]

Agency budget, 2014

In fiscal year 2014, the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board spent $490,335.[7]

Contact information

Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board

510 E. 12th St., Suite 1A
Telephone: (515) 281-4028
Fax: (515) 281-4073

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Iowa. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
