Campaign finance agencies in Arizona

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In Arizona, there are two primary agencies involved in campaign finance regulation: the Arizona Secretary of State and the Arizona Attorney General. The former oversees campaign finance reporting requirements for candidates and political committees. The latter can levy penalties against candidates and committees who violate campaign finance laws.[1]

Arizona Secretary of State

See also: Arizona Secretary of State


The Arizona Secretary of State serves as the state's chief elections official. In that capacity, the secretary of state oversees campaign finance reporting requirements for candidates and political committees. Required campaign finance disclosure reports are filed with the secretary of state. In addition, the secretary of state is authorized to assess fines against candidates and committees that fail to submit timely reports. Penalties total $10 per day for each business day a report is late (excluding weekends and holidays). The maximum penalty that can be assessed by the secretary of state is $450. Day-to-day operations are administered by the Elections Division.[1][2][3]


The table below provides information about the senior staff of the Elections Division as of July 23, 2015.

Arizona Secretary of State, Elections Division—staff as of July 2015
Name Position
Michele Reagan Secretary of State
Eric Spencer Director
Kris Kingsmore Assistant Director
Source: Arizona Secretary of State, "Executive Staff," accessed July 23, 2015

Electronic reporting system

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Arizona

Candidates and political committees in Arizona file campaign finance reports electronically through an online reporting system. These reports are made available to the public through the same system. Arizona's campaign finance reporting system can be accessed here.[4]

Agency budget, 2014

In fiscal year 2014, the Elections Division of the state department spent $997,208. See the table below for further details.[5]

Elections Division, Arizona Secretary of State—agency spending in fiscal year 2014
Original budget Final budget Actual spending
$1,000,000 $1,000,000 $997,208
Source: State of Arizona, "Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2014," accessed July 28, 2015

Arizona Attorney General

See also: Arizona Attorney General


The attorney general serves as Arizona's chief legal officer. In that capacity, the attorney general advises state agencies on legal matters. In addition, the attorney general "brings and defends lawsuits on behalf of the state and prepares formal legal opinions requested by state officers."[6]

If a statewide or state legislative candidate or political committee violates the state's campaign finance law, the secretary of state must notify the attorney general. The attorney general is authorized to serve the candidate or committee with an order "requiring compliance" with the violated provision within 20 days of the order's issuance. The attorney general is authorized to levy a penalty of no more than $1,000.[1][7]


The table below lists senior staff in the attorney general's office as of July 2015.[8]

Arizona Attorney General—senior staff as of July 2015
Name Position
Mark Brnovich Attorney General
Michael Bailey Chief Deputy/Chief of Staff
Leslie Welch Director of Operations
Ryan Anderson Director of Communications
John Lopez Solicitor General
Dawn Northup State Government Division Chief
Source: Arizona Attorney General, "Organization Chart," accessed July 28, 2015

Contact information

Arizona Secretary of State, Elections Division

1700 W. Washington St., Fl. 7
Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2808
Telephone: 602-542-8683

Arizona Attorney General

1275 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2926
Telephone: (602) 542-1610

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Arizona. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
