Campaign finance agencies in Washington

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In Washington, there is one primary agency involved in campaign finance regulation: the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission. The commission sets policy, collects reports, sets penalties, and enforces campaign finance law.

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Washington


The commission was formed in 1973 after the passage of Initiative 276. It was reformed in 1992 "to address contribution limits and other campaign restrictions." The commission's authority extends over all state-level candidates, elected officials, lobbyists and lobbyist employers.[1]


Commission members are appointed by the governor for one five-year term and are confirmed by the state senate. As of July 2015, the commission was budgeted for 23 full-time employees.[1]

Washington State Public Disclosure Commission—members as of July 2015
Name Position
Katrina Asay Chair
Anne Levinson Vice Chair
Amit Ranade Member
Grant Degginger Member
John Bridges Member
Source:, "Washington State Public Disclosure Commission Staff," accessed July 28, 2015
Washington State Public Disclosure Commission—staff as of July 2015
Name Position Phone number Email address
Fred Kiga Interim Executive Director (360) 664-2735
Jana Greer Executive Assistant (360) 753-1985
Tony Perkins Acting Assistant Director (360) 586-1042
James Gutholm Chief Information Officer (360) 753-1111
Phil Stutzman Director of Compliance (360) 664-8853
Lori Anderson Communications & Training Officer (360) 664-2737
Kurt Young Compliance Officer (360) 664-8854
William Lemp Investigator (360) 753-1980
Jacob Berkey Compliance Coordinator (360) 586-4555
Jennifer Hansen Filer Assistance Specialist (360) 586-4560
Chip Beatty Filer Assistance Specialist (360) 586-0616
Bruce Wendler Quality Assurance Manager (360) 664-2736
Bill King Solutions Developer (360) 586-4746
Toni Lince Customer Service 360) 753-1111
Scott Haley Scan Technician (360) 753-1111
Ladelle Fuquay Data Entry (360) 753-1111
Source:, "Washington State Public Disclosure Commission Staff," accessed July 28, 2015

Agency budget

In the 2013-2015 biennium budget, agency spending was estimated to total $4.12 million. Actual spending totaled $4.06 million, 1.5 percent below the estimate.[2]

Electronic reporting system

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Washington

Candidates and political committees can file campaign finance disclosure statements via an electronic system, which can be accessed here. Campaign finance reports are available to the public here.[3]

Contact information

Washington State Public Disclosure Commission

711 Capitol Way #206
PO Box 40908
Olympia, WA 98504-0908
Telephone: (360) 753-1111
Fax: (360) 753-1112

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Washington. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
