California Creation of a Statewide Electrical Utility District (2014)

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A California Initiative to Create a Statewide Electrical Utility District (#13-0010) was approved for circulation in California as a contender for the November 4, 2014, ballot as an initiated state statute.

The initiative would have:

  • Established a publicly-owned California Electrical Utility District to provide electric service; this would have replaced most investor-owned utilities, such as PG&E, Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric, and Bear Valley Electric.
  • Exempted publicly-owned electric utilities, unless they voluntarily elect to join.
  • Required the District be divided into 11 wards, approximately equal in population.
  • Established an 11-member board of directors—one member per ward—each elected for 4-year terms.
  • Granted the District the power to acquire property, construct facilities necessary to supply electricity, set electricity rates, impose taxes, and issue bonds.

A similar initiative (#12-0017) was authorized for ciculation, but its supporters did not collect sufficient signatures for it to qualify for the ballot.

Text of measure

Ballot title:

Electricity. Initiative Statute.

Official summary:

"Establishes publicly-owned California Electrical Utility District to provide electric service, replacing most investor-owned utilities, such as PG&E, Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric, and Bear Valley Electric. Exempts publicly-owned electric utilities, unless they voluntarily elect to join. Requires the District be divided into 11 wards, approximately equal in population. Establishes an 11 member board of directors—one member per ward—each elected for 4-year terms. Grants the District the power to acquire property, construct facilities necessary to supply electricity, set electricity rates, impose taxes, and issue bonds."

Fiscal impact statement:

Note: The fiscal impact statement for a California ballot initiative authorized for circulation is jointly prepared by the state's legislative analyst and its director of finance.

" It is the opinion of the Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance that the measure would result in a substantial net change in state and local finances."

Path to the ballot

See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in California

External links

Flag of California.png

This article about a California ballot proposition is a sprout.