California Proposition 135, Pesticide Regulation Initiative (1990)

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California Proposition 135
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Election date
November 6, 1990
Food and agriculture and Business regulation
Defeatedd Defeated
State statute

California Proposition 135 was on the ballot as an initiated state statute in California on November 6, 1990. It was defeated.

A "yes" vote supported appropriating $5 million annually to fund pesticide-related research, changing the monitoring and regulation of pesticide on foods, and establishing state-training for pesticide users.

A "no" vote opposed appropriating $5 million annually to fund pesticide-related research, changing the monitoring and regulation of pesticide on foods, and establishing state-training for pesticide users.

Election results

California Proposition 135

Result Votes Percentage
Yes 2,191,301 30.40%

Defeated No

5,015,928 69.60%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Proposition 135 was as follows:

Pesticide Regulation. Initiative Statute

Ballot summary

The ballot summary for this measure was:

  • Expands state pesticide residue monitoring program for produce, processed foods.
  • Establishes state training, information programs for pesticide users.
  • Mandates review of cancer-causing pesticides.
  • Creates, modifies pesticide-related state advisory panels.
  • Creates state-appointed advocate to coordinate pesticide policies.
  • Eliminates some industry fees for pesticide regulatory programs.
  • Restructures penalties, system of fines, for regulatory violations.
  • Provides for state disposal of unregistered pesticides.
  • Appropriates $5,000,000 annually through 1995 to fund pesticide-related research.
  • Provides that between competing initiatives regulating pesticides, measure obtaining most votes supersedes components of other(s) dealing with pesticide enforcement for food, water and worker safety.

Full Text

The full text of this measure is available here.

Fiscal impact

The fiscal estimate provided by the California Legislative Analyst's Office said:[1]

  • One-time state General Fund cost of approximately $4 million, and annual costs of approximately $5.5 million, for pesticide and food safety programs.
  • Estimated annual state revenue loss of approximately $1.5 million due to repeal of industry fees.
  • One-time state General Fund cost of approximately $20 million, unknown annual costs, to fund collection and disposal of unregistered pesticides.
  • State General Fund cost of $25 million over five years to support pest management research, and annual General Fund cost of up to $600,000 for purchase of sterile fruit flies.
  • Additional state administrative and regulatory costs ranging from $200,000 for Environmental Advocate to, possibly, several million dollars annually for other programs.[2]

Path to the ballot

See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in California

In California, the number of signatures required for an initiated state statute is equal to 5 percent of the votes cast at the preceding gubernatorial election. For initiated statutes filed in 1990, at least 372,178 valid signatures were required.

See also

External links


  1. University of California, "Voter Guide," accessed July 14, 2021
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.