California 2014 ballot propositions

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    Eight statewide ballot propositions were certified for the 2014 ballot in California. Two appeared on the June ballot and six appeared on the November ballot. The two measures on the June ballot were both approved and three of the six measures on the November ballot were approved.

    Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 had previously been scheduled for the state's 2012 ballot but were later moved to the 2014 ballot.

    On the ballot

    June 3:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Proposition 41 Bonds Issues $600 million in bonds for veterans housing and homeless prevention
    LRCA Proposition 42 Government accountability Requires local agencies to comply with the California Public Records Act

    November 4:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Proposition 1 Bonds Issues $7.12 billion in bonds for California's water system Approveda
    LRCA Proposition 2 Government finance Increases amount of potential savings in the state's rainy day fund from 5% to 10% of the General Fund Approveda
    CISS Proposition 45 Insurance Requires public notice for insurance company rates Defeatedd
    CISS Proposition 46 Healthcare Increases the cap on damages that can be assessed in medical negligence lawsuits to over $1 million Defeatedd
    CISS Proposition 47 Criminal Trials Reduces the classification of most nonviolent crimes from a felony to a misdemeanor Approveda
    VR Proposition 48 Gambling Ratification of gaming compacts with the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot Tribe Defeatedd

    Getting measures on the ballot

    Legislative referrals

    The California State Legislature may refer constitutional amendments to the ballot with a two-thirds (66.67%) vote in each chamber.

    The legislature can refer statutes and bond issues with a simple majority vote, but the governor's signature is also required.

    In California, changes to voter-approved ballot initiatives need to be referred to voters for approval or rejection unless the changes further the initiative's purpose.


    See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in California

    The number of valid signatures for citizen-initiated measures in California are based off of the votes cast for governor in the last gubernatorial election, which are held every four years. Initiated constitutional amendments require 8% of that total while initiated state statutes and veto referendums require 5%. The requirements for each type in 2014 were as follows:

    Not on the ballot

    See also: Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot


    Note: Initiative sponsors sometimes file multiple versions of what is essentially the same ballot initiative with the Attorney General of California. Each version is given its own summary date and circulation dates.

    Type Identifying # Description/title/subject
    CICA/SS #12-0008 Government Employee Pension Reform Act
    CISS #12-0010 Stop the Bullet Train to Nowhere
    CICA #12-0012 Eliminate Religion-Based Property Tax Exemptions
    CISS #12-0013 Treatment of Nuclear Waste at the Diablo Canyon and San Onofre Power Plants
    CISS #12-0014 Tax on Oil and Natural Gas
    CICA/SS #12-0015 Taxes to Fund California Public Universities and Community Colleges
    CISS #12-0016 Nuclear Waste Act
    CISS #12-0017 Statewide Public Electrical Utility District
    CISS #12-0018 Tobacco Tax Increase for College Tuition
    CISS #13-0001 Regulation of the Timber Industry
    CISS #13-0002 Severance Tax on Oil and Gas
    CISS #13-0005 Eliminate Tax Benefits in Enterprise Zones
    CICA #13-0008 Confidentiality of Personal Identifying Information
    CISS #13-0023 Tobacco Tax/Healthcare
    CICA #13-0026 Pension Reform Initiative
    CISS #13-0040 Seniors Home Care Cost Accountability
    CICA #13-0006 Open Presidential Primaries
    VR #13-0029 Referendum on Which Licensed Medical Professionals May Perform Early Abortions
    VR #13-0030 Referendum on Medical Standards Pertaining to Abortion Clinics
    CICA #13-0045 Road Repairs
    CICA #13-0046 Road Repairs
    CISS #13-0051 Control, Regulate and Tax Marijuana
    CISS #13-0061 Control, Regulate and Tax Marijuana
    VR #13-0015 Ratification of AB 1266, Transgender Student Participation Based on Gender Identity
    CISS #13-0009 Regulation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
    CISS #13-0010 Creation of a Statewide Electrical Utility District
    CISS #13-0011 Increase in Cap on Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
    CICA #13-0012 State Fees on Community Hospitals
    CISS #13-0013 Legalization of Recreational Marijuana
    CISS #14-0002 Marijuana Policy Reform
    CICA #13-0014 Freedom of Biblically-Based Speech
    CICA #13-0043 Pension Reform Initiative
    CISS #13-0050 Minimum Wage Increase
    CISS #13-0058 Teacher Performance Initiative
    CISS #13-0062 Teacher Performance Initiative
    CISS #13-0025 Marijuana Control, Legalization and Revenue
    CISS #13-0018 Regulation of the Timber Industry
    CISS #13-0024 Welfare Reform Act
    CICA #13-0019 Parental Notification for Abortion
    CICA #13-0020 Personhood Begins at Conception
    CISS #13-0042 Charitable Hospital Executive Compensation Act
    CISS #13-0041 Fair Healthcare Pricing Act
    CICA/SS #13-0055 Death Penalty Reform and Savings
    CISS #13-0021 Fund Schools on Time
    CICA #13-0028 Neighborhood Legislature Reform Act
    CISS #13-0032 Dismissal or Suspension of Teachers for Egregious Misconduct
    CISS #13-0027 Tobacco Tax for Healthcare
    CICA #13-0031 Gun Rights Initiative
    CISS #13-0033 Initiative to Protect Buyers of Used Vehicles
    CISS #13-0034 Time of Distribution of State Funds to Schools
    CISS #13-0035 Initiative to Protect Buyers of Used Vehicles
    CISS #13-0036 Initiative to Protect Buyers of Used Vehicles
    CISS #13-0037 Initiative to Protect Buyers of Used Vehicles
    CICA #13-0038 Parental Notification for Abortion
    CISS #13-0039 Common Sense Voting Act
    CICA #13-0044 Term Limits for County Officials
    CICA/SS #13-0047 Protection of Local School Revenues
    CICA/SS #13-0063 Six Californias
    CISS #13-0049 Split Electoral College Vote Distribution
    CISS #13-0052 Minimum Wage Supplement for Home Health Workers
    CISS #13-0054 Non-Profit Donor Disclosure
    CISS #13-0056 Charter Schools
    CISS #13-0057 Charter Schools
    CISS #13-0059 Regulation of charter schools
    CISS #13-0064 Seniors Home Cost Accountability
    CISS #13-0065 Kobs and Development
    CISS #14-0001 Transportation Innovation
    CICA #14-0003 Tobacco Tax for Brain Research
    CICA #14-0005 Tobacco Tax for Brain Research
    CISS #14-0004 Stop High Speed Rail Investment and Reinvest in Education
    CISS #14-0006 Online Privacy
    CISS #14-0007 Online Privacy
    CISS #14-0008 Cannabis Hemp

    Legislative referrals

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    AQ Proposition 49 Federal Con Advises the state legislature and congressional representatives to support an amendment to the United States Constitution to overturn Citizens United v. FEC Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    AQ Immigration Reform Question Immigration Advises the state legislature and congressional representatives to support comprehensive immigration reform Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Affirmative Action in Education Amendment Affirmative action Deletes provisions in Proposition 209 that prohibit preferential treatment in public education based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Legislative Vacancy Appointments Amendment Legislature Requires the Governor to fill state legislative vacancies by appointing an individual with the same political party preference as the vacating member Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Controller Certification of Budget Amendment Gov't Finance Requires the Controller to certify that a given budget bill meets requirements regarding appropriations from the General Fund before the bill can be signed Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Nonpartisan Secretary of State State Exec Provides that the Office of the Secretary of State is a nonpartisan office Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LBM Public Education Facilities Bond Bonds Authorizes an unspecified amount of bonds to provide aid to school districts, charter schools and public colleges and universities to modernize education facilities Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    See also

    External links
