Cathy Richardson recall, Dracut, Massachusetts (2015)

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Dracut Selectman recall
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Cathy Richardson
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2015
Recalls in Massachusetts
Massachusetts recall laws
City council recalls
Recall reports

An effort to recall Selectman Cathy Richardson in Dracut, Massachusetts, from her position was launched in April 2015.[1] A selectman is a member of the executive body in towns that operate under the open town meeting form of government. As of December 2015, this recall effort appeared to be abandoned and Ballotpedia discontinued active coverage. Please contact us if new developments occur with this recall effort.

Recall supporters

Richardson was targeted for recall over an investigation by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA). In March 2015, the group accused Richardson of neglecting three horses, which she later turned over to the MSPCA. Wayne Lamarche, who filed the initial petitions, remarked, "It shows lack of judgment. If you can't even take care of the animals, how can she take care of the town?"[1]

Path to the ballot

Petitioners initially needed to collect 2,035 signatures by May 18, 2015, in order to move the recall forward.[1] On May 4, 2015, Town Counsel Jim Hall voided all 301 signatures initially turned in to begin the recall on the grounds that they lacked the proper affidavit language. Supporters vowed to restart the recall.

See also
