Collins Fire District Levy Implementation (August 2011)

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A Collins Fire District Levy Implementation measure was on the August 2, 2011 ballot in the Collins fire district area of St. Clair County.

This measure was defeated

  • YES 39
  • NO 69 Defeatedd[1]

This measure sought to implement a levy at a rate of $.29 per $100 of assessed property value for an ongoing amount of time in order to help pay for operational costs of the fire protection district.[2]

Text of measure

The question on the ballot:

Shall the Board of Directors of the Collins Fire Protection District of St. Clair County, Missouri, have the power beginning with the 2011 tax year to annually levy a property tax for operating purposes in an amount not to exceed $.29 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation?[3]


  1. Ozark First News, "Election Day Sees Few Issues, Relatively High Turnout," August 2, 2011 (dead link)
  2. St. Clair County Elections, Current Election Information
  3. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.