Colton, California, Measure U, Marijuana Tax (November 2018)

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Local ballot measure elections in 2018
Measure U: Colton Marijuana Tax
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The basics
Election date:
November 6, 2018
Approveda Approved
Local marijuana tax
Related articles
Local marijuana tax on the ballot
November 6, 2018 ballot measures in California
San Bernardino County, California ballot measures
Local tax on the ballot
See also
Colton, California

A marijuana business tax was on the ballot for Colton voters in San Bernardino County, California, on November 6, 2018. It was approved.

A yes vote was a vote in favor of allowing the city to impose a tax on marijuana businesses of up to $25.00 per square foot for nurseries and up to 10 percent of gross receipts for other businesses.
A no vote was a vote against allowing the city to impose a tax on marijuana businesses of up to $25.00 per square foot for nurseries and up to 10 percent of gross receipts for other businesses.

Election results

Colton, California, Measure U, Marijuana Tax (November 2018)

Result Votes Percentage

Approved Yes

6,864 69.35%
No 3,034 30.65%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot question

The ballot question was as follows:[1]

Shall the City of Colton adopt an ordinance enacting a tax on cannabis businesses of up to $25 per square foot of space utilized for cannabis cultivation/processing, and up to 10% of gross receipts from the sale of cannabis and related products, generating approximately $2,100,000 annually for general City services, such as police and emergency response, parks and youth/senior services, and street repair, until ended by voters?[2]

Impartial analysis

The following impartial analysis of the measure was prepared by the office of the Colton City Attorney:

Measure U was placed on the ballot by the Colton City Council and, if approved by a majority of Colton voters, will amend the Municipal Code to impose a tax on cannabis/marijuana businesses operating within the City. Measure U is a tax measure only. It does not amend the City's existing cannabis regulations or authorize new or additional types of cannabis businesses to operate in the City.

If approved, Measure U would impose a maximum tax rate on cannabis businesses of up to twenty-five dollars ($25) per square foot of space used for cultivation or processing of cannabis and cannabis products. Measure U would also impose a maximum tax rate of up to ten percent (10%) of gross receipts for all cannabis businesses (i.e., cannabis retail sale, delivery, manufacturing, processing, testing and/or distribution). Measure U authorizes the City Council to set the actual tax rates, provided that the rates do not exceed the voter-approved maximum rates set by Measure U.

Measure U would be a "general tax". All revenue from this tax would be deposited into the City's General Fund and could be used for general City operations and services, including police enforcement, emergency response, parks, youth and senior services, and street repair. Pursuant to State Law, a "general tax" requires approval by a majority of the City's voters voting at an election.

The City currently allows cannabis testing facilities and two cannabis cultivation facilities of up to 22,000 square feet, subject to the issuance of a Commercial Marijuana Operators Permit and a Conditional Use Permit. If approved, Measure U would impose a tax on all cannabis businesses currently operating in the City. The tax would also apply to any other cannabis businesses that may be allowed in the future by amendments to State law or the Colton Municipal Code. As noted above, Measure U would not change or expand the number or types of cannabis businesses currently allowed in the City. If approved, Measure U is anticipated to raise approximately $2,100,000 annually.

A "yes" vote on Measure U will approve the cannabis business tax.

A "no" vote on Measure U will not approve the cannabis business tax. [2]

—Colton City Attorney [3]

Full text

The full text of the measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing local ballot measures in California

This measure was put on the ballot through a vote of the governing officials of Colton, California.

See also

External links


  1. San Bernardino County Elections, "Measure U", accessed September 24, 2018
  2. 2.0 2.1 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  3. San Bernardino County Elections, "Impartial Analysis," accessed September 24, 2018