Cornel West

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Cornel West
Image of Cornel West

Independent, Green Mountain Peace and Justice Party, Justice for All, Progressive Party, United Citizens Party, Legal Marijuana Now Party, Unaffiliated, Unity Party, Aurora Party

Elections and appointments
Last election

November 5, 2024


High school

John F. Kennedy High School


Harvard College, 1973


Princeton University, 1980

Tulsa, Okla.

Cornel West ran in the 2024 presidential election. He declared his candidacy on June 5, 2023.[1] To read more about the 2024 presidential election, click here.

West selected academic and author Melina Abdullah (I) as his running mate on April 10, 2023.[2]

West is an academic and activist who serves as the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Chair at Union Theological Seminary. He has previously taught at Harvard University, Yale University, and Princeton University, among other institutions. West has published 20 books, including Race Matters (1993), Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism (2004), and Black Prophetic Fire (2014).[3]

See Presidential candidates, 2024 and Presidential election, 2024 for more information about the 2024 presidential election.


West was born in 1953 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and grew up in Sacramento, California. He received a bachelor's degree in Middle Eastern languages and literature from Harvard University in 1973, and a master's degree and Ph.D. in philosophy from Princeton University in 1980.[4]

After receiving his doctorate, West began his academic career as an assistant professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He went on to teach at Yale University, Harvard University, the University of Paris, and Princeton University, among others. West became the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Chair at Union Theological Seminary in 2021 after leaving his position at Harvard University. [3][4]

Over the course of his career, West has published 20 books, including Race Matters (1993), Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism (2004), and Black Prophetic Fire (2014).[3] Encyclopedia Britannica describes his published work, saying it was "characteristically wide-ranging, eclectic, original, and provocative. His several books analyzing issues of race, class, and justice or tracing the history of philosophy typically combined a political perspective based on democratic socialism, a Christian moral sensibility, and a philosophical orientation informed by the tradition of American pragmatism."[4]

West has participated in political activism throughout his career. West served as an honorary chairman of the Democratic Socialists of America, participated in the Occupy Wall Street protests, and worked as a senior advisor to Bill Bradley in the 2000 presidential election.[5][6][7] In the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, West supported Bernie Sanders' (I) candidacy.[8][9]



West announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election on June 5, 2023.

West announced on October 5, 2023, he was running as an independent candidate.[10] West had previously said on June 13 that he would seek the Green Party nomination after he had initially announced his candidacy as a People's Party candidate.[11]

West selected academic and author Melina Abdullah (I) as his running mate on April 10, 2023.[12]

West was on the ballot in the following states.

Cornel West (Independent) presidential ballot access by state Election results are subject to change until each state certifies its results.
StateStatus% of vote received
District of ColumbiaWrite-in
New YorkWrite-in
New YorkDisqualified
North CarolinaLost
South CarolinaLost
West VirginiaWrite-in

Presidential election, 2024
Candidate/Running mate
Popular votes
Electoral votes
Image of
Image of
Donald Trump/J.D. Vance (R)
77,303,568 312
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Kamala D. Harris/Tim Walz (D)
75,019,230 226
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Jill Stein (multiple running mates) (G)
861,164 0
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr./Nicole Shanahan (Independent)
756,393 0
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Chase Oliver/Mike ter Maat (L)
650,138 0
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Claudia De La Cruz/Karina Garcia (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
165,191 0
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Cornel West/Melina Abdullah (Independent)
81,084 0
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Peter Sonski/Lauren Onak (American Solidarity Party)
41,853 0
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Randall Terry/Stephen E. Broden (Constitution Party)
41,290 0
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Shiva Ayyadurai/Crystal Ellis (Independent)
28,399 0
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Richard Duncan/Mitchell Preston Bupp (Independent)
12,805 0
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Joel Skousen/Rik Combs (Constitution Party)
12,786 0
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Jay Bowman/De Bowman (Independent)
5,971 0
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Christopher Garrity/Cody Ballard (Independent)
5,294 0
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Joseph Kishore/Jerry White (Socialist Equality Party)
4,650 0
Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Rachele Fruit (multiple running mates) (Socialist Workers Party)
4,118 0
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Mattie Preston/Shannel Conner (Godliness, Truth, Justice)
2,857 0
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Lucifer Everylove (no running mate) (Unaffiliated)
2,653 0
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Blake Huber/Andrea Denault (Approval Voting Party)
2,196 0
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Michael Wood/John G. Pietrowski (Prohibition Party)
1,144 0
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Vermin Supreme/Jonathan Realz (Independent)
914 0
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Laura Ebke/Trisha Butler (Liberal Party)
859 0
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William P. Stodden/Stephanie H. Cholensky (Socialist Party)
364 0
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Robert Wells Jr./Tony Jones (Independent)
359 0
  Other write-in votes
235,673 0

Total votes: 155,240,953

0 states have not been called.

Click the links below to read more about the 2024 presidential election:

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Cornel West completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by West's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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Dr. West, affectionately known to many as Brother West, is the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at Union Theological Seminary.

Dr. West is the former University Professor at Harvard University, Professor Emeritus at Princeton University and the first Black person to receive a Ph.D. In Philosophy from Princeton University. He has written 20 books and he is best known for his classics, Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and for his memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud.

Dr. West enters the 2024 Presidential contest at a time in which he describes a national crisis of moral bankruptcy and spiritual obscenity driven by a derelict duopoly of both major parties that equally places profits over people and the planet. West asserts that running as an Independent candidate affords him the opportunity and duty to deliver policy prescriptions incorporated by and for the people, instead of political parties beholden to corporations and special interest groups who feel no solidarity with poor and working-class people of all races, gender identities, and age groups.

The West/Abdullah campaign to empower poor and working people everywhere stands at a pivotal moment in history, committed to being a true campaign for people around the globe. Our aim is and will always be to unite in solidarity with movements of truth and justice, who seek a choice beyond empire, white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, and the confines of the corporate duopoly.
  • Free Palestine against Israeli genocide - end the occupation. Cease funding of weapon sales to Israel.
  • Abolish poverty and homelessness through Universal Basic Income (UBI) for all workers and reparations for descendants of slavery. Guarantee Medicare for All as a human right.
  • Dismantle the US empire and its military bases across the globe. End full spectrum dominance.
Black Maternal Justice

Child Justice
Disability Justice
Economic Justice
Education Justice
Elder Justice
Environmental Justice
Gender Justice
Global Justice
Gun Violence Justice
Health Justice
Immigration Justice
LGBTQIA+ Justice
Racial Justice
Transformative Justice
Voter Justice

Worker Justice
I always look to the freedom fighters Martin Luther King Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, Dorothy Day, Rabbi Heschel, Edward Said, and Cesar Chavez.
Politics is normalized greed and legalized bribery. True abolitionists will never sell out. It's a question of morality and spirituality, not your gender, class or sexual orientation. That's what it means to be a freedom fighter and love warrior.
To fight for truth and justice. To speak out against genocide and hold the war criminals accountable.
I am not moving into the White House until every person living in this country has a place to call home.
I've taught in prison for over 50 years. I've been at the forefront of the Occupy Wall Street movement. I've displayed a moral and ethical consistency in fighting for truth, justice and love.
We advocate for unfettered access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare—embracing safe and legal abortion, contraception, and fertility treatments—ensuring every woman, irrespective of her economic status, race, or location, navigates her reproductive health with dignity, free from barriers or censure.
Reparations for Black U.S. Residents embody our acknowledgment of the deep moral debt owed to the descendants of those who suffered under the brutalities of slavery and Jim Crow. This commitment to reparations seeks not only to address the financial injustices but also to initiate a process of healing and reconciliation, recognizing the profound scars left by centuries of systemic racism.
I've changed political parties to form the Justice for All Party with fresh leadership.
My approach to foreign policy is rooted in peace, diplomacy, and the global struggle for justice. America must stop being the world’s policeman and instead work toward dismantling military-industrial complexes that thrive on endless war. We should prioritize diplomacy, human rights, and international cooperation over military intervention. My administration would focus on reducing our military footprint abroad, challenging global inequality, and supporting grassroots movements around the world fighting for freedom, dignity, and democracy. We need a foreign policy that uplifts humanity and recognizes our shared global destiny.
Executive orders should be used sparingly and with deep respect for democratic processes. In a system with so much power concentrated in the executive, we must resist the temptation to govern by fiat. That said, when Congress fails to act on urgent issues like climate change, racial justice, or economic inequality, the president has a responsibility to take swift and decisive action to protect the well-being of the people. Executive orders should be a tool for justice, not a way to sidestep democracy. They should reflect the will of the people, and they should be used to further equality and human rights.

Operation Power (Charles and Inez Barron)
Roger Waters
Norm Finkelstein
Immortal Technique
Aurora Party of Alaska
Oregon Progressive Party
Unity Party of Colorado
Legal Marijuana NOW! Party
United Citizens Party of South Carolina

Vermont Green Mountain Peace and Justice Party
National implementation of ranked-choice voting and proportional representation to expand voter choice.
My running mate, Dr. Melina Abdullah, is Professor of Pan-African Studies at Cal State LA’s College of Ethnic Studies, Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter - Los Ángeles and Black Lives Matter Grassroots, where she is also Director. She is a leader in the California Faculty Association (the faculty union), both locally and statewide, and mama of three. Dr. Abdullah earned her Ph.D. from University of Southern California in Political Science and her B.A. from Howard University in African American Studies. Abdullah has authored numerous articles and book chapters. Known by the moniker, Doc Melly Mel, she is creator, host, and producer of the radio programs Move the Crowd on KPFK 90.7 FM and This Is Not a Drill! on KBLA Talk 1580, and is a recognized expert on race, gender, class, and social movements. In April 2024, Abdullah was announced as vice-presidential pick for Dr. Cornel West in his run for president of the United States on a platform of “Truth, Justice, and Love.” She is the first Muslim to run for the vice-presidency.
When it comes to nominating judges, I would prioritize individuals who are deeply committed to justice and fairness, not beholden to corporate interests or the whims of the powerful. Our judiciary should represent the most vulnerable, oppressed, and marginalized members of society. Nominees must have an unyielding dedication to upholding the Constitution and protecting civil liberties, while also recognizing the historical injustices that plague our legal system. I seek judges with a profound moral compass—those who see the judiciary as a vehicle for promoting human dignity, racial justice, and workers' rights. Integrity, empathy, and a commitment to the truth are non-negotiable.
The powers of the presidency have certainly expanded over time, and not always for the better. The concentration of power in the executive branch has led to dangerous abuses, often at the expense of democratic checks and balances. Presidents have wielded this power in ways that too often serve the interests of the wealthy and the corporate elite, rather than the people. I believe that presidential powers should be exercised with restraint, humility, and an unshakable sense of duty to the people—especially those who’ve been left out of the so-called "American Dream." Power should always serve justice and be wielded in the interests of the common good, not as a tool of imperialism or authoritarianism.
I plan to defund the US imperialist empire to fund basic human rights for everyone in this country.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

See also
