Education is a fundamental building block for Michigan’s future. Investing in a quality k-12 education for our children is a moral imperative. The investment we make today will be the dividends we gain tomorrow.
Literacy is important to both our democracy and freedom as a nation. Without literacy, we can’t study our nation’s history, to understand why our nation granted the freedoms we now enjoy. Without literacy, what remains is a dumbed down society plagued by the virus of cognitive dissonance eating away one by one, at our critical thinking, our attention span, and our very moral fiber.
We have massive infrastructure issues across the state. Roads, bridges, water, you name it. So they kick the can down the road and give themselves a pat on the back.
Flint, Michigan is the first example of that disaster, but it will not be the last.
As the next Governor of Michigan, I will enter office with a statewide approach to refreshing every component of our infrastructure. We will finance it through long-term municipal bonds.
This infrastructure program will accomplish building a 21st-century model and allow us to dramatically decrease our statewide unemployment numbers. Tackling our infrastructure issues will be long term.
Saving the Great Lakes
Jacques Cousteau said the water cycle and the life cycle are one. Michigan is blessed to have 20% of the world’s fresh water in our Great Lakes Basin. It’s not only the source of drinking water, but it’s important to the wildlife and the earth’s geological system.
We must be good stewards of the Great Lakes. Yet, in the last administration, we’ve had constant threats to our waterways, tap water, ecosystems, groundwater, rivers, and lakes.
Michigan must pursue a goal to reduce contaminants in our waterways. It’s time to take care of our water resources. It’s time to save the Great Lakes.[2]