Ballot measure petition deadlines and requirements, 2014

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2014 U.S. state
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2014 ballot measures
Tuesday Count
Initiatives filed

In order to land an initiative or referendum on a statewide ballot, supporters must collect enough valid signatures from voters. The required number of signatures and the dates by which they are due to state election officials vary by state. For amendments and statutes, California had the highest number of required signatures at 807,615 and 504,760, respectively. The Golden State also had the highest signature threshold for veto referendums, requiring at least 504,760. North Dakota, on the other hand, had the lowest signature thresholds for amendments, statutes and referendums, requiring 26,904 for amendments and 13,452 for both statutes and referendums. It also boasted the latest filing deadline, as initiative supporters had until August 6, 2014, to turn in signatures.

Legend: Red padlock.png = A deadline that has passed. Some states have more than one deadline, with differing deadlines depending on the type of ballot measure or because there are multiple stages in the petition submission process.


The information below includes the filing deadlines and signature requirements for state ballot measures.

State Filing deadline for 2014 ballot Signatures for amendment Signatures for initiative Signatures for referendum
Alaska Red padlock.png July 20, 2014 for 2014 referendums. Initiative signatures must be submitted 365 days after the Division of Elections prepares petition forms or by Red padlock.png January 14, 2014, whichever comes first.[1] N/A 30,169 30,169
Arizona Red padlock.png July 3, 2014[2] 259,213 172,809 86,405
Arkansas Red padlock.png July 7, 2014[3] 78,133 62,507 46,880
California Red padlock.png See suggested deadlines[4] 807,615 504,760 504,760
Colorado Red padlock.png August 4, 2014[5] 86,105 86,105 86,105
Florida Red padlock.png February 1, 2014[6] 683,149 68,314 N/A
Idaho Red padlock.png May 1, 2014[7] N/A 53,751 53,751
Illinois Red padlock.png May 5, 2014.[8] For referendums, petitions must be filed no less than 92 days prior to the November 4 general election. 298,400 298,400 298,400
Maine Red padlock.png February 3, 2014[9] N/A 57,277 N/A
Maryland Red padlock.png May 31, 2014[10] N/A N/A 55,736
Massachusetts Red padlock.png November 20, 2013[11][12] 68,911 68,911 45,941
Michigan Red padlock.png May 28, 2014 for initiatives. Red padlock.png July 7 for constitutional amendments. 90 days following the final adjournment of the legislature for referendum.[13] 322,609 258,088 161,305
Mississippi Red padlock.png For all initiatives, petitions must be filed with the Secretary of State not less than ninety (90) days before the first day of the regular session of the legislature at which they are to be submitted.[14] 107,216 107,216 107,216
Missouri Red padlock.png May 4, 2014[15] 157,788 98,618 98,618
Montana Red padlock.png June 20, 2014[16] 48,349 24,174 24,174
Nebraska Red padlock.png July 4, 2014[17][18] 114,074 79,852 57,037
Nevada Red padlock.png July 17, 2014[19] 101,667 101,667 101,667
North Dakota Red padlock.png August 6, 2014[20] 26,904 13,452 13,452
Ohio Red padlock.png July 2, 2014[21] 385,207 115,574[22] 231,148
Oklahoma Red padlock.pngInitiatives have 90 days to submit signatures. No additional signatures are accepted after 5:00 p.m. on the 90th day or after.[23] 155,216 82,782 51,739
Oregon Red padlock.png July 3, 2014 for initiatives and constitutional amendments.[24] For referendums, signatures must be submitted no later than 90 days after the final adjournment of the legislature. 116,284 87,213 58,142
South Dakota Red padlock.png November 4, 2013[25][26] 31,708 15,854 15,854
Utah Red padlock.png April 15, 2014[27] N/A 101,744 101,744
Washington Red padlock.png January 3, 2014 is the deadline for Initiatives to the Legislature. Red padlock.png July 3 is the deadline for Initiatives to the People. Red padlock.png July 11 is the deadline for referendums.[28] N/A 246,372 123,186
Wyoming Red padlock.png February 10, 2014[29] N/A 37,606 37,606

Key terms

See also

External links


  1. Alaska State Legislature website, accessed April 8, 2014
  2. Arizona Secretary of State "2014 Election Important Dates," accessed November 19, 2013
  3. Arkansas Secretary of State "Initiative and Referenda Handbook," accessed November 19, 2013
  4. California Secretary of State "How to Qualify an Initiative," accessed November 19, 2013
  5. CO Secretary of State, "2014 Initiative Calendar," accessed November 19, 2013
  6. Florida Secretary of State "2013-2014 Dates to Remember," accessed November 19, 2013
  7. Idaho Secretary of State "2014 IDAHO PRIMARY and GENERAL ELECTION CALENDAR," accessed April 28, 2014
  8. Chicago Board of Elections "2014 Election Calendar," accessed December 12, 2013
  9. Maine Secretary of State "2014 Election Calendar," accessed November 19, 2013
  10. Maryland Secretary of State "2014 Election Calendar," accessed November 19, 2013
  11. December 4, 2013, is the deadline for certified initiative signature petitions to be submitted to the secretary of state. Petitions are due to local registrars of voters two weeks prior to that deadline. For referendums, petitions must be submitted to the secretary of state within 90 days of the governor signing the targeted law.
  12. MA Secretary of State "State Ballot Questions 2014," accessed November 19, 2013
  13. MI Secretary of State "Initiative and Referendum Petitions," accessed December 3, 2013
  14. Mississippi Secretary of State "2014 Initiative Guide," accessed November 19, 2013
  15. MO Secretary of State "Missouri Initiative Process," accessed November 19, 2013
  16. MT Secretary of State "2014 Ballot Issues," accessed November 19, 2013
  17. July 4 is for initiatives. For referendum, less than 90 days after the final adjournment of the state legislative session at which the bill was passed.
  18. Nebraska Secretary of State "Initiative and Referendum Guide," accessed November 19, 2013
  19. NV Secretary of State "2014 Dates," accessed November 19, 2013
  20. ND Secretary of State "Ballot Measures," accessed November 19, 2013
  21. OH Secretary of State "Election 2014 Calendar," accessed November 19, 2013
  22. Ohio uses both direct and indirect initiated statutes. For the Legislature to consider an indirect statute, 115,574 signatures are needed, which equals three percent of the total number of ballots cast in the 2010 Governor's election. If the Legislature fails to qualify the statute, a sponsor must collect an additional 115,574 signatures.
  23. Oklahoma Secretary of State, "Filing of Signatures (34 O.S., Sections 4 & 8)," accessed August 27, 2014
  24. OR Secretary of State "Election Calendar 2014," accessed December 3, 2013
  25. November 4 was the deadline for initiatives. For referendum, petitions must be filed no later than 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature that passed the law.
  26. SD Secretary of State "Filing Deadlines," accessed November 19, 2013
  27. UT Lieutenant Governor's Office "Initiative Dates," accessed November 19, 2013
  28. WA Secretary of State "Elections Calendar," accessed November 19, 2013
  29. February 10 is the deadline for initiatives. For referendums, petitions must be filed no later than 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature.