Alabama state legislative Democratic primaries, 2018

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2018 Alabama
State Legislature elections
Flag of Alabama.png
GeneralNovember 6, 2018
PrimaryJune 5, 2018
Primary RunoffJuly 15, 2018
2018 elections
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The Democratic primary elections for the seats in the Alabama State Senate and the Alabama House of Representatives were on June 5, 2018, and the Democratic primary runoff elections were on July 17, 2018. For information about the Republican primary elections in Alabama, click here.

The general election was on November 6, 2018. The candidate filing deadline was February 9, 2018. In the state Senate, all 35 seats were up for election. In the state House, all 105 seats were up for election.

  • As of December 2017, Alabama was one of 26 Republican trifectas. A state government trifecta is a term used to describe a single-party government where one political party holds the governor's office and a majority in both chambers of the state legislature. To find out more about state government trifectas, click here.

  • Incumbents who did not advance to the general election

    Retiring incumbents

    One state Senate Democrat did not seek re-election.

    Eight state House Democrats did not seek re-election and one passed away prior to the elections.

    Incumbents defeated

    One state House incumbent was defeated in the primaries.


    See also: 2018 primary election competitiveness in state and federal government and Alabama state legislative Republican primaries, 2018

    As of 2018, Alabama held elections every four years. Compared to the 2014 elections, there were 17 more open seats, 37 more candidates running, 10 more contested Democratic primaries, and two more contested Republican primaries. The total number of incumbents facing primaries decreased by four, but the percentage of incumbents facing primaries increased by 1.7 percent.

    Year Total seats Open seats Total candidates Democratic primaries contested Republican primaries contested Total contested Incumbents contested in primaries Total incumbents contested in primaries
    2018 140 37 320 29 47 27.1% 36 35.0%
    2014 140 20 283 19 45 22.9% 40 33.3%

    Partisan control

    The tables below show the partisan breakdowns of the Alabama House of Representatives and the Alabama State Senate as of July 2018:

    Alabama House of Representatives

    Party As of July 2018
         Democratic Party 32
         Republican Party 71
         Vacancies 1
    Total 105

    Alabama State Senate

    Party As of July 2018
         Democratic Party 8
         Republican Party 26
         Independent 1
         Vacancies 0
    Total 35

    Voter information

    How the primary works

    A primary election is an election in which registered voters select a candidate that they believe should be a political party's candidate for elected office to run in the general election. They are also used to choose convention delegates and party leaders. Primaries are state-level and local-level elections that take place prior to a general election. Alabama uses an open primary system, in which registered voters do not have to be members of a party to vote in that party's primary.[2][3][4]

    For information about which offices are nominated via primary election, see this article.

    Poll times

    In Alabama, polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. According to state law, "All polling places in areas operating on eastern time shall open and close under this section pursuant to eastern time except the county commissions in Chambers County and Lee County may by resolution provide for any polling place to be excluded from this sentence and to be open according to central time."[5] An individual who is in line at the time polls close must be allowed to vote.[6]

    Registration requirements

    Check your voter registration status here.

    Alabama requires that an applicant be a citizen of the United States who resides in Alabama. A voter must be at least 18 years old on or before Election Day. A citizen cannot have been barred from registering due to a felony conviction and cannot have been declared mentally incompetent by a court.[7]

    Voters cannot register during the 14-day period preceding an election. According to the Alabama Secretary of State's website:[7]

    You may download the State of Alabama Postcard Voter Registration Application from this site. The form can be printed on your printer, filled out, and then mailed into your local voter registration officials. Click here for more information.

    You may also request a postcard voter registration from this office by e-mail. Click here to request a voter registration form.

    Voter registration is also available from your local County Board of Registrars. Click here to get the address and phone number for the board of registrars office in your county.

    You may also obtain voter registration services at the following state and local government offices and agencies:

    • Driver's licensing office
    • County and select municipal public libraries
    • Department of Human Resources
    • WIC Program, Department of Public Health
    • Medicaid Agency
    • Department of Rehabilitation Services

    The postcard voter registration form is also available at:

    • Public 4-year universities
    • Select private 4-year universities
    • Driver's licensing office
    • County and select municipal public libraries
    • Department of Human Resources
    • WIC Program, Department of Public Health
    • Medicaid Agency
    • Department of Rehabilitation Services[8]

    Automatic registration

    Alabama does not practice automatic voter registration.

    Online registration

    See also: Online voter registration

    Alabama has implemented an online voter registration system. Residents can register to vote by visiting this website.

    Same-day registration

    Alabama does not allow same-day voter registration.

    Residency requirements

    To register to vote in Alabama, you must be a resident of the state. State law does not specify a length of time for which you must have been a resident to be eligible.

    Verification of citizenship

    See also: Laws permitting noncitizens to vote in the United States

    An Alabama state law, passed in 2011, calls for people to provide proof of U.S. citizenship when registering to vote.[9] However, as of August 2024, the law had not been implemented.[10]

    In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states cannot require proof of citizenship with federal registration forms. That meant states would need to create a separate registration system for state elections in order to require proof of citizenship. Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill (R) said the following: "That’s an election administration nightmare ... You’d have to have two sets of poll books, one for federal elections and one for state elections, and that just doesn’t make any sense to me."[11]

    An individual applying to register to vote must attest that they are a U.S. citizen under penalty of perjury.

    All 49 states with voter registration systems require applicants to declare that they are U.S. citizens in order to register to vote in state and federal elections, under penalty of perjury or other punishment.[12] As of January 2025, six states — Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, and New Hampshire — had passed laws requiring verification of citizenship at the time of voter registration. However, only two of those states' laws were in effect, in Arizona and New Hampshire. In three states — California, Maryland, and Vermont — at least one local jurisdiction allowed noncitizens to vote in some local elections as of November 2024. Noncitizens registering to vote in those elections must complete a voter registration application provided by the local jurisdiction and are not eligible to register as state or federal voters.

    Verifying your registration

    The Alabama Secretary of State's Voter View website allows residents to check their voter registration status online.

    Early voting

    Absentee voting

    A voter is eligible to vote absentee/mail-in in an election if he or she cannot make it to the polls on Election Day for one of the following reasons:[13]

    • The voter will be absent from the county on Election Day.
    • The voter is ill or has a disability that prevents a trip to the polling place.
    • The voter is a registered voter living outside the county, such as a member of the armed forces, a voter employed outside the United States, a college student, or a spouse or child of such a person.
    • The voter is an appointed election officer or poll watcher at a polling place other than his or her regular polling place.
    • The voter works a required shift of 10 hours or more that coincides with polling hours.
    • The voter is a caregiver to a family member to the second degree of kinship who is confined to their home.
    • The voter is incarcerated and has not been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.

    Absentee/mail-in ballot application must be received by the seventh day prior to the election if delivered by mail, and by the fifth day before an election if delivered by hand.

    In the following circumstances, the deadline to apply for an absentee/mail-in ballot is 5 p.m. the day before the election:

    • The voter is required by an employer under unforeseen circumstances to be out of the county on Election Day for an emergency business trip.
    • The voter has a medical emergency requiring treatment from a licensed physician.
    • The voter is a caregiver of a person who requires emergency treatment by a licensed physician within five days before an election.
    • The voter has a family member to the second degree of kinship by affinity or consanguinity die within five days before an election.

    Alabama also provides for medical emergency absentee/mail-in voting for a voter who has a medical emergency requiring treatment from a licensed physician within 5 days of an election. A voted medical emergency absentee/mail-in ballot must be returned no later than noon on election day.[13]

    See also


    1. Bandy passed away in January 2018 and his seat was not filled ahead of the 2018 elections.
    2. National Conference of State Legislatures, "State Primary Election Types," accessed July 22, 2024
    3. Justia, "Alabama Code § 17-13-1," accessed July 22, 2024
    4. Justia, "Alabama Code § 17-3-30," accessed July 22, 2024
    5. Justia, "Alabama Code § 17-9-6," accessed July 20, 2024
    6. NAACP Legal Defense Fund, "Alabama Voter Information," accessed July 20, 2024
    7. 7.0 7.1 Alabama Secretary of State, "Voter Registration General Information," accessed July 20, 2024
    8. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
    9. Alabama Secretary of State, "Election Laws, Section 31-13-28," accessed March 1, 2023
    10. Phone conversation between Amée LaTour and Jeff Elrod, supervisor of voter registration with the Alabama Secretary of State office.
    11. Pew Trusts, "'Proof of Citizenship' Voting Laws May Surge Under Trump," November 16, 2017
    12. Under federal law, the national mail voter registration application (a version of which is in use in all states with voter registration systems) requires applicants to indicate that they are U.S. citizens in order to complete an application to vote in state or federal elections, but does not require voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the application "may require only the minimum amount of information necessary to prevent duplicate voter registrations and permit State officials both to determine the eligibility of the applicant to vote and to administer the voting process."
    13. 13.0 13.1 Alabama Secretary of State, "Absentee Voting Information," accessed July 21, 2024