Administrative Affairs Committee, Georgia State Senate

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Georgia State Senate
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Senate Committees

Administrative Affairs
Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
Banking and Financial Institutions
Economic Development and Tourism
Education and Youth
Government Oversight
Health and Human Services
Higher Education
Insurance and Labor
Interstate CooperationJudiciary
Natural Resources and the Environment
Public Safety
Reapportionment and Redistricting
Regulated Industries and Utilities
Science and Technology
State and Local Governmental Operations
State Institutions and Property
TransportationUrban Affairs
Veterans, Military and Homeland Security

Joint Committees
House Committees

The Administrative Affairs Committee is a standing committee of the Georgia State Senate.

Per the Senate Rules, committees of the Georgia State Senate are assigned by the Committee on Assignments. The Committee on Assignments is made up of the President of the Senate, President Pro Tempore, Majority Leader and two members appointed by the President.[1] Committees are assigned after each election.[2] At least a majority of members is considered a quorum, with ex officio members not counting towards quorum but being allowed to vote.[3] The President is not recognized as an ex officio member of any committee.

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: Senate Rules


The Committee on Administrative Affairs shall have the responsibility of employing, supervising, disciplining, and setting the compensation of all aides, secretaries and other personnel for the Senate, including the Senate Budget and Evaluation, Senate Press and Senate Research offices. The Committee shall supervise the purchase and allotment of supplies for the Senate. This Committee shall also supervise and approve all out-of-state travel of members of the Senate and staff. Pursuant to Senate Rule 2-1.2, this committee shall be composed of the President of the Senate, the President Pro Tempore, the Majority Leader, the Minority Leader, the Secretary of the Senate, and three members appointed by the President of the Senate. The Committee shall be chaired by the President Pro Tempore or his or her designee.[4][5]


2021-2022 legislative session

Administrative Affairs Committee, 2021-2022

Democratic members (2) Republican members (4) Third-party members(0)

2019-2020 legislative session

Administrative Affairs Committee, 2019-2020

Democratic members (1) Republican members (2) Third-party members(0)

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Administrative Affairs Members, 2017
Democratic members (1)Republican members (5)
Steve HensonDavid Shafer, Chair
Bill Cowsert
Lindsey Tippins
Renee Unterman
John Wilkinson


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.

Administrative Affairs Committee Members, 2013
Democratic members (1)Republican members (5)
Steve HensonDavid Shafer, Chair
Ronnie Chance
Tim Golden
William Jackson
Renee Unterman


The following table describes committee membership for the 2011 legislative session.


The following table describes committee membership for the 2009 legislative session.

External links


Current members of the Georgia State Senate
Minority Leader:Harold Jones
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
District 13
District 14
District 15
District 16
District 17
District 18
District 19
District 20
District 21
District 22
District 23
Max Burns (R)
District 24
District 25
District 26
District 27
District 28
District 29
District 30
District 31
District 32
District 33
District 34
District 35
District 36
District 37
District 38
District 39
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District 41
District 42
District 43
District 44
District 45
District 46
District 47
District 48
District 49
District 50
District 51
District 52
District 53
District 54
District 55
District 56
Republican Party (33)
Democratic Party (23)