Adelanto, California, Marijuana Excise Tax, Measure R (November 2016)

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Local ballot measure elections in 2016

Measure R: Adelanto Marijuana Excise Tax
LocalBallotMeasures Final.png
The basics
Election date:
November 8, 2016
Approveda Approved
Local marijuana tax
Related articles
Local marijuana tax on the ballot
November 8, 2016 ballot measures in California
San Bernardino County, California ballot measures
City tax on the ballot
See also
Adelanto, California

A marijuana tax measure was on the ballot for Adelanto voters in San Bernardino County, California, on November 8, 2016. It was approved.

A yes vote was a vote in favor of adopting a commercial marijuana activity excise tax of up to 5 percent of revenue.
A no vote was a vote against this proposal to adopt a commercial marijuana activity excise tax.

Election results

Measure R
Approveda Yes 4,031 67.74%
Election results from San Bernardino County Elections Office of the Registrar of Voters

Text of measure

Ballot question

The following question appeared on the ballot:[1]

Shall the Adelanto City Council be authorized to impose excise taxes, with no termination date, on each commercial marijuana activity business licensed or operating within the City of Adelanto in an amount of not more than five perent of the gross revenue attributable to that business's revenue earned from within the City of Adelanto, potentially generating millions of dollars annually in additional taxes for the City of Adelanto?[2]

Impartial analysis

The following impartial analysis of the measure was prepared by the office of the Adelanto City Attorney:

This measure authorizes the Adelanto City Council to adopt general excise taxes on businesses engaged in commercial marijuana activities within the City of Adelanto ("City"). As set forth by this measure, the City Council may adopt taxes of up to five percent of the revenue attributable to commercial marijuana activities occurring within the City. Taxable 'commercial marijuana activities include all business activities licensed, authorized, or otherwise permitted by State or local law.

The City adopted an ordinance on May 25, 2016 authorizing the cultivation and manufacturing of medical marijuana pursuant to permits issued by the City. This measure would authorize the City Council to adopt taxes of up to five percent of the revenue attributable to each of these activities within the City. Other commercial activities which may be subject to taxation could include transportation/distribution, testing, and dispensing of marijuana.

All revenues received by the City from these taxes must be deposited in the general fund to be used locally for the benefit of the City.

A "Yes" vote is in favor of adopting this measure and this commercial marijuana activity tax. A "No" vote is against adopting this measure and prevents the imposition of these taxes on commercial marijuana activities. If a majority of voters vote "Yes," then this measure will authorize the City Council for the City of Adelanto to adopt resolutions and ordinances imposing the prescribed taxes. This measure was placed on the ballot by the City Council.

The above statement is an impartial analysis of Measure R.[2]

—Adelanto City Attorney[3]

Full text

The full text of the measure was available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing local ballot measures in California

This measure was put on the ballot through a vote of the governing officials of Adelanto, California.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Adelanto Local marijuana tax. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

External links
