Abdi Gurhan Mohamed

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Abdi Gurhan Mohamed
Image of Abdi Gurhan Mohamed



Metropolitan State University

Business owner

Abdi "Gurhan" Mohamed was a candidate for District 3 representative on the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in Minnesota. He was defeated in the general election on November 7, 2017. Although park and recreation board elections are officially nonpartisan, Mohamed sought the endorsement of the DFL.[1]


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Mohamed earned a degree in business administration from Metropolitan State University. His experience includes work as a business owner, a strategy consultant, and a Somali Public Radio host.[2]



See also: Municipal elections in Minneapolis, Minnesota (2017) and Mayoral election in Minneapolis, Minnesota (2017)

Minneapolis, Minnesota, held a general election for mayor, all 13 seats on the city council, both elected members of the board of estimate and taxation, and all nine members of the park and recreation board on November 7, 2017. The filing deadline for candidates who wished to run in this election was August 15, 2017.

Incumbents ran for re-election to all but two of the city council seats. Ward 3 Councilman Jacob Frey filed to run for mayor instead, and Ward 8 Councilwoman Elizabeth Glidden opted not to run for re-election.[3]

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board District 3, 2017, Round 2
Candidate Vote % Votes Transfer
AK Hassan - Winner 57% 7,753 659
Abdi Gurhan Mohamed 43% 5,841 426
Charles Exner - Eliminated 0% 0 −2,069
Undeclared Write-ins - Eliminated 0% 0 −52
Exhausted 1,036 1,036
Total Votes 14,630 0
Note: Negative numbers in the transfer total are due to exhaustion by overvotes.

Legend:     Eliminated in current round     Most votes     Lost

This is the first round of voting. To view subsequent rounds, click the [show] button next to that round.

Campaign themes


Mohamed's campaign website listed the following priorities:

Expand Recreational Opportunities for Kids, Families, Residents, and Seniors
I believe that every Minneapolis kid deserves access to world-class parks and programs. I will work to fix the athletic fields at Riverside, Matthews, Peavey, and Powderhorn. I will connect with communities to ensure their local parks have the recreational amenities they want, including soccer fields, fitness programs, basketball courts, and senior living programs. I will push to expand Rec Center programming and hours to make them more accessible for all communities.

Support Sustainable Park Practices
Our parks are our city’s green spaces, and they should be cared for with green practices. I will support innovative maintenance methods that limit the use of pesticides–from chemical free repellents to goats. I will push to increase the amount of community gardens in neighborhood parks to provide additional green spaces and food sources for families. As a commissioner I will also make sure that all street trees are replaced in our neighborhoods in a timely fashion as old ones are removed due to ash borer.

Promote Equity
Our parks belong to every resident, family, senior, and kid. I believe park funding should be distributed in an equitable manner so that our most vulnerable neighborhoods and communities aren’t left behind. I will also work to make our parks more culturally relevant, increasing programming specific to Somali, Latino and Native American communities by working with those communities and getting their feedback on the amenities they prefer.[4]

—Abdi Gurhan Mohamed's campaign website, (2017)[5]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Abdi Gurhan Mohamed Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

Minneapolis, Minnesota Minnesota Municipal government Other local coverage
Minneapolis MN Seal.png
Seal of Minnesota.png
Municipal Government Final.png
Local Politics Image.jpg

External links
