Article IX, Mississippi Constitution

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Mississippi Constitution
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Article 9 of the Mississippi Constitution is entitled Militia. It has nine sections.

Section 214

Text of Section 214:

Persons Subject to Military Duty

All able-bodied male citizens of the state between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years shall be liable to military duty in the militia of this state, in such manner as the legislature may provide.[1]

Section 215

Text of Section 215:

Organization of Militia by Legislature

The legislature shall provide for the organizing, arming, equipping, and discipline of the militia, and for paying the same when called into active service.[1]

Section 216

Text of Section 216:

Appointment and Removal of Militia Officers

All officers of militia, except non-commissioned officers, shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the consent of the senate, or elected, as the legislature may determine; and no commissioned officer shall be removed from office except by the senate on suggestion of the governor, stating the ground on which such removal is recommended, or by the decision of a court-martial pursuant to law, or at his own request.[1]

Section 217

Text of Section 217:

Governor as Commander-in-Chief

The governor shall be commander-in-chief of the militia, except when it is called into the service of the United States, and shall have power to call forth the militia to execute the laws, repel invasion and to suppress riots and insurrections.[1]

Section 218

Text of Section 218:

Major-General; Brigadier-General

The governor shall nominate, and, by and with the consent of the Senate, commission one major-general for the state, who shall be a citizen thereof, and also one brigadier-general for each congressional district, who shall be a resident of the district for which he shall be appointed, and each district shall constitute a militia division.[1]

Section 219

Text of Section 219:


The adjutant-general, and other staff officers to the commander-in-chief, shall be appointed by the governor, and their appointment shall expire with the governor's term of office, and the legislature shall provide by law a salary for the adjutant-general commensurate with the duties of said office.[1]

Section 220

Text of Section 220:

Exemption of Militia from Arrest for Certain Offenses

The militia shall be exempt from arrest during their attendance on musters, and in going to and returning from the same, except in case of treason, felony, or breach of the peace.[1]

Section 221

Text of Section 221:

Appropriations for Mississippi National Guard

The legislature is hereby required to make an annual appropriation for the efficient support and maintenance of the Mississippi national guard, which shall consist of not less than one hundred men for each senator and representative to which this state may be entitled in the congress of the United States; but no part of such funds shall be used in the payment of said guard except when in actual service.[1]

Section 222

Text of Section 222:

Support of Mississippi National Guard by County Boards Supervisors

The legislature shall empower the board of supervisors of each county in the state to aid in supporting a military company or companies of the Mississippi national guard within its borders, under such regulations, limitations, and restrictions as may be prescribed by law.[1]

See also

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Additional reading
