Andrew Hurwitz

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Andrew Hurwitz

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United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit (senior status)
Present officeholder
Prior offices
United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit



Princeton University, 1968


Yale Law School, 1972

Andrew David Hurwitz is a federal judge on senior status with the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. He joined the court in 2012 after an appointment from President Barack Obama (D). At the time of his appointment, he was the vice chief justice of the five-member Arizona Supreme Court.[1][2]

On January 28, 2022, Hurwitz announced his intent to assume senior status upon the confirmation of his successor.[3] He assumed senior status on October 3, 2022.[2]


Early life and education

Andrew Hurwitz earned his bachelor's degree in public and international affairs, cum laude, from Princeton University in 1968, and his J.D. from Yale Law School in 1972.[1][2]

Military career

Hurwitz served in the Connecticut Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve from 1969-1975.[2]

Professional career

1992-1993: President, Arizona Board of Regents

Judicial career

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Nomination Tracker
Nominee Information
Name: Andrew David Hurwitz
Court: United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit
Confirmed 223 days after nomination.
ApprovedANominated: November 2, 2011
ApprovedAABA Rating: Unanimously Well Qualified
ApprovedAHearing: January 26, 2012
Hearing Transcript: Hearing Transcript
QFRs: (Hover over QFRs to read more)
ApprovedAReported: March 1, 2012 
ApprovedAConfirmed: June 12, 2012
ApprovedAVote: Voice vote

On November 2, 2011, President Barack Obama nominated Hurwitz to the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit to a seat vacated by Mary M. Schroeder.[4] President Obama commented on the nomination, stating,

Justice Hurwitz has proven himself to be not only a first-rate legal mind but a faithful public servant. It is with full confidence in his ability, integrity, and independence that I nominate him to the bench of the United States Court of Appeals.[5][6]

The American Bar Association rated Hurwitz Unanimously Well Qualified for the nomination.[7] Hearings on Hurwitz's nomination were held before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on January 26, 2012, and his nomination was reported by U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) on March 1, 2012. Hurwitz was confirmed by a voice vote of the U.S. Senate on June 12, 2012, and he received his commission on June 27, 2012.[2][8]

Arizona Supreme Court


2006 election

Arizona Supreme Court, Associate Justice
2006 General election results
Candidates Votes Percent
For retention Green check mark transparent.png 793,556 77.1%
Against retention 235,396 22.9%
  • Click here for 2006 General Election Results from the Arizona Secretary of State.

Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance rating

The Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously voted that Hurwitz met judicial performance standards. The JPR Commission simply votes if a judge meets or does not meet performance standards based on statistical information and information gathered from the public. The survey is also filled out by those presiding judges, attorneys, and superior court justices who rate the judge based on a five-tier system from poor to superior. The percentages shown below indicate what percent of the survey respondents selected superior, very good, or satisfactory.[9]

Summary categories Attorneys Superior Court Judges
Legal Ability 97% 100%
Integrity 97% 100%
Communication Skills 97% -
Judicial Temperament 97% -
Administrative Performance 98% 100%
Administrative Skills - -

Political ideology

See also: Political ideology of State Supreme Court Justices

In October 2012, political science professors Adam Bonica and Michael Woodruff of Stanford University attempted to determine the partisan ideology of state supreme court justices. They created a scoring system in which a score above 0 indicated a more conservative-leaning ideology, while scores below 0 were more liberal.

Hurwitz received a campaign finance score of -0.61, indicating a liberal ideological leaning. This was more liberal than the average score of 0.1 that justices received in Arizona.

The study was based on data from campaign contributions by the judges themselves, the partisan leaning of those who contributed to the judges' campaigns, or, in the absence of elections, the ideology of the appointing body (governor or legislature). This study was not a definitive label of a justice, but an academic summary of various relevant factors.[10]

Noteworthy cases

Bloggers have same protection as journalists from defamation suits (2014)

Crystal Cox, author of the website, was sued by Kevin Padrick and his company, Obsidian Finance, over statements she wrote on her website. Padrick and Obsidian claimed that the statements were defamatory in nature. A federal district court found for the plaintiffs on one statement; the rest of Cox’s statements were dismissed as protected opinions. Cox contended she was a journalist, but the district court asked for proof before it would accept the argument. In the end, she could offer no proof, and Padrick and Obsidian were awarded $2.5 million in compensatory and punitive damages. Cox appealed the ruling.

A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled on January 17, 2014, in an opinion written by Judge Andrew Hurwitz, that bloggers have the same protection from defamation suits as journalists and that this protection required the plaintiffs to prove in court that the blogger used actual malice when posting the statements online. The phrase actual malice was defined in New York Times v. Sullivan as knowingly or recklessly making false statements. In other words, the plaintiff had to prove that what the defendant said was untrue and knew it to be untrue when it was said. Further, the court held that another benchmark defamation case applied to bloggers: Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. That case gave private individuals a right to sue for defamation, but limited awards only for compensatory damages.

The Ninth Circuit held that Padrick, who was the subject of the one defamatory statement made by Cox, was a private individual because the statements were made about his role as a bankruptcy trustee appointed by a court. Therefore, he was unable to receive punitive damages.


Shark fin ban case (2013)

See also: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (Chinatown Neighborhood Association v. Brown, 13-15188)

Judge Hurwitz was a member of a three-judge panel that ruled a ban on shark fins was not racially driven. Along with Judge John Noonan and Judge Stephen Reinhardt, Hurwitz heard a case where Chinese-Americans were attempting to have an injunction issued on a California law that banned the practice of shark finning. The process, which involved catching sharks, removing the fins, and returning the dead shark back to the water was banned in 2012. The Chinatown Neighborhood Association asked for the injunction on the grounds that the law, which took effect in 2012, was racist, since shark fin soup is a common dish and tradition in the Chinese-American community. Judge Phyllis Hamilton, a district court judge, ruled that the legislators who drafted the law had no intention of discriminating against the Chinese-Americans and denied an injunction. The Chinatown Neighborhood Association appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the three-judge panel affirmed the lower court's ruling, stating,

The District Court did not abuse its discretion in determining that Chinatown failed to prove a likelihood of irreparable harm... Chinatown offered only evidence suggesting that business owners would suffer some economic harm from operation of the Shark Fin Law.[11][6]

See also

External links


Political offices
Preceded by
United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit
Succeeded by