Andrew P. Jensen, Jr.

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Andrew P. Jensen, Jr.
Basic facts
Role:Managing principal, Cushman & Wakefield and the Boerke Company, Inc.
Location:Milwaukee, Wis.
Education:• University of Wisconsin-Madison

Andrew P. Jensen, Jr. is a managing principal with Cushman & Wakefield and the Boerke Company, Inc., in Milwaukee, Wis. Jensen has spent several decades in the commercial real estate market. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with a degree in real estate.[1]

John Doe investigations

See also: John Doe investigations related to Scott Walker

Two John Doe investigations, beginning in 2010 and ending in 2015, were launched by Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm (D) into the activities of staff and associates of Gov. Scott Walker (R).[2] Jensen was pulled into the first of the John Doe investigations related to Scott Walker during an investigation of the bidding process on Milwaukee County office space lease.[3][4]

Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney, Bruce Landgraf had Jensen, who was involved with the deal, arrested without being charged for "failure to cooperate" with the investigation in December 2011.[5] Jensen was cleared of any wrongdoing. No one was ever charged with any wrongdoing related to the lease.[6][4][7]

Recent news

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See also
