Annabel Chapa-Canales

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Annabel Chapa-Canales

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Annabel Chapa-Canales is the judge for the justice of the peace court in Duval County, Texas (Precinct 2).[1][2] She was elected in 2014 to a term that began on January 1, 2015, and expired on December 31, 2018.[3]



See also: Texas judicial elections, 2014
Chapa-Canales ran for election to the Duval County Justice Court.
Primary: She was successful in the Democratic primary on March 4, 2014, receiving 52.6 percent of the vote. She competed against Evelyn M. Garcia.
General: She won without opposition in the general election on November 4, 2014. [1][4][2] 


Before her election to the court, Chapa-Canales worked as a legal secretary and paralegal for a law firm in San Diego, Texas. She also previously worked for law firms in Corpus Christi and for the Duval County Attorney’s office and the Brooks County District Attorney’s office.[5]

See also

External links
