Wisconsin Question 1, Judicial Salary Increase Amendment (April 1963)

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Wisconsin Question 1

Flag of Wisconsin.png

Election date

April 2, 1963

State judiciary


Legislatively referred constitutional amendment

State legislature

Wisconsin Question 1 was on the ballot as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment in Wisconsin on April 2, 1963. It was defeated.

A "yes" vote supported amending the constitution to allow for judicial salary increases during the term of office.

A "no" vote opposed amending the constitution to allow for judicial salary increases during the term of office.

Election results

Wisconsin Question 1

Result Votes Percentage
Yes 216,205 39.17%

Defeated No

335,774 60.83%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Question 1 was as follows:

Shall section 26 of article IV of the state constitution be amended so that the legislature will be authorized to increase the compensation paid to justices of the supreme court and judges of other courts during their term of office?

Constitutional changes

Note: Use your mouse to scroll over the text below to see the full text.

(Article IV) Section 26. The legislature shall never grant any extra compensation to any public officer, agent, servant or contractor, after the services shall have been rendered or the contract entered into; nor shall the compensation of any public officer be increased or diminished during his term of office. The prohibition against increasing compensation during a term of office shall not apply to justices of the supreme court or to judges of other courts. This section shall not apply to increased benefits for teachers under a teachers' retirement system when such increased benefits are provided by a legislative act passed on a call of yeas and nays by a three-fourths vote of all the members elected to both houses of the legislature.[1]

Path to the ballot

See also: Amending the Wisconsin Constitution

A simple majority vote is required during two legislative sessions for the Wisconsin State Legislature to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot. That amounts to a minimum of 50 votes in the Wisconsin State Assembly and 17 votes in the Wisconsin State Senate, assuming no vacancies. Amendments do not require the governor's signature to be referred to the ballot.

See also


  1. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source.