Washington 2023 ballot measures

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Zero statewide ballot measures were certified to appear on the Washington ballot on November 7, 2023.

  • Signatures for veto referendums needed to be submitted by July 22, 2023.
  • The deadline to submit signatures for an Initiative to the Legislature (ITL) passed on December 30, 2022, with no campaigns submitting signatures.
  • The deadline to submit signatures for an Initiatives to the People (ITPs) passed on July 7, 2023, with no campaigns submitting signatures.
  • The 2023 state legislative session ran from January 9 to April 29, 2023.
  • Getting measures on the ballot

    See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in Washington

    Citizens of Washington may initiate legislation as either a direct state statute— called Initiative to the People (ITP) in Washington— or indirect state statute— called Initiative to the Legislature (ITL) in Washington. In Washington, citizens also have the power to repeal legislation via veto referendum. Citizens may not initiate constitutional amendments. The Washington State Legislature, however, may place legislatively referred constitutional amendments on the ballot with a two-thirds (66.67%) vote in each chamber. The Washington Legislature may refer measures to the 2023 ballot during its 2023 legislative session.

    The number of required signatures for Initiatives to the People and veto referendums in 2023 are based on the numbers of votes were cast for candidates for the office of governor in 2020. To qualify an ITP or ITL for the 2023 ballot, 324,516 valid signatures are required.

    ITL: The first day to file an Initiative to the Legislature was March 9, 2022. The last day to submit signatures for Initiatives to the 2023 Legislature was December 30, 2022, by 5:00 p.m. local time.[1]

    ITP: The last day to submit signatures for Initiatives to the People targeting the 2023 ballot was July 7, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. local time.[1]

    VR: For veto referendums, signatures must be filed with the secretary of state within 90 days after the adjournment of the legislative session at which the targeted legislation was passed. To qualify a veto referendum for the 2023 ballot, 162,258 valid signatures are required.[1]

    Local ballot measures

    See also: Washington 2023 local ballot measures

    Ballotpedia covered local ballot measures on four election dates in King, Thurston, and Spokane counties in Washington.

    To read about local ballot measures in Washington, click here.

    Historical facts

    See also: List of Washington ballot measures and History of Initiative & Referendum in Washington

    In Washington, a total of 201 ballot measures appeared on statewide ballots between 1985 and 2021. One hundred seven ballot measures were approved, and 94 ballot measures were defeated.

    Washington statewide ballot measures, 1985-2021
    Total number Annual average Annual minimum Annual maximum Approved Defeated
    # % # %

    Ballot initiative certification rates

    See also: Ballot initiatives filed for the 2022 ballot

    The following table shows the rate of certification for ballot initiatives in Washington between 2010 and 2021:

    Washington statewide ballot initiatives filed and certified, 2010-2021
    Year Ballot initiatives filed Certified
    # %

    Odd-year ballot measures in Washington

    A total of 61 measures appeared on the statewide ballot in Washington during odd years between 1999 and 2021. 56% (34) were approved and 44% (27) were defeated.

    Washington statewide ballot measures in odd years, 1999-2021
    Years Total number Approved Percent approved Defeated Percent defeated Annual average Annual median Annual minimum Annual maximum
    Odd years (1999-2021) 61 34 55.74% 27 44.26% 5.55 5 2 15

    Not on the ballot

    Initiatives to the Legislature

    See also: Initiatives to the Legislature

    Type Number Title Subject Description Sponsor Status
    ITL 1524-1528 Capital Gains Taxes Initiative Taxes Changes laws relating to capital gains taxes in Washington (each version varies) Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1500 Repeal Capital Gains Tax Initiative Taxes Repeals the 7% capital gains tax enacted in 2021 Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1502 Withdraw from National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Initiative Elections and campaigns Withdraws Washington from the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1499 Prohibit Income Taxes and Repeal Capital Gains Tax Initiative Taxes Prohibits income taxes and repeals the 7% capital gains tax enacted in 2021 Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1498 Reduce Sales Tax Rate Initiative Taxes Reduces the retail sales tax from 6.5% to 4.5% Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1494 Limit on Governor Executive Proclamations Initiative State executive officials Requires emergency proclamations and health emergency orders to expire after 30 days unless extended by the state legislature Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Public Availability of Education Materials Initiative Education Requires public education providers to provide education materials and other related information public and displayed online Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1496 Limit Applicability of Firearm Purchases and Possession Restrictions Initiative Firearms Makes certain state laws regulating the sale, purchase, and possession of firearms apply only to "felony firearm offenders" and those who have been convicted of a "serious offense" (as defined) Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1501 Vehicular Pursuits of Peace Officers Law enforcement Changes the requirements for when a peace officer may engage in a vehicular pursuit Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1503 Felony Possession of Controlled Substances Initiative Law enforcement and Drug crime policy Changes the knowing possession of controlled substances from a misdemeanor to a class C felony; makes other changes Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Reduce Fuel Licensee Tax Rate Initiative Taxes and Transportation Reduces the fuel licensee tax rate by 24.7 cents per gallon and dedicates sales tax revenue from vehicles to the motor vehicle fund Joel Ard Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Prohibit Estate Taxes Initiative Taxes Prohibits the imposition of state estate taxes on people who die on or after December 7, 2023 Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1447 Prohibit Cap and Tax Programs and Repeal Greenhouse Gas Emission Cap and Invest Program Initiative Taxes and Environment Prohibits state or local government from creating cap and tax programs; repeals the greenhouse gas emission cap and invest program created under the 2021 Washington Climate Commitment Act Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Voter Approval of Tax Increases Initiative Taxes Requires tax increases to expire after one year unless approved by voters Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Voter Approval Requirement for Tax Increases Initiative Taxes Requires voter approval for the legislature to increase taxes; requires tax increases to expire after one year unless approved by voters Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1458 Prayer in Public Schools Initiative Religion and Education Requires public schools to enforce the daily recitation of a prayer before the Pledge of Allegiance and at school assemblies Terry Hagan Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1482 Withdraw State from National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Initiative Elections and campaigns Withdraws Washington from the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Michael McKee Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1505 Ballot Auditing Company Initiative Elections and campaigns Requires a company to conduct a hand-audit of ballots before the certification of results of each general election Sharon Hanek Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Legislative Extension Requirement for Governor Executive Proclamations Initiative State executive officials Requires legislative extension of emergency proclamations by the governor; makes other changes to governor emergency orders (length and other provisions vary by version of initiative) Michael McKee Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Legislative Extension for Governor Executive Proclamations and Health Policy Orders Initiative State executive officials, Healthcare, COVID-19 Limits governor's emergency orders and health secretary's orders to expire after 30 days unless authorized by the state legislature Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1478 Education Materials Provided to Parents Upon Request Initiative Education Requires public education providers to provide education materials and other related information to parents within seven days upon written request Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1491 Prohibit Taxes on Personal Income and Capital Gains Income Measure Taxes Prohibits state and local governments from imposing a tax based on capital gains income and personal income, whether it is described as a payroll tax, income tax, or excise tax; repeals the 7% capital gains tax enacted in 2021 Jim Walsh and Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1492 Possession of Controlled Substances Felony Classification Initiative Law enforcement and Drug crime policy Changes the knowing possession of controlled substances from a misdemeanor to a class C felony; makes other changes Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Prohibit State and Local Government Limits on Purchasing Firearms Initiative Firearms Prohibit state and local governments from limiting the purchase or ownership of firearms Larry Jensen Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1466 Civil Liabilities for Individuals or Entities Prohibiting Firearms on Property Initiative Firearms Makes individuals or entities that prohibit firearms on property they own civilly liable for certain damages to people who would otherwise be allowed to possess firearms Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1467 Peace Officer Vehicular Pursuit Initiative Law enforcement Changes the requirements for when a peace officer may engage in a vehicular pursuit Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1474 Peace Officer Vehicular Pursuit Requirements Initiative Law enforcement Reduces certain requirements for when a peace officer may engage in a vehicular pursuit Michael McKee Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Limit Applicability of Firearm Restrictions Initiative Firearms Makes certain state laws regulating the sale, purchase, and possession of firearms apply only to "felony firearm offenders" and those who have been convicted of a "serious offense" (as defined) Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Sales Tax Rate Reduction Initiative Taxes Reduces the state retail sales tax rate from 6.5% (reduction varies by version to 5.5%, 5.0%, or 4.5%) Michael McKee Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1511, 1523 15-Week Abortion Ban Initiative Abortion Prohibits abortions after 15 weeks and allow abortion-related prosecution Jan Decker Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Repeal Capital Gains Tax and Prohibit Taxes Based on Personal Income Initiative Taxes Prohibits taxes based on personal income and repeals the 7% capital gains tax enacted in 2021 Larry Jensen Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1506 Repeal 7% Capital Gains Tax Initiative Taxes Repeals the 7% tax on capital gains above $250,000 Michael McKee Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1473 Repeal Long-Term Services and Trust Program Initiative Taxes and Healthcare Repeals the Washington Cares trust program that provides long-term care services and that is funded through a premium on wages Michael McKee Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Age of Consent to Receive Certain Health Services and Abortion Initiative Healthcare and Abortion Increases the age of consent for a minor to seek treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, mental health, substance abuse to 16; prohibits the state from funding abortions for those under 16 unless the minor's life is in danger Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1463 Fuel Licensee Tax Rate Reduction Initiative Taxes and Transportation Reduces the fuel licensee tax rate by 24.7 cents per gallon and dedicates sales tax revenue from vehicles to the motor vehicle fund Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1465 Prohibit State and Local Governments from Requiring Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Initiative Healthcare, COVID-19 Prohibits state or local government from requiring proof of a COVID-19 vaccine to enter a public or private place Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1471 Universal Public Healthcare Coverage Initiative Healthcare Creates the Washington Health Trust "to ensure all Washington residents can enroll in nonprofit health insurance coverage providing an essential set of health benefits" including medical, prescription, dental, and vision benefits Andre Stackhouse Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1455 State Sales Tax Rate Reduction Initiative Taxes Reduces the state retail sales tax rate from 6.5% to 4.5% Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Property Tax Rate Limits Initiative Taxes Sets property tax rates beginning in 2023 at 25% below the amount provided for by current law; limits rate increases to 1% each year unless voters approve an additional increase; removes property taxes from property that sales or use tax was collected on Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Property Tax Exemption Initiative Taxes Exempts the first $250,000 of a property's value from state property taxes in 2024 and increases the exemption in 2025 and each year after by the percentage of growth in the previous year's tax levy Michael McKee Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Temporary Common Schools Property Tax Rate Reduction Initiative Taxes Reduces the state property tax funding common schools to $0.00 until 2024, then limits the rate to a maximum of $3.60 per $1,000 in assessed value Jim Walsh Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Prohibit Marijuana Cultivation, Processing, and Sales in Residential Zones Initiative Marijuana Prohibits the cultivation, processing, and sales of marijuana in areas zoned as residential Regis Costello Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1535 Limits on Motor Vehicle Taxes and Fees Initiative Taxes and Transportation Limits annual registration renewal fees to $30 for vehicles under 10,000 pounds; creates other restrictions on vehicle taxes and fees Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1536, 1554 Visitation of Inmates Initiative Prisons Restricts the Department of Corrections from denying family visitation except under certain circumstances Samantha Campbell Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL Multiple versions Birthdate and Signature Verification for Mailed Ballots Initiative Suffrage Requires a voter's birthdate and signature to be verified before processing their mailed ballot Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1566 Prohibit Candidate Appearance on Ballot if Under Investigation Initiative Elections and campaigns Prohibits a candidate's name from appearing on a ballot if the individual is under investigation or indictment for treason, sedition, or subversive activities Roberta Fontenot Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITL 1585 Changes to Eminent Domain Initiative Eminent domain Prohibits a candidate's name from appearing on a ballot if the individual is under investigation or indictment for treason, sedition, or subversive activities Anneliese Feld Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    Initiatives to the People

    See also: Initiatives to the People

    Type Number Title Subject Description Sponsor Status
    ITP Multiple versions Signature and Birthdate Verification of Mail-In Ballots Initiative Suffrage and Voting policy measures Prohibit sending mail-in ballots to those who are not U.S. citizens; require a voter's birthdate and signature to be verified before processing their mailed ballot Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP Multiple versions Limit Motor Vehicle Taxes and Fees Initiative Taxes and Transportation Limit annual registration renewal fees to $30 for vehicles under 10,000 pounds; create other restrictions on vehicle taxes and fees Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP Multiple versions Prohibit Government Limits on Purchasing and Owning Firearms Initiative Firearms Provides that the state government cannot limit "a law-abiding citizen’s right to purchase or own a firearm used for personal protection or its ammunition unless a uniform federal standard is required" Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP Multiple versions Voter Approval or One-Year Expiration of Tax Increases Initiative Taxes Require state tax increases to expire after one year unless approved by voters Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP Multiple versions Remove Estate Taxes Initiative Taxes Remove estate taxes on the estates of people who die on or after December 7, 2023 Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP Multiple versions Prohibit Taxes on Personal Income and Repeal Capital Gains Tax Initiative Taxes Prohibits taxes based on personal income and repeals a capital gains tax Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP Multiple versions Property Tax Reduction Initiative Taxes Reduces property taxes by 25% and limit property tax increases to 1% annually unless approved by voters Tim Eyman Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP 1947 Prohibit Marijuana Cultivation, Processing, and Distribution in Residential Zones Initiative Marijuana Prohibit the cultivation, processing, and sales of marijuana in areas zoned as residential Regis Costello Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP Multiple versions Restrict Use of Physical Restraint and Isolation or Seclusion in Schools Initiative Education Restricts public education providers from using physical restraint and isolation as punishment Richard Pope Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP 2004 Right to Produce, Harvest, and Consume Food Initiative Food and agriculture Provide for the right to save and exchange seeds, and to produce, harvest, grow, and consume food Samuel Payne Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    ITP 2005 Require Judicial Report to Law Enforcement Regarding Child Sexual Abuse Initiative State judiciary Require judges in Washington presiding over legal proceedings to report child abuse allegations Albert Coburn Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    Veto referendums

    Type Number Title Subject Description Sponsor Status
    VR R-101 Dawn Land Parental Notification Requirements for Homeless and Runaway Youth Seeking Gender-Related or Reproductive Health Services Referendum LGBT issues and Abortion Seeks to overturn Senate Bill 5599, passed by the Washington State Legislature, which was designed to exempt certain homeless youth shelters and host homes from parental notification requirements for minors seeking or receiving gender-related treatment or reproductive health services Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    VR R-106 Rebecca Faust Homeless Youth Shelter Parental Notification Requirements Referendum LGBT issues and Abortion Seeks to overturn Senate Bill 5599, passed by the Washington State Legislature, which was designed to exempt certain homeless youth shelters and host homes from parental notification requirements for minors seeking or receiving gender-related treatment or reproductive health services Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    State profile

    Demographic data for Washington
    Total population:7,160,290316,515,021
    Land area (sq mi):66,4563,531,905
    Race and ethnicity**
    Black/African American:3.6%12.6%
    Native American:1.3%0.8%
    Pacific Islander:0.6%0.2%
    Two or more:5.2%3%
    High school graduation rate:90.4%86.7%
    College graduation rate:32.9%29.8%
    Median household income:$61,062$53,889
    Persons below poverty level:14.4%11.3%
    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "American Community Survey" (5-year estimates 2010-2015)
    Click here for more information on the 2020 census and here for more on its impact on the redistricting process in Washington.
    **Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

    Presidential voting pattern

    See also: Presidential voting trends in Washington

    Washington voted for the Democratic candidate in all seven presidential elections between 2000 and 2024.

    Pivot Counties (2016)

    Ballotpedia identified 206 counties that voted for Donald Trump (R) in 2016 after voting for Barack Obama (D) in 2008 and 2012. Collectively, Trump won these Pivot Counties by more than 580,000 votes. Of these 206 counties, five are located in Washington, accounting for 2.43 percent of the total pivot counties.[2]

    Pivot Counties (2020)

    In 2020, Ballotpedia re-examined the 206 Pivot Counties to view their voting patterns following that year's presidential election. Ballotpedia defined those won by Trump won as Retained Pivot Counties and those won by Joe Biden (D) as Boomerang Pivot Counties. Nationwide, there were 181 Retained Pivot Counties and 25 Boomerang Pivot Counties. Washington had four Retained Pivot Counties and one Boomerang Pivot County, accounting for 2.21 and 4.00 percent of all Retained and Boomerang Pivot Counties, respectively.

    More Washington coverage on Ballotpedia

    See also

    External links
