Telecommunications and Utilities Committee, New Jersey General Assembly

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New Jersey
General Assembly
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State and Local GovernmentTelecommunications and Utilities
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Senate Committees

The Telecommunications and Utilities Committee is a standing committee of the New Jersey General Assembly.

Per Section 10.1 of the General Assembly Rules, committees of the New Jersey General Assembly are appointed by the speaker of the house. Assembly members are appointed to standing committees at the commencement of every annual session.[1] The speaker of the house shall appoint a chair and vice-chair of each standing committee.[2] The speaker, majority leader and the minority leader shall be ex-officio members of all standing reference committees, but have no voting rights.[3]

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: Rules of the General Assembly 2020-2021


The 2020-2021 New Jersey General Assembly rules described the function of standing committees as outlined below.

Each standing reference committee, within its subject area, is authorized to: (a). consider and report bills and resolutions referred to it. Bills and resolutions may be reported to the General Assembly with or without amendments, or by committee substitute; (b). determine whether laws and programs are effective and implemented in accordance with the intent of the Legislature by – (1) conducting investigations and studies of public entities responsible for the application, administration and execution of the laws and programs; (2) meeting with public officials and citizens responsible for or involved with the application, administration and execution of the laws and programs; (3) reviewing books, papers, documents, records and other data pertaining to the application, administration and execution of laws and programs; (4) holding public hearings; (5) issuing reports; and 6) making recommendations to the General Assembly as the committee deems appropriate; and (c). perform other duties as the Speaker or the General Assembly may direct.[4][5]


2023-2024 legislative session

Telecommunications and Utilities Committee, 2023-2024

Democratic members (5) Republican members (3) Third-party members(0)

2020-2021 legislative session

Telecommunications and Utilities Committee, 2020-2021

Democratic members (5) Republican members (3) Third-party members(0)

2016 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2016 legislative session.

Telecommunications and Utilities Members, 2016
Democratic members (6)Republican members (2)
Wayne DeAngelo, ChairGail Phoebus
Benjie Wimberly, Vice-ChairBrian Rumpf
Joseph Egan
Eric Houghtaling
Eliana Pintor Marin
Andrew Zwicker

2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

2014 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2014 legislative session.


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2010 legislative session.

External links


Current members of the New Jersey General Assembly
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
District 14
District 16
District 17
District 18
District 19
District 20
District 21
District 22
District 23
District 24
District 25
Aura Dunn (R)
District 26
District 27
District 28
District 29
District 30
Sean Kean (R)
District 31
District 32
District 33
District 34
District 35
District 36
District 37
District 38
District 39
District 40
Al Barlas (R)
Democratic Party (52)
Republican Party (28)