Terry Nealey

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Terry Nealey
Image of Terry Nealey
Prior offices
Washington House of Representatives District 16-Position 2
Successor: Skyler Rude



Washington State University, 1969


Gonzaga University Law School, 1974


Terry Nealey (b. January 30, 1947) is a former Republican member of the Washington House of Representatives, representing District 16-Position 2 from 2009 to 2019.


Nealey obtained a bachelor's degree from Washington State University and a J.D. from Gonzaga University Law School. He was previously a partner of Nealey and Marinella, and president of Dayton Title Company.[1]

Committee assignments

2017 legislative session

At the beginning of the 2017 legislative session, this legislator served on the following committees:

Washington committee assignments, 2017
Technology and Economic Development

2015 legislative session

At the beginning of the 2015 legislative session, Nealey served on the following committees:


In the 2013-2014 legislative session, Nealey served on the following committees:


In the 2011-2012 legislative session, Nealey served on the following committees:


In the 2009-2010 legislative session, Nealey served on the following committees:

Campaign themes


Nealey's campaign website highlighted the following issues:

State Budget

Ensuring adequate projected funding is available to invest in specific projects prior to committing funding is crucial. In addition, it is imperative the "rainy day" fund be replenished for that purpose only; an economic downturn and not for new programs or to fund overspending. Historically, revenues are cyclic and implementing new programs in high revenue years will not only create a burden or loss of funding for those programs in years with fewer revenues, it is fiscally irresponsible. I am a fiscal conservative and will use your tax dollars cautiously.


The paramount responsibility of the Washington State Legislature is to educate the youth of the State. Our educational system is an essential component in the successful future of our communities, state and nation. In addition to working to advance legislation to improve the current system and promote quality education in our schools, I will also encourage investment in workforce development.

Economic Health of our Communities

A strong economic base is essential to the long-term sustainability and strength of our communities, counties and state. Working to improve the business climate in Washington is crucial to encourage new business and permit existing businesses to thrive and prosper. Excessive taxes, increased health care costs and over regulation are crippling private enterprise in Washington, severely hampering an employer's ability to maintain or create jobs and/or offer benefits. I will work toward eliminating the obstacles that impede business development in our state.

Energy Sources

The exploration of all energy sources is not only environmentally sound, it is economically beneficial; e.g., reduced energy costs and additional jobs in our communities. I have extensive experience working with wind energy. We have great renewable resources in our district and a highly trained work force to further develop wind, solar, hydro, biomass and nuclear technology and to put it to use!


There is no district more synonymous with agriculture than the 16th Legislative District. Having been raised on a diversified farm in Southeastern Washington and having represented many farmers in various legal capacities, I am a strong advocate and educated proponent of the industry. I will oppose any legislation that is detrimental to agriculture in general while supporting legislation that will benefit agriculture in Washington State.[2]

—Terry Nealey[3]

The following table lists bills this person sponsored as a legislator, according to BillTrack50 and sorted by action history. Bills are sorted by the date of their last action. The following list may not be comprehensive. To see all bills this legislator sponsored, click on the legislator's name in the title of the table.



See also: Washington House of Representatives elections, 2018

Terry Nealey did not file to run for re-election.


See also: Washington House of Representatives elections, 2016

Elections for the Washington House of Representatives took place in 2016. The primary election was held on August 2, 2016, and the general election was held on November 8, 2016. The candidate filing deadline was May 20, 2016.

Incumbent Terry Nealey defeated Gary Downing in the Washington House of Representatives, District 16-Position 2 general election.[4]

Washington House of Representatives, District 16-Position 2 General Election, 2016
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.png Terry Nealey Incumbent 67.94% 32,860
     Democratic Gary Downing 32.06% 15,507
Total Votes 48,367
Source: Washington Secretary of State

Gary Downing and incumbent Terry Nealey defeated Ricardo Espinoza in the Washington House of Representatives District 16-Position 2 top two primary.[5][6]

Washington House of Representatives, District 16-Position 2 Top Two Primary, 2016
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic Green check mark transparent.png Gary Downing 29.11% 6,020
     Republican Green check mark transparent.png Terry Nealey Incumbent 62.45% 12,914
     Republican Ricardo Espinoza 8.44% 1,746
Total Votes 20,680
Source: Washington Secretary of State


See also: Washington House of Representatives elections, 2014

Elections for the Washington House of Representatives took place in 2014. A blanket primary election took place on August 5, 2014. The general election was held on November 4, 2014. The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was May 17, 2014. Incumbent Terry Nealey was unopposed in the primary.[7][8][9] Nealey defeated Frank Blair (D) in the general election, a Democratic write-in candidate.[10]

Washington House of Representatives, District 16-Position 2 General Election, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngTerry Nealey Incumbent 73.2% 24,497
     Democratic Frank Blair 26.8% 8,967
Total Votes 33,464


See also: Washington House of Representatives elections, 2012

Nealey ran in the 2012 election for Washington House of Representatives District 16-Position 2. Nealey ran unopposed in the blanket primary on August 7, 2012. The general election took place on November 6, 2012.[11]


See also: Washington State House of Representatives elections, 2010

Terry Nealey was re-elected to the Washington House of Representatives District 16-Position 2. He ran unopposed in the August 17 primary and was unopposed in the November 2 general election.

Washington House of Representatives, District 16-Position 2 Primary (2010)
Candidates Votes Percent
Green check mark transparent.png Terry Nealey (R) 22,975 100%


See also: Washington House of Representatives elections, 2008
Washington House of Representatives, District 16-Position 2 General election (2008)
Candidates Votes Percent
Green check mark transparent.png Bill Grant (D) 27,648 53.87%
Terry Nealey (R) 23,673 46.13%

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Terry Nealey campaign contribution history
2016Washington House of Representatives, District 16-Position 2Won $91,470 N/A**
2014Washington House of Representatives, District 16-Position 2Won $82,255 N/A**
2012Washington State House, District 16-Position 2Won $48,125 N/A**
2010Washington State House, District 16-Position 2Won $268,381 N/A**
2008Washington State House, District 16-Position 2Lost $72,267 N/A**
2006Washington State House, District 16-Position 2Lost $9,475 N/A**
** Data on expenditures is not available for this election cycle
Note: Totals above reflect only available data.


See also: State legislative scorecards and State legislative scorecards in Washington

A scorecard evaluates a legislator’s voting record. Its purpose is to inform voters about the legislator’s political positions. Because scorecards have varying purposes and methodologies, each report should be considered on its own merits. For example, an advocacy group’s scorecard may assess a legislator’s voting record on one issue while a state newspaper’s scorecard may evaluate the voting record in its entirety.

Ballotpedia is in the process of developing an encyclopedic list of published scorecards. Some states have a limited number of available scorecards or scorecards produced only by select groups. It is Ballotpedia’s goal to incorporate all available scorecards regardless of ideology or number.

Click here for an overview of legislative scorecards in all 50 states. To contribute to the list of Washington scorecards, email suggestions to editor@ballotpedia.org.


In 2018, the Washington State Legislature, second session, was in session from January 8 through March 8.

  • Associated General Contractors of Washington House and Senate
Legislators are scored based on their votes on legislation supported by the organization.
Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to the state’s business community.
Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to home building industry issues.
Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
Legislators are scored on how they voted on firearm policies.
Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to environmental issues.
Legislators are scored on whether they voted for or against WSLC's position.








Missed Votes Report

See also: Washington House of Representatives and Washington State Senate

In March 2014, Washington Votes, a legislative information website, released its annual Missed Votes Report, which provides detailed missed roll call votes on bills for every state legislator during the 2014 legislative session.[15] The 2014 regular session included a total of 515 votes in the State House and 396 in the State Senate, as well as 1,372 bills introduced total in the legislature and 237 bills passed. Out of all roll call votes, 90 individual legislators did not miss any votes. Three individual legislators missed more than 50 votes.[15] Nealey missed 73 votes in a total of 1211 roll calls.

Freedom Foundation

See also: Freedom Foundation's Big Spender List (2012)

The Freedom Foundation releases its Big Spender List annually. The Institute ranks all Washington legislators based on their total proposed tax and fee increases. To find each legislator’s total, the Institute adds up the 10-year tax increases or decreases, as estimated by Washington’s Office of Financial Management, of all bills sponsored or co-sponsored by that legislator.[16]


Nealey proposed a 10-year increase in state taxes and fees of $1.6 million, the 84th highest amount of proposed new taxes and fees of the 93 Washington state representatives on the Freedom Foundation’s 2012 Big Spender List.

See also: Washington Freedom Foundation Legislative Scorecard (2012)

The Freedom Foundation also issued its 2012 Informed Voter Guide for Washington State voters, including a legislative score card documenting how Washington State legislators voted upon bills the Foundation deemed important legislation. The legislation analyzed covered budget, taxation, and pension issues.[17] A Approveda sign indicates a bill more in line with the Foundation's stated goals, and a Defeatedd sign indicates a bill out of step with the Foundation's values. Here's how Nealey voted on the specific pieces of legislation:

2012 House Scorecard - Terry Nealey
Bill #6636 (Balanced budget requirement)Approveda Bill #5967 (House Democrats budget)Defeatedd Bill #6582 (Local transportation tax increases)Defeatedd Bill #6378 (Pension reforms)Approveda


Note: Please contact us if the personal information below requires an update.
Nealey and his wife, Janice, have two children.

Recent news

This section displays the most recent stories in a Google News search for the term "Terry + Nealey + Washington + House"

All stories may not be relevant to this legislator due to the nature of the search engine.

See also

External links


Political offices
Preceded by
Washington House of Representatives District 16-Position 2
Succeeded by
Skyler Rude (R)

Speaker of the House:Laurie Jinkins
Majority Leader:Joe Fitzgibbon
Minority Leader:Drew Stokesbary
District 1-Position 1
District 1-Position 2
District 2-Position 1
District 2-Position 2
District 3-Position 1
District 3-Position 2
District 4-Position 1
District 4-Position 2
Rob Chase (R)
District 5-Position 1
District 5-Position 2
District 6-Position 1
Mike Volz (R)
District 6-Position 2
District 7-Position 1
District 7-Position 2
District 8-Position 1
District 8-Position 2
District 9-Position 1
Mary Dye (R)
District 9-Position 2
District 10-Position 1
District 10-Position 2
Dave Paul (D)
District 11-Position 1
District 11-Position 2
District 12-Position 1
District 12-Position 2
District 13-Position 1
Tom Dent (R)
District 13-Position 2
District 14-Position 1
District 14-Position 2
District 15-Position 1
District 15-Position 2
District 16-Position 1
District 16-Position 2
District 17-Position 1
District 17-Position 2
District 18-Position 1
District 18-Position 2
John Ley (R)
District 19-Position 1
Jim Walsh (R)
District 19-Position 2
District 20-Position 1
District 20-Position 2
Ed Orcutt (R)
District 21-Position 1
District 21-Position 2
District 22-Position 1
District 22-Position 2
District 23-Position 1
District 23-Position 2
District 24-Position 1
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District 25-Position 1
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District 26-Position 1
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District 27-Position 1
District 27-Position 2
Jake Fey (D)
District 28-Position 1
District 28-Position 2
District 29-Position 1
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District 30-Position 1
District 30-Position 2
District 31-Position 1
District 31-Position 2
District 32-Position 1
Cindy Ryu (D)
District 32-Position 2
District 33-Position 1
District 33-Position 2
District 34-Position 1
District 34-Position 2
District 35-Position 1
District 35-Position 2
District 36-Position 1
District 36-Position 2
Liz Berry (D)
District 37-Position 1
District 37-Position 2
District 38-Position 1
District 38-Position 2
District 39-Position 1
Sam Low (R)
District 39-Position 2
District 40-Position 1
District 40-Position 2
District 41-Position 1
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District 42-Position 1
District 42-Position 2
District 43-Position 1
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District 45-Position 1
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District 46-Position 1
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District 47-Position 1
District 47-Position 2
District 48-Position 1
District 48-Position 2
Amy Walen (D)
District 49-Position 1
District 49-Position 2
Democratic Party (59)
Republican Party (39)