Signature distribution requirements for ballot initiatives

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A signature distribution requirement, also known as a geographic signature requirement, is a law that provides that ballot initiative petitions must be signed by voters from multiple political subdivisions, such as counties or legislative districts, in order for the initiative to qualify for the ballot.

Of the 26 states that provide for statewide citizen-initiated ballot measures, 16 states require signature distribution requirements.

  • Seven states have distribution requirements based on counties;
  • Five state have distribution requirements based on state legislative districts; and
  • Four states have distribution requirements based on congressional districts.

Washington, D.C., as well as some cities throughout the U.S., also have distribution requirements for local citizen-initiated ballot measures, which are often based on ward districts.

  • Election on November 5, 2024: Voters in Arizona rejected Proposition 134, which would have established a distribution requirement based on legislative districts.
  • Election on August 8, 2023: Voters in Ohio rejected Issue 1, which was designed to expand the state's distribution requirement for initiated constitutional amendments from 50% to 100% of the state's 88 counties, among other changes.
  • Adopted in 2023: The Arkansas General Assembly expanded the state's signature distribution requirement from 15 to 50 (of 75) counties.
  • Requirements by state

    Sixteen (16) states require signature distribution requirements for initiatives and referendums, including:

    • Seven states with distribution requirements based on counties;
    • Five state with distribution requirements based on state legislative districts; and
    • Four states with distribution requirements based on congressional districts.

    Ten (10) states with an initiative and referendum process do not have signature distribution requirements. The following map provides information on initiative signature distribution requirements:

    See also


    1. Mississippi Supreme Court, "In Re Initiative Measure No. 65: Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler V Michael Watson, in His Official Capacity as Secretary of State for the State of Mississippi," May 14, 2021
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 In Mississippi, the distribution requirement is based on five congressional districts. However, Mississippi has four congressional districts, meaning it's not possible for campaigns to collect the required number of signatures.
    3. Arizona State Legislature, "SCR1015," accessed June 13, 2023
    4. Arkansas State Legislature, "House Bill 1027," accessed July 12, 2023
    5. Ohio State Legislature, "Senate Joint Resolution 2," accessed May 16, 2023
    6. Idaho State Legislature, "Senate Bill 1110," accessed June 20, 2023
    7. Boise State Public Radio, "Idaho Supreme Court Strikes Down New Ballot Initiative Restrictions," August 23, 2021
    8. Arkansas State Legislature, "House Joint Resolution 1008," accessed June 23, 2023
    9. Idaho State Legislature, "Senate Bill 1159," accessed June 29, 2023
    10. Idaho State Legislature, "House Bill 296," accessed June 29, 2023
    11. Montana State Legislature, "House Bill 244," accessed June 27, 2023
    12. Montana State Legislature, "House Bill 245," accessed June 27, 2023
    13. Michigan State Legislature, "House Bill 6595," accessed June 28, 2023
    14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 United States Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit, "Eggers v. Evnen," August 31, 2022
    15. United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, "ACLU v. Lomax," July 26, 2006
    16. U.S. District Court for Montana, "Montana PIRG v. Johnson," March 28, 2005
    17. 17.0 17.1 United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, "Idaho Coalition United for Bears v. Cenarrusa," September 8, 2003
    18. Utah Supreme Court, "Gallivan v. Walker," August 26, 2002
    19. U.S. Supreme Court, "Moore v. Ogilvie," May 5, 1969
    20. Michigan Supreme Court, "League of Women Voters of Michigan v. Secretary of State," January 24, 2022
    21. 21.0 21.1 Idaho Supreme Court, "Reclaim Idaho v. Denney," August 23, 2021
    22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, "Semple v. Griswold," August 20, 2019
    23. United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, "Brief of the States of Arkansas, Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia as Amici Curiae Supporting Defendant-Appellant," July 27, 2022
    24. National Conference of State Legislatures, "Initiative and Referendum Task Force," accessed July 24, 2023
    25. University of Arkansas Extension, "Legislators Propose Requiring Ballot Issue Petitions from 50 Counties," March 2, 2023
    26. Ellis, Richard J. 2003. "Signature Gathering in the Initiative Process: How Democratic Is It?" Montana Law Review 84 (1): 35-63.